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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2014 in Posts

  1. So when I see stories with very poor grammar and punctuation, bordering on chatspeak or textspeak or whatever these crazy kids call it these days... I question whether the author is telling the truth about being over the age of 18. Seriously. Think about it a moment. Most of us have figured out by age 18 how to write, if not 100% correct, at least close enough to get by pretty well. The few exceptions I've found have been the kind of people that don't enjoy writing and wouldn't do it in their free time, or didn't have English as their first language. I don't think grammar is a lost art though, in fact, I think we're seeing a renewed interest in it by the number of grammar snobs that are cropping up. It's like the technologically literate are starting to push back against the illiterate that are infiltrating their domain. We went from using 1337 to set ourselves apart to using perfect grammar while online to set ourselves apart from the people that don't type as well as we do... On websites other than this one, I just assume simple ignorance or not enough experience with typing, thereby making the person more likely to take shortcuts.
    2 points
  2. Torquere Press has put out a free anthology of flash fiction all based on a central theme... "Please Don't Feed the Alligators." There are some wonderful authors featured in this collection of flash fiction, and I am absolutely tickled to have a story in this anthology: "The Herpetologist and the Honeymoon." So, stop on by and get a copy. The price is right, after all!
    1 point
  3. Congratulations, my friend. I bet you are thrilled to be included since it could increase the sell of your other books. I'm so happy for you.
    1 point
  4. Trust me, it's not just underagers. My sister in law, may the gods keep her on the other side of the country, sends me emails in text speak. From her iPhone.
    1 point
  5. I saw #1 more than 20 years ago at an SF convention. I don't remember the name of it, but I can provide a couple more details (which I'm hoping I remember accurately) that may help you in your search. --There were 3 guys with bomb collars. They were all convicted criminals who were being forced to stop a criminal or terrorist plot as a sort of "community service." The collars were to prevent them from trying to escape. --The story involved a tower that was so tall, it needed a kind of gyroscope-like system on one of its upper floors to keep it stable. Also, I second Muhabba's speculation that #4 is AKIRA.
    1 point
  6. !) Sounds like Gantz, maybe. (it's been a while since I seen it) 4) Sounds like Akira Well that's all I got. The rest sound familar but I'm really old. Good luck.
    1 point
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