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Respond to this post with challenge with one word. First five will inspire a drabble each.


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C'mon, challenge me.

Only rule: No ridiculously long words that you copy/pasted from wikipedia, c'mon, give me something I can make sexy, or if not sexy, funny, or if not sexy and funny, seriously fucked up.

I've been having a little trouble writing about slime and need a break, so I feel like expanding my Ditch-Delivered Drabbles in the HP section.

Edit: Well, seriously fucked that subject up.

Edited by JayDee
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Thank you all!

This ought to be an interesting set of drabbles.

DVP though, is three words even in initialism form so I feel I ought to be anal and disregard it as part of this challenge, but I will maybe try and do a sixth drabble with it anyway. Because, fuck it, it shows willing.

Hope to do the first one today :)

Thanks again!

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Should I recieve any reviews, I will of course respond in This thread!

First one done!

Succulent from BronxWench - Codes: ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, Contro, NoSex, MCD, Oneshot

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I, um, had this story pop fully formed into my mind when I read the prompt. So naturally I spent all day trying to come up with something that didn't fall into the 'seriously fucked up' catagory so that I could ask BronxWench to read it. Unfortunately, I failed. Apologies, but thanks for the prompt. I've only rarely had that 'fully formed' experience :)

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I'm having issues with an overly attached account, so don't mind my review in "work clothes." I've cleared my cache and closed and restarted my browser a dozen times, but the HP subdomain has decided I can't be BronxWench today. It's a strange place, HP... :D

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Last of the five!

Conquest from VladGoro - Codes: Bond, M/F, Peg, Rape

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...and there will be a sixth drabble for DVP. Without Lucius. Some might say the last drabble there doesn't need a rape tag, but I disagree.

...so, apart from BW, did any of you like the drabble I did for you or were they unmitigated disasters with not one redeeming feature save their short length?

Edited by JayDee
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