JordoZ Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 I'm not really sure, I only planned most of them as one-shots. Mostly because I'd like to see Kushina end up getting Ahegao'd/fucked silly in a variety of ways. For instance, her student in a hot spring, losing a wager to her student during training, infiltrating the gang of a young nuke-nin, a young noble, her genin team. I'd imagine the students would make any excuse to leave, the less they're around Naruto and the chance of getting caught the better. They'd be no match in a fight against him and shinobi don't have qualms about killing really - for all everyone in the fandom spouts about Naruto never having killed anyone he sure goes at them with kill blows constantly.
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Would they be scared of Naruto? What is Naruto's opinion of his mom's students? In your stories would she be fucking all the younger teen studs that flirted with her not just her students? What kind of situations would her student(s) get her in? Would she be getting gangbanged not only by them but they might bring in their friends aswell to fuck her in a giant orgy?
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Have to be honest, thats probably not really my thing. For a start Naruto doesn't appear to exist in this story and the idea of all the women being sluts doesn't appeal either, if everyones a slut then it kind of ruins the taboo of it. To me it should really only be one or two women involed and if it was ever found out it would be thought of as scandalous. I'd like some ideas for the noble one aswell. The idea of Kushina getting banged by a bunch of spoiled rich brats around the same age as Naruto is a turn on.
JordoZ Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Hmm,a party attended by young teen nobles and Kushina is chosen to guard it. And they threaten to withdraw funding from Konoha if she doesn't 'entertain' them?
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Thats a good idea, what justification would be used for Kushina being chosen to guard it though, instead of just any other ninja? Where would the party be aswell? Also about your stories is Kushina still a housewife aswell as a kunoichi? As in she still cooks for Minato and Naruto and cleans the house etc.?
JordoZ Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Fulltime kunoichi really. They eat as a family when able. You should check out page 4/5 of this thread with the guest who wrote a noble version template. It was decently done, except kushina should have been more confident and the noble way more hung.
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 I did read that, the build up was good but once it got to the tense scenes it seemed to drop off. But Kushina being not quite as confident might actually be more in character in some sense because she didn't seem to like her looks in the manga (her hair and her face). A more flirty, pranksterish Kushina is probably better for these types of stories. Could you do like a dialogue (I know you said you weren't good at them but I'm still interested) between Naruto and Kushina, kind of like a mini sequel to one of your previous stories that you posted here, just so I can see how they interact. I think the Naruto factor in this kind of story even if hes not really present is a good one because the idea of her sleeping with guys the same age/younger than him is the hottest thing about this scenario to me.
JordoZ Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 The problem is, I have no idea how to go about it. Plus, it would be humiliating for Naruto to know. I find it hotter that Naruto and Minato are completely unaware Kushina is being fucked silly every day by a teen even younger than her son.
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Yeah that what I meant, Naruto not knowing just a normal interaction between the two. Say Kushina gets home from a mission and Naruto was there how would they normally talk to each other. Since you said before Naruto is going through teenage rebellion phase, how would the two be around each other? Would Naruto be embarrassed seeing her in her sex kunoichi outfit? What would Kushina be like with Naruto? Just things like that
JordoZ Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Walking was a problem, no injury or anything like that. Kushina just had trouble walking because of the absolutely monstrous pounding she took from Jokuro-sama. It was a miracle she managed to pull herself together slightly as she walked passed the kitchen. Why? Because her 16 year old son was currently gorging himself upon a bowl of ramen at the table. "Hey honey." Kushina greeted, smiling brightly at him despite the fact that she could still taste semen on her tongue. Naruto looked up, his eyes lingering on her chest for a moment before growling. Kushina was currently clad in a micro pair f black spandex shorts and an orange jacket that did nothing to hide her bountiful breasts. "This is why I can't have friend over here mom." He grunted, standing up and seemingly abandoning his ramen. He roughly barged passed her, uncaring that he jostled her out of the way, "God you're so embarrassing." He growled again, slamming the front door behind him as he left. kushina breathed a sigh of both relief and annoyance. She collapsed from her shaky legs onto her sons previously occupied chair, "Lucky he left or he would have ad some real awkward questions when my legs gave out beneath me." She said, then he busty red haired mother growled loudly, "I wish he wouldn't be such a brat though, it ain't my fault I'm so damn sexy." __________ That's all I can manage really. I cant think of anything else. You decided on what route you wanna take or have you started it already?
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Man I like that a lot, your good at dialogue. I could read loads of stories just like this, just with Kushina and Naruto interacting like this with Kushina getting fucked hard being sort of background subtext. I like the fact that she still loves Naruto aswell, I'm glad its not NTR where she no longer gives a shit about her family anymore. She's still a caring and good mom, even if she is embarassing. I'd like to see a dialogue between Naruto and Kushina's students aswell, to see what they'd be like around each other (after she'd been fucked by them a day or so earlier or maybe even hours earlier). This is really helping piece together what I want to write.
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 And yeah I'm getting a very good picture of what I want to write, I'll start it soon. I'll give you my scenario in a bit to see if you like it or not (since it was your challenge after all).
JordoZ Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 i'm going to sleep now. Maybe tomorrow whatever you write can inspire me to write that scene cuz I'm drawing a blank on it at the moment. Well, I'd like to hear about your scenario before I head to bed though.
Guest Unknown Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Maybe part of Naruto's problem is because he want to fuck Kushina as badly as most of the other guys do, and since physically he takes after her more than he does his father... Kushina staggers home one afternoon after an epic pounding and stumbles into the loungeroom, finding her son. Naruto growls, storms over, shoves her over the couch, rips her shorts down, and rams his huge cock up her aching arse.
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Heres my scenario: Kushina is a bored, sexually frustrated housewife who wants something to do, since her son is 15 years old its not as if she needs to look after him anymore. She has decided she wants to become an active kunoichi again, if anything to cure her boredom and keep her mind off how sexually frustrated she is, the fact that shes one of the hottest pieces of ass (perhaps second only to Tsunade) in Konoha and quite a lot of men, teens and boys (and even girls) look at her with lust doesn't exactly ease her frustration. She starts doing missions after a 16-year shinobi hiatus, all of which are A or S rank, nothing out of the ordinary. It did cure her boredom and she hoped it would keep her mind off how horny she is, but unfortunately (or fortunately) it had the opposite effect. On the missions shes been doing so far quite a number of men and teens have been doing a lot more than looking at her with lust, they've cat-calling, actively hitting on her and one bold teen even gave her ass a squeeze. In Konoha no one would dare try this since everyone knows she is the Hokage's wife. But outside of Konoha and lands further away, many didn't know who she was. All of this combined has made Kushina far more sexually frustrated than she was when she just stayed at home. On one day when shes coming back from a mission and is at the reception of a hotel shes about to book a room for, a group of teens approached her. "Hey babe, wanna share a room with us?" As Kushina had come out of retirement, she had been looked at with lust, cat-called, hit on and even groped. But this was the first time she had ever been propositioned, something inside Kushina snaps. "Why not?" she replies... Sorry if this isn't a very good summary but I hope it conveyed the story.
JordoZ Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 I actually really like the sound of that. I hope you make them hung as hell, like 10inches plus in comparison with Minato who's like 5 inches.
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 I'd really like to see a Naruto/Kushina's students scene from you aswell, I think it'll give me good inspiration on how the characters interact. Also I'd like to ask, is that Naruto/Kushina scene you wrote part of one of your stories, if so which one? I assume its either the hot springs one or the one in the cabin.
JordoZ Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 I made it up on the spot to be honest. I'm going to bed now anyway. Post whatever you managed to get down in this thread and I'll look over it for you when I wake up or whatever, that is if you want a second eye on it before posting it as a story.
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 I'm going to bed soon aswell so it won't be for a while.
Guest TheWarlockofChaos Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 On 5/9/2015 at 2:36 AM, JordoZ said: In reply to warlock, I don't really like Sasuke or Kiba for lemons. Sasuke is far to emo-like and asexual, he literally cares nothing for girls in canon, And Kiba? Well, he's the butt monkey of the konoha 11, him doing it just makes it lose its luster for me. Trust me I am not offended all I was doing was saying that if he couldn't think of anyone else that those two at least seemed the most likely to attempt something like fucking Naruto's mom. Also wow did you two get into a conversation. Also here are some pics for Kushina guys: http://www.hentai-fo...rg/27389/Naruko\P http://boards.420cha...20628195504.jpg http://boards.420cha...24859534250.jpg http://boards.420cha...24891091455.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/cfef7426.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/c116eec0.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/067d0a79.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/e90b9131.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/969dab8e.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/0d194384.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/84c641e2.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/e249186f.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/e62582c0.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/535a9a8b.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/b32da463.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/8b2811b9.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/d9250979.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/181741ba.jpg http://editsofnaruto.../o/53b6f1ea.jpg http://boards.420cha...24157820776.jpg http://boards.420cha...28193481038.jpg http://boards.420cha...28444440736.png http://boards.420cha...15344102573.jpg Here we go with some more: These next three are the best of them in my opinion:
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Also I'd like to see another Naruto/Kushina scene from you, maybe one where she embarasses him in public.
Guest A Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 I'd also find it funny if she scolds him for something even though shes been banging guys his age.
Guest TheWarlockofChaos Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 On 5/9/2015 at 5:48 AM, A said: Also I'd like to see another Naruto/Kushina scene from you, maybe one where she embarasses him in public. On 5/9/2015 at 5:54 AM, A said: I'd also find it funny if she scolds him for something even though shes been banging guys his age. Agreed, these would be most...amusing to read/witness. I look forward to whatever you come up with and also please look at the links if you want various views on Kushina's appearance I think you would enjoy them.
Guest TheWarlockofChaos Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 On 5/9/2015 at 3:38 AM, JordoZ said: Naruto just thinks they're nice enough kids, but he doesn't really care about them either way. Not scared of him, scared of him finding out though because then they'd really have something to fear. Depends on which ones. In a couple, the student Jokuro would keep her to himself. The 1 where he's a missing-nin he'd turn her into a whore to pimp out at his club. The genin team already has her getting gangbanged by three students. It all depends really on the character I made that 'broke' her in. I made a kind of continuation of the milf sensei vs perverted student first chapter where Kushina is a slut, along with all the other women he's broke in and he basically just shares them with the guys around his age. Those ranging from Kushina, Mikoto, Fem-sasuke, Fem-Naruto, Ino, Hinata, Hanabi, Hinata's mother, Yugao, Kurenai, Anko etc. It's just bare as bones at the minute though since I've not done anything with it really, just the beginning. __________ Kushina strutted into the room, her body tilting and swaying in an indescribable yet incredibly arousing fashion that just came naturally to her. Her face held absolutely none of the prim and proper control she used when with her husband for politics, nor the prankster grin she showed when with her student or around regular people. No, this was the face of a woman who had been broken in completely, a woman so sexually pleased she had forsaken her role as a human being and embraced with open arms the idea of being nothing but a cock sleeve and a sperm receptacle. Her eyes, filled with lust and desire, were half closed. Her puffy lips, always eager to suck and slurp on a hard cock and guzzle down a well earned load of cum, were partially hidden behind a transparent red veil that covered her lower face and neck, accenting and enhancing the luscious crimson curtain of hair she had. Her large and perfectly formed breasts, the perfect tools to wring cum from her master's eternally overfilled balls, were almost laughingly covered by a string bikini style top. Her nipples were hidden, but most of her areola's were left open to the naked eye by two golden triangles of metal. Small chimes were attached to both of them, which made an almost musical sound as she moved. They were held up place by a literal string, through which was beaded pure white pearls; a silent and sensual plea for a 'pearl necklace' of her own. Further down, past her perfectly trim tummy, thin waist, and flared hips, was where her true weapon lied. Draped almost delicately across her mouth watering hips, the perfect shape to grip for the type of proper mating a whore like her deserved, was another red veil. This, like her hair in the back that reach her meaty and alluring ass, danced from side to side as she moved, acting like a red flag to a bull – or a young man that was hung like one anyway Once more, she was barely covered at all beneath the veil, the only thing covering her needy, puffy pussy was a thin strip of metal, held in place by more string. This string didn't have any pearls, because the cumslut wearing it didn't want her perfect hips and crotch glazed in cum, she wanted every single drop inside her. She wanted to feel her Master's potent seed filling her beyond what she could take, to feel the millions of little semen trying in vain to get past the Contraceptive Seal she had on her cervix. She knew they would get through eventually, and that thought alone caused her to orgasm every time she had it. The large room she had sauntered into was dulled with dark, pink light in the darkness and the room itself was filled with the sounds of slapping skin, groaning teens and moaning women. The whorehouse belonged to Jokuro-sama and where he paraded around his submissive sluts for the benefits of the teens around his age. In the middle of the room, Anko Mitarashi was being gang-banged silly by a bunch of teens barely out of the Academy, her brown eyes vacant as she was fucked in both holes and slurped noisily on a rather large looking cock. The submissive sluts serving all the teens were all wearing the exact same harem girl outfit as she except the majority of them had lost the outfit as teens dragged them down to be fucked. Kushina spied Jokuro-sama off to the back currently enjoying a sloppy blowjob from her own busty blonde daughter Naruko as he used her pig-tails as hand-holds. The busty redheaded milf began to saunter her way over towards her master. She passed Hitomi Hyuuga the mother of Hinata and Hanabi Hyuuga bouncing up and down in one teens lap and moaning incoherently as her massive tits bounced around wildly. Kurenia was in the middle of a group of teens who were taking turns pasting her beautiful body in layers of their cum. Yugao Uzuki was giving a lap dance to a teen on a couch off to the side as he groped at her body relentlessly. She had just past Mikoto Uchiha getting pile-drivered into the ground harshly by a rather large sized Chunin in his late teens when she was ground to a halt herslef, her big tits and full ass jiggling as a young Genin who she had just walked passed grabbed her by the hair and dragged her off to the side herself. Kushina yelped, but allowed followed along obediently. She should have known really, she was the grand prize of Jokuro's collection, the hottest milf of the bunch and the wife of the Hokage. Every one that gathered in the whorehouse wanted a crack at her and she was the most fucked women in the whorehouse because they all wanted her. The Genin plopped down on a large couch beside another Genin who was currently being ridden by Ino Yamanaka, her long blonde locks swaying wildly as her tongue hung out and she was fucked senseless and off to the side of her Sakura Haruno was being spit roasted. The Genin stroked his rather large cock as she was turned to face him and grinned up at her, “Gimme a lapdance Kushina-slut to get me going before I fuck you.” He ordered, waving his cock at her as he stroked it. This would be awesome to read as a one-shot. I have never actually encountered something like this with these characters before so it would be amazing. Also Naruto is my favorite character by far as well it is just that I get a little bored (only sometimes) of it being Naruto who is the one cuckolding the other men and taking their girls that I like it when it is shaken up a bit.
Guest TheWarlockofChaos Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 On 5/9/2015 at 3:51 AM, JordoZ said: Hmm,a party attended by young teen nobles and Kushina is chosen to guard it. And they threaten to withdraw funding from Konoha if she doesn't 'entertain' them? Oh yes this is really good, JordoZ, you are great at coming up with story ideas.
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