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holy/celestial warriors


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Trust me, if I was going to insult someone's religion, I would and I would do it with a sledgehammer to make the biggest impact possible.

In the real world, Witch, Druid, Shaman and Witch Dr, even Warlock have been associated with magic in some way or another, mostly out of paranoia and ideological BS from idiots, persecuted by others and so on.

I know the history. Warlocks was also the name given to male witches too, never understood why on that one.

​now also in the real world, what most people "THOUGHT" were people practicing magic, was mostly just pagan beliefs, herbalism or someone just being smarter than everyone else. later it was a means to cause fear in people, both by the "witch hunters" and the "witches" to make people do what they wanted etc, but some were just nuts too.

what does escape me, as an atheist, is the cultural side of it, the history i can know.

speaking on the magic side again, people once thought a priest, monk, oracle or others like that had divine power/magic too. if you have a strange staff, an odd hat and impractical clothing, you were probably magical.

I see the valks as warriors because of a few things, first they are armed and have armor on, if you have these things then that must mean you know how to use them and would do so from time to time, right? however the general role would still be the same for my uses.

​I haven't seen anything on the origins of Valks, where they came from only that they were the maidens of Odin, to which I have created a ....... not a religion but sect? of warrior women like Amazons that when they die in a honorable way, they can become a Valk.

this is also why i need a male counterpart on the demi god side, finding none I went with Archon and that is what male mortals become.

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big pointy spear or other possible weapons hidden somewhere? i think not.

I want to use the Templars, Paladins and Crusaders as different branches of a religious military inside a kingdom, trying to think of any fandoms or historical reference to explain how i mean it.

but their an independent military of the "Church" and can act without any real blessings from the king/queen and both church and state are watching each other for crossing any lines inside their own borders.

Church uses Paladins to do your typical holy ish magic thing around the land/s by fighting undead and demons, the Templars are reserved for heavy combat but also to act as more of a ...... royal? guard for the priests etc while the crusaders are out looking for special things, sources of divine power or even evil magic to be cleansed.

I guess you could say that the game Dragon age played a role in this idea for them a bit.

the Amazons would be more of a branch of the same religion, just different ....... Catholic and Protestant i guess? the same yet different on key things.

to think of it this way, both valks and the archons are the front line warriors for the celestial forces, their origins are the same, both coming from mortals that died in battle whose soul was not corrupted, from there if they live long enough, they can become more powerful until they both become an angel in the higher ranks up to the final Arch angel.

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