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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Because he's a self important moron who is living up to Texan stereotypes and making everyone look bad. Is there a gun rack on Air Force One now?
  2. Me either. I have never liked passive agressive people.
  3. Because it's easier to look down on tall people from there. Why?
  4. Tim Curry
  5. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am getting ready to go see one of my many doctors. I am admitting that after this baby is born, if I never see another doctor it'll be too soon. I am however looking forward to having it out, again, with the nurse though. I hate that bitch.
  6. Hubby and I are thinking about getting a new computer anyway, so there's really no point in upgrading this one. If we keep this one around, then maybe... but I seriously doubt it.
  7. I have... obviously. (Oh, and if people would stop putting their own wants and needs before that of their children to come, we wouldn't need nearly as many medical interventions in that area. And people who won't adopt need to get over themselves... sorry... I'm not going to rant.) I have never needed much to get me going on a rant.
  8. Do you really think you'll get to China through that hole in the backyard? Of course, they're Americans.
  9. Fix your own damn problems first... it's called setting a good example. Why has America never understood this?
  10. Strawberry (as in... Fields Forever)
  11. ^ Has the best acronyms! < Enjoys them, but doesn't have many stored away and easily accessible. V Keeps everything easily accessible.
  12. Guilty. JDRF, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, cuz... well... ya know... I'm diabetic. G/NG - Only supports charities for diseases if they know someone with that disease.
  13. True enough, I keep forgetting such things. Red?
  14. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am amazed by this discovery. I am generally annoyed, not only by the show itself, but by Raymond's voice. I am thinking that Everybody does not love Raymond.
  15. Engorge
  16. Amy Poehler
  17. Because pride is fun. why?
  18. That's me alright, and I know what you mean about the allergies. The sneezing in this house has been insane. quamp?
  19. Could you take this tribble off my hands? But, that doesn't make any sense.
  20. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking I should start contemplating dinner... I am rememberng that hubby's working late, so it's just me... and I'm not hungry yet.
  21. Enlarge
  22. Could very well be. Red?
  23. Very guilty. G/NG - Feels bad for elephants. (Did you know they are pregnant for two years?? Sheesh!)
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