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Writing About Harry Potter Boinking:

The Reality of Fantasy in Pornographic Fanfiction

A Major Research Paper submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Arts in Communications at the University of Ottawa.

...and by the gods, anybody who can get away with reading porn for an MA is a hero to us all.

Anyway, my post in this thread:


Is referenced in the appendix anyhow, as are a few other users listed by name - foe, willow etc.

I sure hope my random bullshit posts weren't given too much weight in the conclusion :D

I vaguely recall someone talking about some fanfic research project, but I totally missed seeing this if it was shared before, found it on a random google, and figured I'd link here. Obviously this kind of research is published on the University website because publishing research is the best part of it. Still, if there's a peer review somewhere that said "needs more JayDee" I could dig it :D

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