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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2023 in all areas

  1. Been working on a story recently and I’m thinking about the way I am writing the story partly. I asked a while before about inspiration from other stories and this is the story I’m doing for it. I just started writing it because I felt the plot bunny running. So what I did was sorta began with an internal monologue of an entire story line. At least up until the story where I wanted to go forward with the story. It involves the main character seducing another character which they then use to help seduce someone else. After a kind of “recap” of how the first seduction happened, I go straight into the second seduction. Partly I’m thinking if the first seduction is something I should actually play out as the very first chapter. Though I’m enjoying how the story is playing out the way it is. Where do you come down on giving character/story development directly versus recapping it?
    1 point
  2. It has been a LONG while since I’ve been active here! And I don’t know how many this will reach but here goes. About ten years ago, someone reached out and I’m guessing gave me a link to one of their stories, possibly for the purpose of me trying to be a beta? I’m not sure: I really suck at being a beta. As shown because I finally went through my files and found it. I’ve already asked my closest friends but it’s a no from them. IF ANY OF YOU HAS EVER SHARED A STORY WITH ME, PLEASE LET ME KNOW: this story is good and I would like to tell the author and apologize.
    1 point
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