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The age verification page is supposed to be gone, if I remember correctly. For Anonymous Tigress, sherlocked17, and ladynightvamp, the issue may lie with the Apache setting as DG noted above. Chrome users seem to be able to access the stories without a problem. You can try clearing your AFF cookies, closing Firefox completely and restarting it, but it may not work. DG, however, DOES need to work, since AFF is a volunteer gig for us all, and she'll update us all later today. Until then, try deleting cookies, or try using Chrome.

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Okay. Let me be real clear on this.

Until I fix the deprecated command in every fecking php file in the archive, use Chrome exclusively. Chrome is not having this issue.

I CANNOT do this at work. I work during the day. My days vary. I usually get home about 4:30. Today I got home a little earlier. So, I will be getting on this very shortly. I've heard from Nexcess, it isn't the Apache setting. It's DEFINITELY the deprecated command. By the way, this is the command that tells php that the file IS php. Hence the having to go through every file and adding three letters to it.

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I cannot access any stories at all. I'm getting a "The server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." Error message any time I click on one.

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:bash: :bash: :bash:

Please look at the message above your message. Read it. Please, for the love of Mike, READ the posts from DG. She knows what she's doing, and she will edit the command, but...

It. Takes. Time.

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Guest Charlie13

Hope all had a wonderful Christmas. Every time I try to go to a story in the Harry Potter world it just goes to the front page. Am I doing something incorrectly?


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Guest sherlocked17

Thanks for your effort and hard work I'll try later. And we love you, I know what it's like when you're trying your best and others are somewhat oblivious/impatient....

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Guest folklore

Greetings Guest here, and long time lurker of the website. Glad to see the story access thing is not just me. Anyway I would like to take the time to say thanks for working on it, and have a Happy New Year.

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I can attest that Chrome lets you access stories. I was able to read a story earlier and leave a review myself. So, if you have Chrome, use it until DG has this sorted. If you don't have Chrome, you should. It's very stable and reliable, even if you only keep it around for times like these. :D

And thank you for understanding! :D

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Guest Lady Red

ty to the admins for posting about these problems! i hope that you all get it fixed soon, but as i know real life gets in the way, i am very patiently waiting :) much love!

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Wow, I figured as soon as I posted Chrome works the thread would just die...

Thank you for working so hard. I for one am grateful that you are doing this and will simply use Chrome until everything is resolved.

Thanks again.

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Wow, I figured as soon as I posted Chrome works the thread would just die...

Thank you for working so hard. I for one am grateful that you are doing this and will simply use Chrome.

Thanks again.


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Guest phoenixfire

Hi I'm having trouble accessing stories, I click on them it brings me to the age verification but not to the story after, the problem started last night and is still going on. :bash:

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So - I think I figured out what's causing this (because i was curious, and I decided to call up developer mode on a few browsers). And, if I'm right (and someone can feel free to comment if I'm not), it's actually kind of interesting.

When you access a story on the archive right now, the story spits back out a HTTP status code of 302 - Found (Elsewhere). This is used by sites to indicate to a browser that the thing they wanted (in this case, the story), is located somewhere else on the server, but that place might change. For example, it's like saying "you looked on the top shelf for this thing. I move where I keep this thing, and you can find it in the closet now, but I might move it around again later, so go back to the top shelf whenever you need it, and I'll tell you where the thing is at that time."

When it issues the 302, it's supposed to give you the location of the thing you're looking for. Here's the weird thing - the HTTP standard declares that place it go to as a 'SHOULD' in the standard - the server should give it to you, but it doesn't actually have to (if it had to, it would be 'SHALL' in the standard). Right now, the 302 being generated by AFF doesn't have a location. So - what happens if you don't get a location with your 302? It depends on the browser.

Chrome will ignore the redirect, and simply load the page with the payload of the redirect (redirects can have a page with them so, if the redirect fails, you get a webpage that says "hey - go here"). In our case of AFF, the payload of the redirect is actually the story, so chrome works fine.

Firefox will try to redirect the page itself. So, to go back to the shelf example, it looks at the top shelf, sees a redirect with no where to go, and then looks at the top shelf again. And again. And again. Eventually, firefox figures out something is wrong, and stops looking for the content (and shows you an error).

IE will interpret it as a 'return to root folder' - so if you requested http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=[numberhere], it will redirect to http://games.adult-fanfiction.org.

So yeah - chrome will work for now. Also, if you have a way to suppress redirects from AFF, it might also work, but using chrome is probably easier for the moment.

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Nope, was actually a bad redirect in an unexpected file. As the database works with scripts to be relational, ONE bad command in a linked file will screw it all up. It should be working now in all browser.

The search function for members from your profile is currently not quite right, not sure what's going on there yet. We're working on it, too. BUT, to search a member from within any given archive does work. So that means there is more stuff that has to be done yet, but manta is already aware of the issues with the new code deprecation as well. The IMPORTANT thing was to get the site loading again, stop the time outs, and make it so the archive was once again accessible, which it was not.

The last BIG software upgrade is the forum itself. As this is a major, from one version to the next, and up a couple versions in language for scripts and database, we pay for licensing and assistance, so IPS will do this one FOR me. I'm capable of doing it myself, but I'm more comfortable with THEM doing it, because they have snippets available that I would not.

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Nope, it has to do with Chrome being more forgiving of programming errors in many for instances. Although Chrome can get right testy about big boo-boos, minor stuff, it ignores. This was ONE sentence in one of the linked files, so Chrome ignored the redirect loop. It went by the master files, not the the subordinate file.

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Thank you for the server upgrades. The site is now loading like greased lightning!

Having said that it is currently impossible to add, edit, delete, or otherwise access the story modification panel for games.adult-fanfiction.org. When I click the aforementioned links the new tab loads and the area where the Title etc is supposed to be is blank. I checked hp.adult-fanfiction.org and anime.adult-fanfiction.org and both are loading these areas correctly.

And we are now golden. Great job folks.

Edited by Diizoid
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Guest oracle

OK< maybe I am being dense here, but all my old favorite links no longer work now and when I try to do a member search in the directory, all I get is told to enter a valid search term. What the HECK? And there is not a direct search option in the menu anymore that I am finding.

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The Member Search function hasn't yet been fixed, although DG is going through the archive now and manually editing lines of code. Your old favorite links should not have been affected, or at the least, should be working. The Member Tools pulldown in each subdomain still has a link to search the archive, and it works just fine.

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