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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2011 in all areas

  1. Archive profile You know, all we asked of this person, was that she return AFTER she was 18 years old. That's not much to ask, right? The user has a whole FIVE MONTHS to wait until she can start posting here. 5 months and 3 days, to be precise. But now, because this person opted to not only ignore the emailed responses she got, but to come back and brag about it? This person is never, EVER allowed back.
    1 point
  2. DemonGoddess


    And here we go again! Here is his archive profile. Oh yeah, has a forum profile too! First, we were monitoring this person for spamming the archive with a ton of unstories. Then, there was the duplicate stories for awhile. And now, we come to find, he's a STORY THIEF. Publication dates tell the tale... As does the copy/pasta... Of course, taking all the spacing out, misspelling things and whatnot, still does not take away from the fact that this person plagiarised another. See ya...
    1 point
  3. Archive profile See this? 157 stories. That's right. 157. All with the same damn thing. Except a name change. So, I asked if I could delete this spammer/troll....THING. Imagine my surprise, when I found out, that this person has been trolling the archive off and on since 2002. EIGHT YEARS. Well, enough is enough, yes? No more of your garbage unstories are allowed here.
    1 point
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