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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2010 in all areas

  1. Apollo: Thank you for hosting the prompts challenge, and making an effort to read each and every one. I haven't had this much fun writing Drabbles, etc. in AGES! Treats: Thank you! Yes, our dear pet does long for his Mistress' approval. Shouldn't they all? Harvest: Wow, I wrote imagery? Sensuality? Aw shucks, thank you muchly. I'm happy that someone could appreciate how many senses would be engaged in such a setting. I wanted to do more, but would have KILLED the word limit: the heat of the fire on the druidess' back, the damp, cold grass under her knee, the smoothness of the oils on her fingertips, the icy touch of those same fingertips on his penis ... oops, I digress. Fairy Slayer: Treats: I'm glad you liked this. When limiting something to 100 words, we rely so heavily on the readers' imaginations that I'm almost frightened to toss them out for viewing. Not scared when readers like you bring so much to the so little I offered. Thank you. Harvest: Again, I'm so glad that you liked this. I've been daydreaming a lot about what a ritual might require for another story where I'm stuck. Somehow, a healing got mixed up with harvest in my head, and now we have fingerpainting nudes with, only visible in the moonlight, ink. I'm glad you appreciated the subtlety of that aspect. Melrick Harvest: Dear, watching is acceptable only from inside the sacred circle. Please enter the sanctuary as you entered the world, i.e. naked. Proceed to be blessed, and participate! Asexual Biped Harvest: As a farming witch, I am shamed. See what happens when we rush! Thank you for taking the time to read and review and correct an old witch. Treats: I don't know about correctly, but I do know what *I* like! I'm thrilled you liked it too. JayDee: I am highly flattered by your review, more than you could possibly know. I've been practicing being more concise, and making better word choices. Thank you for noticing.
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