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Everything posted by SirGeneralSir

  1. You would be surprised the kinds of things real people are actually into I also read other peoples stories of X types to get ideas too.
  2. I do a number of things, listen to music, watch related shows, play games or even think about doing some things in the real world (that may or may not actually happen)
  3. hummm, I think hamlet will work best ATM
  4. so in a story im working on, i have a small number of small farms kind of together in a LOTR type setting. would that be called a village or something else?
  5. I see, maybe if I did both? little bits here and there when the “writer” of the journal pipes in at times like the passage of time and so on? ( “it wasnt till years later that I would find love, for the first time and in an elf of all women, I will love her and the others till the end of time, regardless of what happened between any of us.” ) then regular story writing.
  6. ok so its taking longer than I thought, wife and I just had a baby (Dec 6th) so he has been keeping us busy BUT SOON!
  7. So I am working on a little project of making a independent story. does anyone have any thoughts on reading a story that is narrated where the character tells you their story vs just reading a story? I have a mage that is telling how he came to be a Grand mage, a sort of journal if you will.
  8. I have posted a few, and will be posting a new one very soon …..2-3 days?
  9. no that is true, I dont want forced names or anything, it would have to be ones that would be metaphorical in some way or another, it would have to have the right feel for who and what they are.
  10. Not for the Crossover either BW I will still have to look up and make a list of insults that would work and sound bad ass in some way or another, still a lot of research to do for it.
  11. found out why my blog page could not be seen, was my user links because i was logged in. https://leer3dmodeling.blogspot.com/
  12. lol oh this is not part of the Naruto story I have been working on, this is something …… different. my thougth process would be kind of like how …. black people will call each other or themselves the N word, something to mock (according to some) how it was used as an insult. just making up a term for this, but if a unit/class of warrior women were called …….. the …….. Iron Wenches ….. (might use that actually) where the term Wench is an insult but its used as a warning of “These bitches will fuck you up” or something.
  13. humm i find that very odd that it wont let me share my blog page …….. oh well. Never heard that name for any ww2 pilots, and ww2 is one of my fave subjects. ive also been looking at derogatory terms/insults for women that might be considered more offensive than “butch” in other languages, something to indicate either strength or something, a kind of play on words if you will.
  14. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5522558337406440746#allposts maybe this one will work? indeed and thats the problem I was facing with finding the classes too. Thought it would be interesting to have “units” here and there that were the different from what the “norm” is/was just like the WW2 red-tail fighter pilots It would add more diversity, open doors for conflict of cultures and ideologies, keeping things interesting. But thank you very much for the information and chat, I just hope it’s enough for what I am trying to do
  15. Yes modern weapons and armor 80lbs easy (also Canadian, also tried for military health prevented it) Time line is anything pre gunpowder age …..pre 1500’s – 14’00s? and as far back as the Babylonian empire. The world its self, is more or less taking our WORLD history, twisting it, and our mythology, twisting it and adding in fantasy elements (orcs, elves, etc) My Spartans for example would be from ….. spartania instead of sparta. (just an example) So if I could find a “class” or name used for female warriors that differentiates them male counterparts just like a Spartan and Knight are different because in this world there are many different cultures where it is very Amazon esk, or there are other elements that make the men and women take different military roles (religion) keeping in mind that these are supposed to be ancient culture mentalities in other respects. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5522558337406440746#editor/target=post;postID=7686718755387116722;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname rough version of the world map
  16. indeed. traditionally, I would not see many women being the same kind of warrior that men are only because of the difference in our body types with bone structure and musculature giving both genders different abilities “GENERALLY SPEAKING” standard plate armor is about 80 lbs, give or take. I am searching for a class system for female warrior types to give as much diversity as I can, as with magic users its less of a pain to set that up.
  17. I was thinking of doing a new story …. eventually, crossing the Naruto and Avatar universe, smashing them into one. I would say it would be 50/50 more or less.
  18. I was just wondering, is there a way to post a story in both fandoms without having to upload them in each section separately.
  19. So I have an idea for a world that combines world history (pre-gunpowder age), mythology and fantasy (not 100%) I think I have all the classes for main warrior types, Knights, Samurai, Spartan etc that are 90% male and some that can be either gender, but I would like a few female only class of warrior. So far I have the Valkyrie, Amazon and Bushi (female Samurai) but I feel that there could be much more. I could just create some off the top of my head, but if anyone has any I could add to my list, it would be really appreciated. preferably nothing trademarked
  20. in the drop down, i see either me username or email. using my email and two password, no change. trying my username with passwords, hitting the button not “enter” has the same result I could not make the new password, the email link kept telling me that it was no longer valid, even though I had only had the email for three min or so. It would be nice if we could avoid her help, less on her plate the better ….. but I dont know what to do …….. PM you my info?
  21. Ii get no message, the page just reloads as if it was refreshed, no change at all. I used the “Enter” key to log in, I used the button to log in and tried on different pages too. none of them say I am logged into the site, cant access my part of the members tools or any thing (cant update my story T_T ) I tried not long before my last post to see if it would pull a magic trick and let me in.
  22. yeah still cant log in, not sure what to do now
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