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What's a fun place for a woman to leave lipstick on another woman?


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So, been thinking about a story and trying to figure out a particularly fun part of the story. It’s a femmeslash story and not sure about a few things.

The colour red is a big part of the main character and haven’t figured out exactly how to use it in terms of chapter titles. It’s been a weird shift from the colour of cherries to ice cream with cherries on top, and now I’m thinking about using lipstick. Different flavours and colours and stuff.

However, one of the things I’m now thinking about the main character using their lipstick to leave a mark of some kind. Sorta considering leaving lipstick on the other woman’s clothes because leaving it on the skin wouldn’t be permanent. There’s no supernatural element to it so I don’t think I should go that route.

Which leaves me wondering, either for the women here or the men here who’ve had lipstick left on your clothing, what would be the most fun option?


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6 minutes ago, BronxWench said:

A nice, perfect lip print on a lacy white bra. :lol: 

Lol, funny enough that did occur to me although I don’t know if all the characters involved will be wearing bras or even white ones.

I thought about something on the panties, but that might also be only for certain characters.

Also considering a specific idea based on the character. Each of them often has a thing they’re known for wearing. For instance one is known for scrunchies. But not sure how long term leaving a lip print on a scrunchie would last.

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I don’t think scrunchies would work well at all. The first time you used it, the mark would smear and be ruined.

If it’s an item of clothing specific to a character, though, it could be fun choosing the item and deciding how to mark it. A jogging sweatband or wristband, or maybe a workout tank top, a scarf, and just to take it back from the guys, lipstick on the collar. :lol: 

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11 minutes ago, BronxWench said:

I don’t think scrunchies would work well at all. The first time you used it, the mark would smear and be ruined.

If it’s an item of clothing specific to a character, though, it could be fun choosing the item and deciding how to mark it. A jogging sweatband or wristband, or maybe a workout tank top, a scarf, and just to take it back from the guys, lipstick on the collar. :lol: 

Hmm, I could probably make that work. I might just go with the other girls having some kind of underwear to leave a lip mark on. It has some fun implications because I have also been thinking about potential fun moments.

I try to stay close to canon as much as possible and most of the other women in the story have boyfriends. I like the idea of having a lip mark on it for their boyfriends to find the next time they hook up.

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