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I ran across this little tidbit and just had to share it with everyone who's ever wondered how Mpreg actually works. Oh and also for BronxWench because I know how much she loves it.


The anal cervix had me shooting coffee out my nose...




Oh, my dear sweet hairy gods on fucking pogo sticks...

Please kill me now. People have actually THOUGHT about this in that much depth? :bash: :bash: :bash::blink:


oh, and as one who is expanding daily, where does the baby go as it grows? Bladder in the front, colon in the back...anyone know how long someone can go without peeing or pooping before they explode? Oh and if you have a vagina, why do you need a anal cervix, other than its tricked hilarious of course...

  • 2 months later...

The like button isn't working right now, but considered this liked by me. :goodpost:


Okay, okay... Yes, I did write it. I didn't really have any choice. It was already there in the interactive story I fashioned it from. Imagine it like a kind of challenge.

That being the case, of course I had to think about it. Here is what I came up with as a theory to enable me to write it:

The pouch of douglas/recto-vesical pouch (google is your friend).

A foetus can develop anywhere. As long as there is a blood supply, a placenta wil form. It's how women end up with ectopic pregnancies.

At least I got to write a fully conscious caesarian, which was horrific and therefore well within my comfort zone for writing. But even with that as my reward, I'm not altogether certain that made up for writing it in the first place.

Ah, well.


I think I'm going with the supravaginal opening for when my guy gives birth, I like the idea of having to truss up his balls to keep them out of the way... The picture in my head has me fascinated by the whole act which also creeps me out. I'm sure it won't translate onto the page very well but shoot, it's a guy having an ass baby, what could go wrong?

Posted (edited)

Everything CL. Absolutely everything, especially since you used that particular four word question. :hitthefan:

Best thing to do is sitback and watch. :popcorn:

Edit: The horror, sit back watch the horror. Sorry, my brain skips words sometimes.

Edited by 24CaratCoal

Here's a question.

Do you think M-Preg would read (and write) any differently if it was presented as an extreme version of an enforced femininity fetish, as opposed to feminisation of a particular character for the purpose of a plot?

I think it would. The body shock element would really come into its own there. I see good comedy/horror, especially if an author started sending up all the m-preg "explanations" out there.


It probably would honestly. It would in some ways "complete" the fetish (I use the word complete very loosely), cementing the idea that the character in question would never truly be fully a "man" again. For the given value of what a man is.

Weirdly that post made me think about the dangers of mpreg, the biggest one right off the bat probably would have to be the risk of infection, the digestive tract is a very unsanitary place because of what passes through it, if the opening the the male's womb (momb? :huh: ) were compromised (by penetrative sex or even just a fluke) that risk would increase dramatically. Unless it secretes some sort of natrually sterilizing fluid that could double as a lubricant to prevent such an occurance.

Ugh, sorry,I'm over thinking it. This is why I generally stay away from forums. Please enjoy the dancing chicken while I take my leave :chook:


I think, if anyone can truly do justice to the horror that is mpreg, it would be either dafdes or JayDee. (And I say this as a dedicated slash writer, who has never embarked on the journey to the Hells that is mpreg.)


Ha! You! I see what you're doing there, yes.

Write badfic? On purpose? *looks innocent* I have a conscience. Somewhere.

Although, imagine the slowly dawning realisation of: “I'm... growing!? Oh, God, no!” The poor sod would completely lose his mind. Not quickly. Over months that get worse and worse. Imagine the terror when it moves, and he sees it under his skin. Ah... nasty.

Pregnancy, even in its normal setting, has always seemed a bit “Alien” to me.

And then there'd be satire. For instance, I imagine there's a lot of self hatred involved in eating a tuna and banana pizza.

Fortunately for the world, I am going to be busy for a while, making sure Elrond has more lovers than even he can reasonably handle (and I'll be imagining Hugo Weaving all the while I'm doing it).


Dafdes, you're forgetting about the shifts in hormonal balances, morning sickness, swelling of breasts... actually, check the wiki on pregnancy there's quite the laundry list of symptoms for the character in question to suffer through that would put any man through the psychological ringer (not to mention the physical one) wondering why and how this is happening to them. Beyond that take into account what pregnancy would do to a man that it wouldn't do to a woman. And then there's the possibility of multiple pregnancy...

In short it could be quite a grueling experience physically and mentally just with the natural progression of pregnancy, add in outside stimuli combined with the sheer unnaturalness of the man getting pregnant and this could be an experience that could psychologically break a man. And of course his ass would never be the same again, but that pretty much goes without saying.


All good points, well made, and frighteningly tempting, but...

Legolas and Celebrian are doing their level best between them to drive Elrond insane, or else into a coma of necessity for the purposes of rest. He's very close to losing his temper. I can't look away from that right now.

Plus, I'm also painting the scenery of another story I'm writing to finish it off before I post.

Just got to stay busy... ;)


Fair enough, fair enough. I'd offer suggestions on driving him to insanity, but I've no idea what you've gotten written.

On the other hand reading and posting in this thread has given my sick and twisted brain ideas I'd never wanted along a more consensual path. Honestly circumstances are a large part of how the mPregnancy would affect the mother-father (fother?), on the one hand if the situation is nonconsensual it could be a tool to break them, on the other it the outcome was desired it could lead to a stronger and deeper relationship with the other parent. It's all circumstances and authors preferences. We're all deviants here, who are we to judge?

Also dancing chicken again because it amuses me :chook:


@24CaratCoal, I would like to thank you for putting a very bad idea in my head. As if I didn't have enough plot bunnies running about as it was now I have one that has no chance of ever being written because I don't do futuristic fantasy type stories. It will be picking at my poor brain for some time until the plunny eventually dies of thirst. If by chance I am compelled to get it out of my head (and there are no rusty sporks readily available) I will send my poor readers to your door when they start the inevitable complaints.

I started this thread as a joke and also to poke BronxWench a little, I had no idea it would come to this...


  24CaratCoal said:

Fair enough, fair enough. I'd offer suggestions on driving him to insanity, but I've no idea what you've gotten written.

Ha, now I'm curious. PM me.

  24CaratCoal said:

...reading and posting in this thread has given my sick and twisted brain ideas I'd never wanted...

Yay - we exist for this kind of corruption.

  24CaratCoal said:

...if the situation is nonconsensual it could be a tool to break them...

Yes, I remember.

  24CaratCoal said:

We're all deviants here, who are we to judge?

I don't judge, but if you write it, I'd definitely review! :D

Or... if you want to try a team effort, I'm game.

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