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Guest RandyQuench

Hey, I understand work is being done in the background as fast as possible, that's you're all volunteers working in your spare time through a lot of tedious work. I'm not trying to harangue you I do appreciate the efforts being taken.


I'm just curious about a status update on where you are with getting the site fully running again. The News part of the site hasn't been updated since October. I worry sometimes that the silence may cause people to just abandon and forget about the site, and this was always a place I could pick through and find some gems I couldn't find elsewhere. I'd certainly miss that.


Is there something you can share at this juncture about your progress?


From my side of things, I can report that we have completed just over 80% of the duplicate account clean-up process. I’m hoping, barring any more unexpected interruptions, to get that done this week. It’s time-consuming, but our concern is to not lose anyone’s data as we merge those multiple accounts using the same email address. Fortunately, making more than one account using the same email address is no longer possible, so it's a finite pool of accounts to review.

We very much appreciate everyone’s patience—we have the best members! :thankyou:

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