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Guest Gaara

At this point I'm afraid anyone can out write her. I wish I'd stopped at Naricissus in Chains but I was hoping that is was a fluke and maybe she'd just had a bad year. Unfortunately it only got worse from there. And you're right, Laurell K. has gotten pretty cocky from her former success with the Anita Blake series. So she probably thinks that people will continue to read her work no matter how bad it really is.

Guest Corvis

I think she might have just bitten off more than she could chew. Like developing too much with the ardeur and then having no where to go with it. And the triumvirates(sp?), I think it got really complicated, and she just kept up with the sex. I really thought it would change about the time Anita just shut down and almost killed Damian, but it didn't.

I never could get into the Gentry books. I started them after DM, and was so sick of reading about sex, I realllllly didn't want to read a series about a race to get knocked up. Sorry if that comes out crass, but I really thought she had a unique approach to writing. I liked the murder mystery, horror genre thing. Argh.

I wish she brings back some of the original feeling in the next one. I'm loyal I suppose.

I also agree with the Edward thing. He was so good as an undeveloped mysterious character. Now he has a wife and family. I just didn't care for all that. He was fun before, now he's just a little too real for me.

And Richard. Oh Richard. He's just a drama queen, hands down. Yeah, yeah, he didn't ask for it. But he was all intent on being in Anita's life, and well, you get what you ask for. If it doesn't work out, you don't take it out on the people around you.

*burnt out*

Maybe she should just make the switch to erotica. Start a new series just for that. And make things the way they were.

Guest Gaara

Now that we're all agreed that Richard is a pussy let's move on. Yes The Merry Gentry books basically only reovolve around sex and I got sick after about the second one. Edward will hopefully reaize that he's not family-man material I hope *shudder*. I really hope they bring him back to his old self. And what is Laurell K's obsession with impregnating her characters all of a sudden? First Merry Genry which I guess I can uderstand since that's the main basis for the story or one of them. But in the last book she tried to make everyone think that Anita was pregnant. Who knows maybe she's going through a wannabee mommy phase. With Laurell K. I don't know what to think anymore.

Guest Gaara

Gods just the very image of Anita preganant is enough to make me cringe. I really am glad it was just a fluke and that is wasn't true. If it had been I would have burnt the books right then and there. (not that it shouldn't be burnt for its lack of plot and sense).

  • 2 months later...

Yeah...I'm pretty much over LKH. Her novels are just cheap porn. I like smut as much as the next girl, but there is no quality in her work anymore. It makes me sad because her fist book (Nightseer) was wonderful and there wasn't any sex in it at all...though I wouldn't have minded if it did!

It's sad, now I won't ever pick up another one of her books again. I still read a few books (even after the point where I got disgusted) in hopes that things would pick back up. I don't think I'll ever waste my cash like that again!

A friend told me her books became all sex because she was upset about gettting a divorce (don't know how true that one is).


Actually the impact of LKH's divorce on her writing is parially why there's so much sex now but mostly earmarked by the introduction of Micah and the total villification of Richard. So the rumours go, Micah is based on her wonderful new boyfriend and Richard was based on her ex-hubby. I've also heard the rise in her novels' smut factor has to do with one of her editors or publishers going, "hey, maybe you should cut down on the sex scenes."


Read the new fae book. Nothing happens...except for Sholto getting his groove back. That was pretty sweet.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest sylvir

It took me forever to finish Incubus Dreams. Like most of the books in the beginning she gets a task that needs to be completed by the end of the book. But out of nowhere she's fucking everyone. Then at the very end it seems like Laurell K. remembered the story line at the last minute and wrote some ending. I read the first page of Micah and desided that watching paint dry was more entertaining. My sister who I introduced this series to said that it got better after Micah but I couldn't bring myself to read anymore. From what I read of these posts the fact that Incubus Dreams is basically porn carries through to the rest of the books. Don't get me wrong porn can be a good read but when I read Anita Blake I want to know who she's going to raise from the dead or what enemy she's going to defeat. I'm with everyone else. I'm not reading this series anymore. There's no point.

  • 3 months later...

Hmmm... as much as I love the books, I also dislike them alot. It's not so much the lack of plot, but there is only so much perfection you can add to the lead character before it starts to p*ss me off. I swear if one more man says she is selfless, I am going to pull out my hair. Because SHE IS A SELFISH B*TCH. It was something I loved about Anita in the earlier books. Finally, a female character strong enough to make herself number one, to not pick the guy's safety/happiness over her own. But in the later books, you know when the plot became irrelevant, Anita's selfishness grew beyond limits, and it's getting ridiculous how many people put up with it. I know it's the Ardeur. But please, everything is becoming the Ardeur's fault. At some point a person has to take responsibility of being a succubus and act like she knows she is. But not Anita. Anita just whines about it, denies it, and then, fucks everything in range, because she didn't take precautions. And after she fucked those she didn't want to fuck in the first place, we get the whining and the angst a second time.

I have to say at some point I started to like Richard again, because please... he is the ONLY ONE who ever disagrees with Anita Sue.

And that woman so needs a firm kick under her butt. Always the angst, always the complaining... by God, if I have to hear one more time that she doesn't want to add another man to her life, I am going to scream! Because we all know it means she will have sex with him later at a less convenient time, or she will have to have sex with one or more men not of her choosing. How many times can that woman keep making the same mistakes over and over again. She never thinks about the Ardeur and what it means to her or the others around her. She keeps risking Damian (and Nathaniel). She wants JC and every other man to be exclusive to her, while she fucks away. She is worried about becoming Belle. Well, news-flash Anita, you are Belle already, for the exception that Belle doesn't whine about having to have sex with gorgeous men.

No, I think Asher and JC should dump her and come to my house; I'll be more than happy to share and have both of them there. XD

Am I alone in hating Micah? He's such an undeveloped character. He never comes of the pages as real to me. She made a book that bares his name as a title and still he is too flat a personality. He's faultless, invisible, and just .... ugh.

And now Anita is converting a serial killer? The Ardeur will save Olaf??? Ermmm... okay, fine, the Ardeur the wonder lotion for everything! If you're stuck in your plot, we'll blame it on the Ardeur and we're done.

Okay, I am going to stop ranting now. Otherwise I'll write a novel-length of complaints. It's just that I really liked the books a lot, and I am sorry the quality dropped and Anita became a person I disliked instead of a person I could sympathise and empathise with.

  • 15 years later...
Guest anna

 then it's for her growing self-obsession in thinking she's perfect and not realizing what she's doing as an author. Maybe it's just me, but if I was burnt out, I wouldn't be churning out porn after porn, just alot of plot holes to fall through. No matter what anyone says, porn takes alot of work, even bad porn.

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