^ Can keep Sean Connery busy elsewhere for as long as he wants to!
< Is not sure who would make a good roommate... as < is unsure as to why she's in the freakin' room in the first place, but is pretty sure it had something to do with Agaib and his dom thing.
V Is far better at keeping track of the "story" than < is.
I am just glad I read this now, when I'm in the process of going out and getting all of these things. I'm definitely passing this info on to everyone I know with kids, or expecting! Thank you, Adara for putting this up!
^ Should know by now that < can barely handle what's going on in the orgy at this point anyway!
< Is completely lost as to where everyone is... but know that < is stuck in a locked room... again, but this time it's in another dimension… presumably.
V Isn't so sure.