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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. http://sopastrike.com/ wont be back till Friday..hope no one missed me! also i start school tomorrow! XD
  2. So a woman asks her mom not to bring a dangerous man who was convicted of a homicide in 98 (the grandpa) around her kids, the grandma does it anyways and the mom is surprised when the grandpa takes a sledgehammer to the 12 year olds head! cuz the grandpa thought the kid stole money from him!  (my neck of the woods)SMH


  3. SPOILER FOR YASHAHIME!!! dont read if you havent watched it

    so there are anime fans out there that think sesshy ‘groomed’ rin because she had kids by him when she was in her teens! um isnt that era when girls and boys as young as 13/14 got married and started having kids? what do you all think? heres the link that talks about it!:



  4.  got a title for a story called “it started as a joke” now do i make it an original or raj/howard from the big bang theory?

  5. *sigh* i know doing everything like dishes and laundry, and the lawn is supposed to get me ready for when i live on my own. But do they have to treat me like shit and a slave every time! ugh. im tired of crying frustration tears!!  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      In all honesty, I think everyone who lives in a household should pull their own weight. It’s a huge amount of work making it all come together as far as keeping the place clean, cooking, shopping, laundry, and yes, doing dishes. I do it for two households, and while I tend to give the daft bugger a pass given that he works 60+ hours a week, I expect the kids to help out, whether at home or at the lake. So, while I understand you feel like it’s a lot to ask, the reality is that someone has to do it, and it can’t always be your mother, or your father.

    3. DemonGoddess


      I agree with Bronxie.  All four of us work, but mostly just two of us (my son and I) do the bulk of the chores.  Inside and out.  We all do our own laundry, but jeez, it would be nice if there was more load sharing.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      it would be nice. My mom had foot surgery and has COPD and dad just cooks. he does sometimes help with yard work, but it mostly falls on my hands. and when i don't do it right away, i get yelled at or belittled. my dad does 99% of the yelling at me. 

  6. on vacation but sorry, drunk off my a** complaining about work! lol still cant update fics!

  7. 50+ degrees today where i am and the windows are open! YYYEESSS

  8. 6 days till the start of my staycation! then off of work for a week. hope to use that time to start writing again! 

  9. Anybody else feel like writing a story about their favorite charaters dealing with this virus or is it just me! a new BBT fic might be in the works!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      i mean @BronxWench or @DemonGoddess wouldnt mind if i set up a prompt for others to try! 

    3. BronxWench


      I don’t have a problem with it!

      Put something in the Writer’s Corner thread, like we do with the Hallowe’en and Holiday collections, but instead of setting it up as a collection, you can just challenge others to write a COVID-19 story in their favorite fandom, and maybe link back to the thread so others can read what they wrote.

    4. JayDee


      Good idea – need to self-isolate those stories for at least 14 days!

      “I’m… I’m not detecting any fever in fact, according to this you… you’re dead. You’re too cold, you have no pulse.”

      “I told you not to bother fucking testing me, cabron. I’m only here for a snack. Sleeve up.”

  10. anyone point me in the right direction about mecha sex dolls info! like clothes and stuff..i need it for a story idea….

  11. been back to work for two days and boy did i get fall asleep when i got home! i slept 13 straight hours! lol my body isnt used to working again! lol

  12. blah! hope 2019 will be better

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Tough for it not to be, IMO.… (though, lets not tempt fate too much)

    2. CloverReef


      According to my “life skills” class, 2018 was a shitshow because we didn’t say enough affirmations. Who knew? 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      As I lost my favorite cat this year, this year … sucked.

  13. Blessed yule, Merry christmas, happy hanukkah! 

    1. CloverReef


      And grandiose/merry/happy smutmas to you too!

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      We go a smutting, smutting, smutting, we go a smutting on this happy new smutmas year!

    3. BronxWench


      I’m personally observing Yule this year, but the rest of them are going for Christmas. :P

  14. cant believe christmas is next week and in two weeks it will be 2020!! I hope everyone has a Happy Yule, a Merry christmas and a Happy new year!! 

    1. JayDee


      And I hope you all have a December! A real fine December!

  15. cant wait for vacation the first week of august! actually my moms getting surgery on her other foot! hopefully being home will give me motivation to write again! its been toooooooo long!!!! 

  16. cant wait til this year is over! then get ready for my birthday at the end of Janurary, when i can spend 5 days AWAY FROM PEOPLE! cant wait!!!!!!

  17. did you know that if you go to a store called FYE, you can find a medium bag of lucky charms marshmellows for only $6?! i didnt and now i am stuffing my face! happy day

  18. ended up deleting not only 1 but 2 or more fics i was not happy with. but working on a final TBBT fic based off the last episode! fingers crossed! SHENNY FOREVER

    1. JayDee


      I hope you feel better ‘bout how the new one turns out! I know the feeling where you look back at work and think “Fucking hell, look at this shit,” but I’ve just taken the attitude that if I have to suffer it then whoever is silly enough to click on one of the bad stories can too.

  19. F.U microsoft! I dont want to buy a new computer with windows 10! why cant i upgrade it! uuuggghhh i dont have the money!

    1. BronxWench


      What version of Windows are you using? If you have a valid copy of Windows 7/8/8.1 on your computer, you probably can do a free upgrade. You’d need to download a copy of the Windows 10 media creation tool from Microsoft, which is free to download. But, and this is the important part, you need to have a legal valid copy of Windows 7/8/8.1 on the PC/laptop already.



    2. kagome26isawsome


      ty @BronxWench! ill have my dad help me back up before i see if i can do this. i believe i have legit windows 7. so we shall see

  20. feeling alright after first night of drinking for my birthday! lol tonight is the second night to a bar, then drinking at home by a fire tomorrow night! thank goodness i have off til monday!!! lol

  21. filing taxes is a pain in the ass! wish i knew where to find last years AGI so i can finish filling! i want my money to go with the bonuses I got Thursday from work!

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ve been using turbo tax, so it asked for the file from last year…  I’ve already spent the refunds :)

    2. kagome26isawsome



      i am using freetaxusa this year. it needs my AGI from last year (which i filled from taxact) and im having issues finding it. ugh….

    3. BronxWench


      This is why you always print out a copy for your files. I have my Turbotax files since 2009, but I also have a hard copy in the files in addition to the computer files.

  22. finally got back on here and the pit just to delete some more stories. *sigh* i wish i knew where my motivation for writing went! or if i will ever get back to it

    1. JayDee


      I too feel that strong urge to delete stories at the pit. None of them mine though.

    2. pippychick


      I know it seems impossible to find sometimes, but it will come back one day. I have no doubt.

    3. InBrightestDay


      I second pippychick’s statement.  I just went through a period lasting several months where I barely got anything written at all.  Now I’m getting at least a little of my story done each night.  It may not seem it, but I’m sure your motivation will come back. :)

  23. for the first time in a long time while working at Wally world, I have a day off on the 4th of July. Its on a Tuesday and that is my normal day off so i FINALLY get to enjoy the 4th off! wooooot 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Congrats.  (Though I won’t say how much time I’m taking off for July 4th…)

  24. forgot to post this but on may 21st at 5:05am, my sister had her baby! 3lbs 5oz 13 inches! Adeline Bernice Rose! PROUD AUNTIE! they are keeping Addy at the hospital til she reaches 7 pounds! 

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