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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2013 in all areas

  1. Heya chica! Just wanted to tell you that I'm slowly but surely reading the latest chapters but I've been soooo busy lately that I'm reading it agonizingly slow! I've already finished ch 12(I think...the chapter title is something about Medusa and the green eyed monster!)and I've noticed the changes and they're pretty good!God I feel soooo honored that you took my opinion into consideration! Maaan...I just found The Worst disadvantage of living in my country!I mean I love my country despite all its downsides but this is just annoying! I have this MONUMENTAL crush on one of my female classmates (I like to consider myself bisexual ).Well...not technically 'classmates' as we have no classes in common.And I'm like, 79.6% sure she has a crush on me,too!But neither of us can nor are willing to do anything about it 'cause we can't just straight walk and ask and it's sooooo frustrating!I don't suppose you have any suggestions on what to do now do you?
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