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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Wow… I was just sitting here, writing, thinking up interesting ways for Clegane to kill some people who had pissed him off, and then Tormund… He happened to someone. *whistles* To be fair, he is kind of angry – well, furious – but… bloodyhell… even Clegane is just standing there, in awe.
    1 point
  2. Ginevra

    Throw your ideas in here!

    Free to good home. 1 Plot Bunny, gender unknown. I watched a recent episode of Stargate Atlantis. After Col. Sheppard managed to escape from a rather attractive space nomad (pirate), the regular cast members are sitting around a table, discussing his adventure. Sheppard has carefully avoided describing his captor and Rodney catches on: "She was hot wasn't she?" And he goes on to make a brief rant: "Why is it, when you get captured, it's by the sexy alien? When I get captured it's always the Wraith or the Replicators or something like that. Why can't I get captured by the sexy alien for once?" I'm quoting from memory, so forgive me if I am inaccurate. But that was the gist. Is that not daring the Universe to meddle in your affairs or what? If they don't do an episode like that this season they should be soundly flogged. If I were more comfortable with the fandom and not already overrun with rabid plot bunnies, I might take him up on that dare and write a "be careful what you wish for" kind of story. If I were to write it, it would probably be hetero, but do with it what you will. If you do choose to adopt this homeless little plot bunny, please let drop me a line. I'd love to see what it looks like all grown up.
    1 point
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