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Everything posted by DarkCabaret

  1. DarkCabaret

    I Am...

    I am happy that I'm feeling better, I can almost say words with a "m" in them and not sound stupid!!
  2. Banned for being right .... damn you. Well forget them I'm going to go listen to my Japanese Rock Music!
  3. Jacob Black from Twilight Jimmy Nuetron ..... I don't know why maybe I just like smart guys!
  4. Yeah this game used to be bomb back in the day!
  5. DarkCabaret

    I Am...

    I am sick. I am in need of a gallon of NyQuil so I can get better. I am exhausted.
  6. So I assume you're not chucking anything at anyone. *Chucks pineapple chunks*
  7. I am no longer allowed to stay up all night playing World of Warcraft.
  8. I am no longer allowed to write when I should be doing dishes!
  9. *catches* Thanks now my neck hurts! *chucks a woodchuck*
  10. I am glad that so far my friends and family love my book.
  11. Rambunctious Apples Deal Icy Acidic Throwing Oranges Rapidly ----------------------------- BREATHE
  12. Cedric Diggory - Harry Potter I don't know why but I sat and watched the movies and read little bits of the books for my fan fiction and I'm totally drooling over Cedric! (I was so sad ..... Book Four. If you haven't read. DO IT! *zips mouth shut to prevent any type of spoiler*)
  13. Banned for thinking Demyx is good enough for Roxas. Axel and Roxas totally belong together .... tis' fate!
  14. Shrek! I've seen that movie so many frickin times!! "I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want."
  15. ^ is wrong lol < doesn't need vicodin! < needs a damn Dr. Pepper!! V needs the vicodin
  16. I have nude photos of me on the internet. (You can't see my face but still.....)
  17. If my parents knew that I spent most of high school week-ends drunk with all my friends. They'd shoot me.
  18. DarkCabaret

    I Am...

    I am thinking I should be working on my book not listening to music. I am tired and in need of SODA! I am going to get soda .... as soon as I type one more paragraph. I am thinking writing while tired is a bad idea.
  19. "Tremble For My Beloved" Collective Soul
  20. Oh Emm Gee ....... Chapter three is up! I was so excited I almost forgot to post it lol! Anyways chapter three is up and I must say I love it lol. Enjoy~~~~~
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