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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2015 in all areas

  1. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    soon grass hopper, soon...the clock slowly ticks down as quiet men take to the battlefield that is their stage, the stage that has seen the play of violence and blood performed countless times for no audience but the Gods; the fickle Gods for whose amusement men die in a sea of their own blood! Oh and someone will probably get shot or something
    2 points
  2. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Hmmm, after the blizzard, he lost a bit more so he's somewhere around 60 percent machine now. Both arms above the elbow, both legs below the knees, both eyes, lungs and heart (did that so he would have room to mount a nanite mainframe an microfusion generator in his chest. and of course the interfaces so he can link with his internal computer (the interface) that allows him to run all his prosthetics as if it were still his body parts. Oh by the way Shadows in the Grass Chapter & is up...sorry, its a mushy one...guess I'm feeling all lovey dovey lately
    2 points
  3. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Oh there will be naked girls in the battle...I'm a sick sick man
    1 point
  4. *sigh* did you read my post about the stone? Also maybe pick up on the maybe too subtle hints that I've dropped throughout the last 3 chapters?I'm deliberately writing some of these chapters without my normal level of observer omniscience. What you're seeing is a biased narrative through the lens of someone's eyes. It's called having an unreliable narrator, and the entire point is for the reader to try to discover the real narrative. That being said, your response basically confirms that my choice is working, although maybe too well. The next chapter will feature both Lara and Hanson's perspectives as well as some 3rd person omniscient format, which hopefully will address your grievances with the updates. I assume you're also responsible for the latest review, to which I can only give you a sad face and hope I can convince you that I've made the right choices further down the line.
    1 point
  5. Melrick

    Games- Fallout: New Vegas

    There's a Fallout and Fallout 3 category already there so I'm thinking DG might consolidate them into one Fallout Series category instead, like we do with other series.
    1 point
  6. Can't wait for the fireworks to start everything has been way too quiet
    1 point
  7. magusfang

    thought of the day

    Thanks, you too. And from a vet let me say we are honored to stand the wall.
    1 point
  8. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Nope, Max tries the Mumbo jumbp sci-fi shuff;e, bit nothing works...I won't tell you how they resolve it but it should be s surprise
    1 point
  9. Flexy68

    Magusfang's Corner

    Of course Magusfang, the bad guys would be so distracted looking at Max and the war spiders they wouldn't see the security spiders or butterflies shooting them in the back of the necks with knockout darts! ROFL They wouldn't even be expecting the "girls" to snipe them one at a time from the back to the front! Or dose them with nanites and let Legion get pissed at them after reading all the good intel from their minds! Ooh the possibilities!!!!! Happy 4th everyone!!!!!
    1 point
  10. Rescue25

    Magusfang's Corner

    Maybe Joanne has a few nanites and they suddenly call in the troops?? Last few chapters just a cameo appearance of the bad guys. 2 more chapters before they pull the attack?? To those that say the loving interaction is too much - why the hell are you reading this IF yo don't like it???? The Master if at work and most of "us:" really like what he is doing. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY. B
    1 point
  11. that-one-guy

    Magusfang's Corner

    He hinted at that when he was revealing the new toys in the lab. Can't remember what chapter.
    1 point
  12. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Happy fourth: Oops, wrong fire cracker
    1 point
  13. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Max as a war spider hmmmm.... Or he stands with like six behind him, smiles, snaps his fingers ans all six spiders' miniguns start turning at once and the missile launchers all turn and point at the bad guy..."Meet my little friends..."
    1 point
  14. Just an android? I'd love to see him driving a fully loaded mechanoid with all the bells and whistles and aim a missile straight at a bad guy as he stands there dumbfounded.
    1 point
  15. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    He's done that before, the orphanage in book 1 and Volstok's dacha in book two, but he's an adrenaline junkie and prefers the personal touch. Could be more of that, remember they all have backup bodies in the lab,,,just in case And you might see him driving an android again...maybe...
    1 point
  16. Samara

    Magusfang's Corner

    hay magus why don't you give max his own android avatar which is virtually connected with him .. that way it'd make him almost invincible against the SG.. tell me guys what do you think of my idea..
    1 point
  17. Come on this is magus it might be good or might be bad but we know it will be twisted. Two things He does well: twisted and cliffhangers
    1 point
  18. Great Chapters the Master is back! If that happens when legion is happy what happens if he gets angry? Will all his new found emotions affect the twins now since they are linked?
    1 point
  19. that-one-guy

    Magusfang's Corner

    Mushy, but I feel an onslaught approaching
    1 point
  20. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Like that, everyone is gonna be so mad when they see what happened LOL
    1 point
  21. Guest

    HP/DM fic search

    I have been looking for this particular fic for a while. Hopefully someone here can help me. I don't remember the name or author just some of the plot. - is a dark Harry - Harry is torturing Ron with Draco watching - Granger is Draco's slave and was forced to watch Harry torture Ron - Longbottom lead a rescue mission to rescue the Slytherine from the so call "Light" side - all the Slytherines were tortured by the light side. Some were beaten. Some were starved - Luna was raped by the Light side
    1 point
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