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Everything posted by Wilde_Guess

  1. Hi, all. Chapter 11 notes. Hogsmeade and Hogsmeade weekends. The Hogsmeade shops listed are all from the “expanded” canon, plus a few more I haven’t named. The Hairdresser’s doesn’t have a canon name, so I gave it one. “St. Hedwig’s Church” is my fanon, and an extension of having a Catholic Friar haunting Hogwarts. I had to make up the Hogsmeade Weekend schedule and rules I described. JKR, and even the extended canon don’t really go into the details, since they aren’t actually trying to run a magical boarding school. In Half-Blood Prince, there is a war on, so having all students return to Hogwarts early would only make sense. Otherwise, JKR is silent about older students receiving more privileges than younger ones. In a school and school without either a war or terrorists running the school, the schedule I described would make the most sense, especially since the seventh years are all Wizarding Adults. With one hairdresser in town and none at school, the way I described would make sense for getting the first and second year students visits to a barber or hair stylist. And, even boys deliberately growing their hair long, and being allowed to, would still need to visit a barber or stylist every eight to twelve weeks or so. In canon, the reader doesn’t see Madam Rosmerta hire live bands. The reader also doesn’t see students out after dark. A pub such as The Three Broomsticks in real life would hire a live band on the weekends, when there would be enough of a demand that both the Landlord and the band would make money. Since David is not only a musician, but a very popular professional singer and musician, he is being allowed by Headmaster Dumbledore to have his “school band” play live at The Three Broomsticks, for a number or reasons. Beyond letting David’s band stay out extra late on “performance nights,” Dumbledore is also allowing willing and paying younger students to watch at least half of David’s performance. He’s also loaned David help in the form of the school house elves. In turn, David had a separate lower cover charge to cover only one of his two sets, both of which are a fair amount longer than typical for a “bar band,” at least in the United States; so the third through fifth years could, if allowed to stay out just a bit later watch a full set without feeling cheated. He also allowed working Hogwarts Professors to stay without paying a cover charge. David appreciates that Dumbledore is making the “extra effort” for him, so he’s meeting Dumbledore half-way. In real life, at least in the United States, the venue always pays the royalties for “cover” songs performed by the band or bands they hire. Whether they get a cut of the cover or are paid a fixed and guaranteed fee to perform depends on both the band and the venue. The teen ghosts by now are David’s friends, and were more than happy to be on stage with him, even to the point of overcoming their own nervousness at appearing on stage before a live audience. In canon, Myrtle was openly flirting with Harry, and reveals herself to be a bit of a perv, especially for a young British teenage girl of the mid 1940s. We only see her interact with Harry, because she only makes friends with Harry. Here, Myrtle is friends with all five living boys, along with the three other teenage ghosts, so she’s more open. Even Simon, the least outgoing of the four teenage ghosts, is coming out of his shell here. The “talk” David shares with his friends riding back to Hogwarts is also based on “real life” for performers in a band. “Testing anxiety” for the real life GCSEs, O Levels, and A Levels is also very real. The problems with the use of “norm referencing” in the British tests are also very real. Norm referencing was eliminated in the first couple of years of the GCSEs according to sources I’ve been able to find, but has come back, to the dismay of everyone involved except for the brain-dead soulless bureaucrats who brought it back. What Paul described, while extreme, is also a real problem with norm referencing, since norm referencing declares in advance that fifteen percent of the tested students will fail their tests no matter how well they actually performed, and that some students will also pass no matter what, even if the “best” student only got their names and identification numbers correct. The “child interactions” in the last section are indicating that the kids are learning and growing “off-camera.” I also used “English in italics pretending to be a non-English language” here. Since I’m not actually writing a Hogwarts Mystery fanfiction, the next several chapters will gloss over all but the high points of Hogwarts Mystery, while also showing the older Weasleys, Dvoraks, and so on as they grow up to 1991. This will still take more than just one or two chapters though, even with the longer chapters I tend to write. Cheers!
  2. This is a slightly delayed posting. Chapter eleven, “Quintets and Tests,” is now posted and available. Thanks in advance for reading. https://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600100444&chapter=11
  3. I hate having to write “storyline calendars” for fanfiction, especially when the original author could care less.  But not writing the calendars is even worse. (Sigh.)

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Ages ago when I started my main potter fanfic, I did write up a spreadsheet.  And when I came back to it after a decade hiatus – it’s been a godsend for trying to remember how things were setup, what to elaborate more on, etc.

  4. Hi, @BronxWench and all. Third Time’s a Soul Bond is a “fix-it,” time-travel, etc. Delores Umbridge “Darwins out” in Chapter 1. However, The Yankee’s Nephew and the Philosopher’s Stone, which might get a title change if I run the entire “HP Hogwarts Experience” into the one story, is actually a crossover between my original story Riding the Lincoln Way, plus every JKR and licensee story that takes place between 1975-2021. I’ve already “gotten rid of” ten major Lincoln Way characters, plus Peter Pettegrew, who is a key minor character in Hogwarts Mystery, above and beyond what he won’t be around to do when Harry finally makes it to school. I’m also only up to Chapter 11 on Yankee’s Nephew, and Harry isn’t quite three years old. I did manage to ‘save’ three Lincoln Way characters who in Lincoln Way died off-screen. Third Time has the MiCD tag. I forgot to (have added by you when you fixed it last time) either MiCD or MCD to Yankee’s Nephew. Thanks in advance for your thoughts, and assistance.
  5. Hi, Deadman and all. That is a brilliant question, and I’m sure that you aren’t the only one who needs to know. While I haven’t “killed off” any of the Golden Trio in any of my HP crossovers, I have killed off a villain or few ‘early’ in both of the big ones. And, I might even un-kill a ghost or few before I’m done, too. @BronxWench? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, @Deadman, @Desiderius Price, and all. I would have to agree with Desiderius more, though I also see your point. We’ve been talking more about the explicitness of sex, sexuality, and sexual tension versus whether to have any “s, s, and st” at all. There are some stories where “s, s, and st” just don’t belong. There are others where you can’t possibly avoid at least some of that. But, how explicit do you want or feel the need to get? In “Star Wars Episode Two,” the screen writers don’t show what Annikin Skywalker does to the Tuskan Raiders. Instead, they have a deeply traumatized Annikin relate what he did to them to Padme, in the very scene after they show him cut his way out of the tent where he held his mother while she died. In that case, the violence was made even more real by not being directly shown to the viewer. In the case of your (potential if not already written) stories, you don’t need to remove, and probably should keep the “lead-up” to the sex scenes, and even include the sex participant’s internal thoughts about their circumstances, however explicitly you describe their assignations. This would, if you do it right, increase both the eroticism and drama of each scene, whether you got to near-clinical explicitness about ‘how each of her pubic hairs curled differently when anointed with the dew of their passion,’ or how he was packing ‘double-Peroni-Bologna that anointed her between her belly button and sternum before he planted it vigorously in...’ or simply faded to black while they kissed passionately even while unfastening each other’s belts and jeans. Explicit sex without any explanation or leading tension is not just pornography, it’s typically mediocre pornography at best, even in print. So, Elliot and Karen started randomly and explicitly copulating on the courthouse steps. Okay, why did they start doing that where and when they did? If you try to answer that question, then you’ve bridged the gap between the ‘wank-o-thon’ and an actual story. If you do it well, people will want to read it. Or, if you’re only going for the ‘wank-o-thon’ readers, leave the ‘excess’ prose in the bit bucket of your word processor of choice. Cheers!
  7. Hi, all. I hope that it was just a typo, with 20-30 pages of “non story.” With a “typical” word count of roughly 220 words on a “page,” that would be almost five thousand words of nothing. @Desiderius Price, when I’m talking “clean vs dirty,” I’m also describing the detail. in once scene of Yankee’s Nephew, I have two characters play strip poker, start a relatively tame BDSM spanking, and then quit and talk about what ‘she’ wants to do with ‘him’ instead before fading to black. I also join several couples after the act, wearing “only each other.” This hasn’t been ‘scandalous’ since the 1950s or so in the United States. In a “dirty” story, I leave almost nothing to the reader’s imagination. If I wrote the @GeorgeGlass inspired short story I’m Your Ass, I could easily write it either ‘no-sex,’ or a very explicit M/M M/F Pegging story, especially since Amir has a nightstick. Cheers!
  8. Hi, all. Chapter 14, “A Spell in Time,” is now posted and available. Thanks in advance for reading. https://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600099686&chapter=14
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