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Everything posted by KerantliDreamer

  1. Apparently, to get my attention, all someone has to do is say "porn"

  2. Why do I let the plunnies invade? just WHYY

    1. BronxWench


      Because they look at you with big eyes and promise not to gnaw at your ankles?

    2. KerantliDreamer


      True, and I can't resist them like that. It's when they're knawing at my brain that gets to me the most..

  3. Happy Mothers day to all American Mums! (or Moms :P)

    1. Raymy


      I'd like to add my best wishes to both American and Canadian Moms!

    2. BronxWench


      Adding mine as well! And belated wishes for our UK mums! :D

  4. Pen Name; KerantliDreamer Story Link; http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=21 Type of fic; Twitfic Rating; N/A Fandom; Original Pairing; N/A Warnings; N/A
  5. I took the plunge into making Notebooks! Surprisingly fun to do, and while I'm not getting much money back (or sales) it's good to have none mass produced notebooks scattered around

    1. BronxWench


      Ooohhh, I had to go and peek. They are lovely! :D

  6. My favourite review should be in my signature. Makes me laugh every time I see it
  7. Dear legs - I would like you to work so I can have a cigarette...

    1. hath-a-applecore2


      Could be easier if Accio was real. That way you could say, "Accio cigarettes!" heh

  8. Okay body. I can deal with the nausea, I can deal with the tiredness. What I can't deal with is the mood swings EVERY 5 SECONDS!

    1. magicmau5


      Any update on the potential baby-bump?

    2. KerantliDreamer


      No update yet. Had a busy couple of days

  9. Dublin on Saturday until Tuesday! First plane trip since I was... 20!

  10. Dublin on Saturday until Tuesday! First plane trip since I was... 20!

  11. cross stitch is NOT writing, no matter how many words I put on the aida..

  12. Hopefully dying my hair will help me feel more "me" and get me to write something!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KerantliDreamer


      It's a plastic bath too, so not the easiest thing to clean..

      ignore the washed out look, don't look that bad usually https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/391842_10152525915835704_1935375872_n.jpg

    3. BronxWench


      The color is awesome, and I'm now officially jealous, since that's exactly the kind of blue-haired old lady I'd rather be. :D

    4. KerantliDreamer


      I have a lighter blue to use once it's faded a bit, love how I can mix the colours ;) Managed to do red and lilac before

  13. Can I get rid of every single person who likes twishite and fifty shades of grey? (unless, of course, I like you, then you're safe)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RogueMudblood


      You know, I have an older co-worker who likes it, and I asked her why - she said because she didn't have to think while she read it.

    3. DemonGoddess


      yuck. No sparklepires fer me thanks.

    4. Melrick


      I'd be happy to join you in the hunt.

  14. I sooo want to name a character Clara Fication!

    1. pittwitch


      I sense a crack!fic in the making.

  15. So, is singles awareness day coming up? I honestly hadn't realised. *Dripping in sarcasm*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KerantliDreamer


      I still say when you're single it's better, but only vbecause you don't have cold feet or hands all over you, or someone stealing the duvet... But, that is just me ;)

    3. Daye


      lol. so it doesn't lead to body heat sharing snuggles?

    4. KerantliDreamer


      Oh, I'd be lucky with that. I get the cuddles, but after a while, I get the farts!

  16. 2013 Creative Pay-It-Forward: The first five people to comment on this status will receive from me, sometime in this calendar year, a gift -- perhaps a book, music, or something creative -- a surprise. There will likely be no advance notice, and it will happen at a time that I select. (aboard included)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BronxWench


      What an awesome idea! :D

    3. KerantliDreamer


      Yayy! 5 people! Can you all PM me your address, an at some point in the year, you shall all get a creative pressie of some sort ;)

    4. JayDee


      ...address? I think I maya misunderstood. Any chance of something virtual to my email or would you prefer another number 5? They don't like us getting mail at the institute.

  17. Well, got through December with no arguments.. 1st of the month and we argue.. The thing that sparked it? Doughnuts!

    1. Raymy



      Mmmmm... donuts. *drool while channeling Homer*

    2. botticelliangel
    3. KerantliDreamer


      An argument had been brewing all day though. Over something that was't doughnuts!

  18. Hay new year? Or happy new year... Whichever you prefer

  19. I can be horrible with grammar, and I can stress over it for days to months after I've written something. It isn't that I never learned how to use grammar properly (as I did, and have since also been looking at many grammar websites out there), it is more from the fact that I do (more often than what I would like) forget to insert a comma or a full stop at any given moment. In doing that, I still manage to skip over one or two areas that still need either one of the two in there or maybe even both! I am dyslexic, and do tend to stick with a simpler way of writing just to keep me sane and not get in a mood over my writing and end up giving up on it half way through when I can't think of the word I need. I even manage that when I'm speaking to someone, and if they have not known me all that long, it's confusing for them as well as for me. I'm lucky that Pooka understands what I mean at any given moment, as I will either say the wrong thing for the moment and mean something totally different, or I will forget what I am saying and have verbal diarrhea in the form of squeaks and silly noises that sort of sound like words. It is quite amusing for my friends though, even if it isn't for me
  20. Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas. Now to try and fix the cake I just killed...

    1. kagome26isawsome


      good luck and Merry Christmas

    2. Raymy
  21. one twitfic and two drabbles per day for 365 days. Can I do this?

  22. I missed this thread, all because I didn't check anywhere during NaNo. I managed to get 50k on the 17th, very silly early too - 1:10am GMT time. I have the bad habit of not leaving much in the way of plot holes, I don't keep my inner editor shut up in a cupboard or she gets VERY shouty and derails my plots more than what my muse does!
  23. Never expected this to turn into a hot topic! And was never suggesting a good proportion of authors on here were bloody thirsty socio-paths Maybe a bit tapped in the head, but I think that goes for a good 99.9% of Authors anyway (I know I am)
  24. Not as good as some of mine form last NaNo, but I managed to type "fiddernet" instead of "different" a few times... Curse Write or Die and not being able to change typos until the time is over!
  25. I don't think I have posted in here yet, but even if I have, I am again. I'm in the camp that falls under "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I can be rather blunt when it comes to people, so I tent to stay quiet when it comes to reviewing a story I really did dislike, to the point of clicking the little back arrow that has been a saviour for me. I have one regular reviewer on one of my newer fics on here, that has been there since I posted it in July this year, and they have put up with my flakey postings, and the plot holes, rambling sentences (sort of like this one... ish.. I think). She points out the flaws I missed when writing it originally, and I put all that into a pot in my head marked "To keep looking into" that gets bigger and bigger each time I post one of the chapters on there. I'm not one to expect a review, I think I get one per 3 or 4 chapters on average which I really don't mind. The ones I do dislike on the other hand are the ones that say "UPDATE TODAY!" type of ones I get mostly on the Pit.
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