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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Because she was very impatient. Why?
  2. Rigger
  3. Is it "Talk like a Pirate" Day again already? Trae?
  4. The Birdcage (movie)
  5. No, but I might. Would you be surprised if I told you that I'm craving it?
  6. Night (sorry )
  7. Because he was a control freak. Why?
  8. Ranger
  9. Right-ee-o. Trae?
  10. Free as a Bird (song)
  11. Because the government is very good at making work for itself. Is dill part of a healthy diet?
  12. Sunshine (I refuse to quote that silly song! )
  13. Because they never had to make any decisions. Why?
  14. Rarer
  15. Umm... well... I don't want you to catch cold. Trae?
  16. Dutch Bird (movie)
  17. Not really, I'm pretty sure I've already got it. Should I be concerned?
  18. Bitty
  19. Because they found life easier that way. Why?
  20. Racecar
  21. Oh, don't be modest! Trae?
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