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  1. DirtyAngel

    Magusfang's Corner

    You take better care of yourself Sniper, you have people who love you and believe it or not they need you! I don't blame your SO for being angry, you're not a kid anymore! Men, so damn stubborn, think you're 21 all your life!
    2 points
  2. Sniper014

    Magusfang's Corner

    She is finally talking to me again. she said that she should have kicked me in the butt, but then she would have opended the other new scar on my body. Seems that not only was I hit in the right leg but took a stray round in the butt. It is really fun to drive with a donut tube on the set to rest my butt in. Good thing I learned to drive left foot when I broke my ankle in 1994 before I retire the first time. And you are right and she said the same thing that I was not 21 anymore and that when I get shot or hurt now it takes longer for my old body to heal. So to please her I took her out to dinner and shopping, because she like to shop and she stated that it would not be the same if I was not there to shop with her. So I made a phone call with her standing in front of me and told the person on the other end of the line to lose my number for the rest of their and this countriys existance. Then I blocked all their numbers and changed my phone numbers. I will just have to see if them honor it and hopefully will not get anymore calls. I really love her to much to lose her because of the ABC people. Please keep Fangface safe because he needs to keep loving you and his family for now. Talk with you and Magus later. Also Major hope you enjoy your retirement and do not get stupid like me by letting them lead you into another fire fight.
    1 point
  3. DirtyAngel

    Magusfang's Corner

    like i sad, men!
    1 point
  4. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    be careful she doesnt put you down, break your legs would be an effective way to keep you home LOL
    1 point
  5. Sniper014

    Magusfang's Corner

    I told them that this was the last mission (phone call) from them. Hate being patched up in my sixties because I move slower now. Also even though I have newer lens in my eyes, my sighting onto the bad ones is getting harder to keep the scope on them. She know that I want where I should have gone to because of the two new scars on my body and newer limp in the right leg where I took one hit. She told me she could make it a set match by. Kicking me in the left leg and as mad as she was I beiieved that she would have done it and would have had pleasure doing it. Bth ofv you keep safe and keep your love ones safe also. Will be awaiting newer chapters. Have a nice evening.
    1 point
  6. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    i've decided that i don't want to risk a second of the time i have left with my family. if there's anything i regret about my life its all the time i spent away from them, everything i missed, never again so dont worry about me.
    1 point
  7. Sniper014

    Magusfang's Corner

    Da keep fangface in line for the rest bof us. Be sure he really means that he has retired. The reason that I have been gone. For awhile is that I took a call from certain people and when I got back I caught hell from my better half for doing another job for them after I was out of that business for over twenty years, but told her that I could not let my friends and their families down. Hate sleeping alone at night. If he tries to go on another job tie him to a tree by the cabin. My better half told me she would put a weight around my feet and see if I could walk on water after that. The lake in my back yard is deep and cold as iut bius spring feed.Keep him happy and keep after him for his writing. I read in the shoutoiut that you are writing also. When are you planning to release anything. It will be nice to read other stories from the Magus family members. Keep it going and have a nice time building your new cabin. Tell Magus that we are waiting for more of his great stories.
    1 point
  8. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    yep, been for 16 years so I think we'll keep her.
    1 point
  9. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    she's a wild one, but we wouldn't have her any other way get out of my head....but no close though...actually no... god, i'm such an ass
    1 point
  10. Sniper014

    Magusfang's Corner

    I hate cell phones. Like I stated above just got back and like you in a spot that had no signal also. Started reading the chapters that I missed and sorry about the people who died (only the good ones) (hottie bad ones). Was nice to see legion getupsetat the death of his girlriend and advenge her death with the bad guys on the beach, the sub and the room with the hostages in it. Hope that the children were knocked out by legion before he took out the two bad guys. They Have been through hell and do not need to see anymore. Will be waiting for the next chapter. If you tell us it will be awhile we are all sure that S.A. will let us know as we believe that she is the spy on your world for us. Ha ha. Have a nice day.
    1 point
  11. After a particularly stressful event (either the failed wedding, anything including all fiancees, rivals, fathers, etc... or a particularly evil stunt by Nabiki), Girl-Ranma ends up drawning her sorrows in a bar. Drunk enough to lose all inhibitions but not enough to forget what happened, she wakes up the next morning in bed with a complete stranger (maybe more than one, and at least one guy), and realises she loved it. Like it always does when he/she is in Nerima, badness ensues (badness completely unrelated with her one-night-stand... i know, pronons with Ranma are a bitch), and Ranma gets fed up with the lack of honor and care from everyone around him, and decides to leave for good. To add insult to injury, he decides to lock himself in his girl-form and find work in the sex industry. Must include: Ranko having sex with boys and girls alike, and possibly hermaphrodites (possibility for crossovers) Ranko participating in groupsex. Ranko having sex on camera, and becoming an amateur pornstar. Ranko convincing girls she meets to join her business (NOT necessarily girls from the show) Ranko being officially disowned. The fathers trying to convince Ranko to marry Soun. Nabiki trying to make money of Ranko's new situation... and it backfiring badly. Akane having one of her tantrums, and Ranko retaliating. The Amazons trying to either kill or convince Ranko to join their people. Nodoka trying to enforce the pledge and not being able to because Ranko is NOT a Saotome anymore. Ranko does NOT give up the art, even if she can't perform her father's school anymore. She's developped her own style for so long it's completely and utterly new. Ultimately, Ranko opens her own brothel, where she employs mostly girls who are in the same kind of situation (runaways, huge debts, orphans, etc...) May include: Ranko having sex with some of the guys from the show. Ranko having sex with (some of) the girls from the show, and convincing them of joigning her new line of work. Ranko having sex with Taro in either/both forms. Ranko taking the fathers as clients, with the fathers trying to inpregnate her... and failing. Ranko may even prefer having Genma as a panda (less disgusting in her opinion, she doesn't think he rates much as a guy). Ranko convincing Herb to "embrace" his feminity. Ranko having Happosai as a client and discovering he is too old for sex. She ends up being fondled and fingered during their sessions, and they talk a lot.
    1 point
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