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  1. Guest

    Week 18: 2-6-11

    Pen Name: ZipFlopOhMyGod Story Link: We R Who We R Type: Drabble Fandom: Original! Warnings: AFFO, NoSex, OC, Lang.
    1 point
  2. FairySlayer "So, is this just to create a positive association between relaxation & pleasure and the chosen bride in Edward? Or is she just trying to calm him so he'll stop yammering? I can imagine all sorts of things she (or her pets) could do to a helpless big brother. It's an interesting, and effective, teaser for the next part." My dearest Slayer of Fairies and childhood dreams: It is my firm belief that this would not be the first time Aine has fed her dear brother something to stop his yammering. I can imagine things the Colin would like to do to a helpless Edward in retribution, but in this case, Aine has not completed Connor's lesson yet. Nor has she upheld her promise. I was so hoping the prompt this week would lead to voyeuristic fairies and schmex, but I counsel patience for myself as well as the readers. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to review. Love ya for it! PW
    1 point
  3. ZipFlopOhMyGod: " Poppy tea, when made right, is quite delicious. I like how you've turned the prompts into a cohesive story. I can't wait to see what the next chapter will be. " Let's hope Edward likes poppy tea! Thank you forthe compliment. I usually can't wait to see what the next chapter will be as well. Thanks for reading and taking the time to review. Gslinger " Dear Delightfully Wicked Mistress Pittwitch: Wow! Delightfully wicked ... grins stupidly at praise. Knowing what I do of Wicca Ways, yes males honor the Goddess through the high prestess, and take somewhat a back seat in the power department, yet I never made any connection with such a thing as submissive pets and BDSM games that takes in your series of your tales. My little microcosm world is loosely based on actual practices, and very much more on my imagination. I firmly embrace males honoring their goddesses. I can't tell you more details about Connor's relationship with Aine, as I hope the prompts will lead me to where I see this story concluding. Wouldn't want to put the cart before the horse and all. I will tell you, that as this grew from only a drabble, it has picked up near the end of their story. As the prompts fall, I hope to add more details to this relationship, to show Connor's true role. As it is, loosely playing with the time frame, I'm placing this at the point where society was turning away from the matriarchal/naturalistic towards the patriarchal/organized church/politics. But there is a rich malevlent dark side to the fairies and elfs of elder world they weren't all pink and precious they had cruel side. I so wholeheartedly concur! They appariently consider human servants vastly inferior to them. So I recognise such behavior might be acceptable under certain situations... after all its a fantasy. It amuses me that Aine's refine tone and speach becomes much more formal during her disaplained bouts, as she wacks male bottoms and other parts into submission. Aine sees these "sessions" as instructional, but is so torn by the affection that has grown in her for Connor. As the author, I can tell you that the affection she harbors will be frowned upon in the future. Being the rebelous person I am, I would find it difficult to hold affection for anything or anyone, who would seem to get off on my pain, I just don't swing that way I guess. Again, I wholeheartedly concur. Some people, for reasons beyond my comprehension, enjoy it very much. But for some reason your main nearly incestous bro/sis characters are not terribley likeable to me they seem too vain and too selfishly, self envolved to the point they don't care about anyone, but having their wills and desires obeyed, almost to the point of madness. Oh my, if you only knew what I knew, you'd be very angry with me. The true relationship between Edward and Aine will not be completely clear until the last. Somehow, for this story to finish where I want, I foresee a vast un-prompted finale. I do find it amazing that you tell so much story and create such complex characters personalitied in so few paragraphs and it makes me want to see what happens next. High praise, and I thank you! Personaly I think Colin [despite his affection for Aine] and his bro are started get bit bored with their subservient station in life needs take a nice long walk and disapear into the great dark woods, never to be seen again. I can't wait to see what you write next??? Hmmm, I dont' see Colin holding much affection for the Mistress. Connor holds more affection than he should. Both brothers have a higher purpose, or I don't see either of the lasting a week with their handlers. Rebellious Cal the Gslinger Thanks so much for the review! I take great joy in learning of readers' reactions, whether they agree with my views or not, to the words I cobble together.
    1 point
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