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She is the One


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Yes, there could be such a chain reaction.

Notes taken while reading:

Hey, don't rag on the Tea Party!
No guessing - reckoning! I hate using "guess" when people many times mean "reckon." To many it seems archaic, but it simply means examining the evidence and coming to a conclusion. And it sounds better.
Is Ms. Locke up late, on her back?
Holden finds fault in everybody, but for messing up their own lives, not his, so I wouldn't call him a whiner. "You should be doing better, but instead you're just a phony following the script." Absolutely is an intellectual philosopher. He's a very astute observer, commenting on the state of American society.
Tara and the walrus, again!
Edited by Joe Long
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In Chapter 40, Jack and Kayla went back to Chipotle (is that the one nearer to Game Stop, or to their homes?) On the way home from work, today at noon, I was tempted to stop for a burrito in their honor. I like their food, but the selection is a little limited. I ended up going to Sheetz, where I got a fish burrito (two deep fried lightly breaded fillets) with shredded lettuce, shredded colby jack cheese, cooked onions, cooked peppers, pico de gallo, guacamole and sour cream, for $6.19 plus tax.

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Crazy theory time: So, Joe and Sam were caught kissing at the end. I know how everyone talked about what Joe going to Sam would do to Belle, but what about Amanda? She initially got with Sam after blowing her chance with Alan, pushing him away to where, by the time he wanted her back, it was too late. Considering that she's invested in the relationship with Sam and Alan backed off because Amanda's now happy and now has Kelly, i can only imagine the reaction she'd have after finding out about Sam and Joe. People said that Belle would be mocked and ridiculed because her boyfriend "dumped" her (not sure if that will happen-seems likely at this point) for a dude. What people are saying could happen to Belle could also be applied to Amanda. Any thoughts on the imapct of Sam/Joe on Amanda when she learns about it?

Well, it won't be pretty. I touched on it earlier, but I think Amanda will blame her parents more than she will Sam. They told her to break it off with Alan and pursue a "normal" relationship and she will hold that against them-- especially now that Alan has a girlfriend. What I'm wondering is how Sam's sister, Helena, will feel about all this. She is the leader of their group and could make Amanda's life miserable if she sides with her brother. It is probably time for Jack to meet Helena and have a nice, long talk. I don't think that Amanda will be dating again for the foreseeable future. I'd almost like to see Jack take her to see Dr. Fitzsimmons. That would be an interesting session!

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Crazy theory time: So, Joe and Sam were caught kissing at the end. Any thoughts on the imapct of Sam/Joe on Amanda when she learns about it?

Another thing to consider is how it affects Sam if it becomes known that he is bi? Helena probably knows but I doubt that their father does.

@ Joe Long: You're a baseball guy. How would Sam's team mates deal with him having a boyfriend? Would they let it slide or would Sam be ostracized? As this is high school, I tend to think it would be the latter.

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@ Joe Long: You're a baseball guy. How would Sam's team mates deal with him having a boyfriend? Would they let it slide or would Sam be ostracized? As this is high school, I tend to think it would be the latter.

I'm not sure. I was in high school in the 70's, my kids 10 to 15 years ago.

Generally I think attitudes today towards gays are much more libertarian, but even if that's 2/3 of the population there's still 1/3 who would be bothered. I think it more likely they'd be bothered by him cheating on a hot chick like Amanda, secondarily being with a guy, but I do think there's sure to be two or three guys (and that's all it takes) who would want to get in Sam's face. (ooh, I think that's a poor choice of words!)

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I think Jack should give Jessica a chance at freindship or atleast pretend,otherwise he will not find out what her ultirior motives might be.

and why jack thinks that she might not be attracted to him? many times popular girls go for guys who ignore them,may be they want to conquer them to prove to themselves that they are un deniable.

What ever her motives might be,they wont come into light untill Jack pretends to accept her advances toward him.and make sure Kyla knows all this scheeming,i am not saying make Kyla also pretend because it will be so hard for her to pretend to be jessica friend etc

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and why jack thinks that she might not be attracted to him? many times popular girls go for guys who ignore them,may be they want to conquer them to prove to themselves that they are un deniable.

What ever her motives might be,they wont come into light untill Jack pretends to accept her advances toward him.and make sure Kyla knows all this scheeming,i am not saying make Kyla also pretend because it will be so hard for her to pretend to be jessica friend etc

Of course Jessica might be attracted towards Jack, you don't always get to choose who you have the hots for.

However, as shown in The Catcher In The Rye she has her social role she needs to fulfill IOW as head cheerleader she feels obligated to be a phony

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Joe, is it me, or does Sam cheating on Amanda with Joe seem like some sort of retribution (for those that believe in that) for her cheating on Alan? I personally don't, but it seems like, in Amanda's case, what goes around, comes around.

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Guest its_ry_bruh

The fact that Joe and Sam met under the bleachers and were kissing tells me Sam was at least okay with trying it. But it may not mean hes bi. I dont know, either way it was the last thing I expected. I thought the fracture would start due to Sam rejecting joe, being weirded out and making everything awkward for everyone. But if indeed Sam is up for it and considering a relationship with joe, then I guess the fracture would be kicked off possibly on Amanda and Belle seeing their boyfriends actions as cheating. I mean after all, I highly doubt both Belle and Amanda had any idea that Joe and Sam are starting something.

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Guest its_ry_bruh

I forgot to explain why I thought about how sam kissing joe may not mean hes bi. But the way I see it, because todays generation is growing up with a more "libertarian" thought process about sexuality and society is becoming less strict about the subject (not like we are hanging people for it anymore or anything) but because of this slack and almost the freedom of expression is allowing kids now a days to experiment further or explore their curiosities. Ill admit, as well as many others, that I have questioned if Im truly straight, but I wouldnt go kissing, dating, etc. With a guy to find out because at the time Id be socially destroyed, bullied, etc. Because of it. Now that today's generation of kids are growing up in a society that accepts sexual expression, they may feel safer to explore. The best way to confirm if you like something is to do it.

To relate this to the story, Sam may not be bi but kissed Joe and may continue until he finds he doesn't like it. Whats good about this is at least San tried it. This means that although it will be awkward for them to get past the fact that they kissed, at least it won't be as awkward to get over if joe was like "i like you can i kiss you" and Sam rejecting him entirely, telling amanda about it which then turns to Belle finding out at some point. (Which is what I expected).but no, Joe had to twist it up by making sam go with it (so far) way to go with not only a good cliff hanger (haven't had one in a while now) and also putting in a twist I didnt expect. Very good,thank you and can't wait for the next chapter.

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Of course Jessica might be attracted towards Jack, you don't always get to choose who you have the hots for.

I can attest to that!

"For some reason I can't explain" I feel like Jack may not tell Kayla initially. I'm not sure what tells me this, but to marginalize the situation, he might decide that it'd be better to not to tell anyone. Then, when he tells Kayla, after its been eating at him and she can tell, she'll be angry.

I don't want that to happen, but it seems like something he'd do.

Actually, no it doesn't. Jack's been nearly 100% transparent with Kayla, (who knows, the secret about Amanda might get out soon), and it doesn't seem like he'd keep that, so while it's worth mentioning, I don't think it'll happen. So most likely he'll tell her immediately.

I know I just contradicted myself there, but whatever.

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Jack dont have to tell Kyla every thing,especially regarding Jessica if he decides to fake friend her,because she is on the edge when ever she hears Jessica's name. So its better not to torment her every time he interacts with Jessica,as he will be dealing with Jessica more now.

And things already allinged for kyla to be out of sitiuation as Jack alone has been casted in drama.Let her busy in clinic and when Jack thinks its appropriate and what is needed to be shared than he will share it with her.

i know in past they have made pact to share every thing but as he is faithful to her so its not so necessary to share the minor things which she may interpret wrong,because girls are suspicious.

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Jack dont have to tell Kyla every thing,especially regarding Jessica if he decides to fake friend her,because she is on the edge when ever she hears Jessica's name. So its better not to torment her every time he interacts with Jessica,as he will be dealing with Jessica more now.

And things already allinged for kyla to be out of sitiuation as Jack alone has been casted in drama.Let her busy in clinic and when Jack thinks its appropriate and what is needed to be shared than he will share it with her.

i know in past they have made pact to share every thing but as he is faithful to her so its not so necessary to share the minor things which she may interpret wrong,because girls are suspicious.

Bad idea, methinks. Remember back in the early chapters when Kayla was going with Craig? Jack chose not to tell her about his creepy past with girls and she was royally pissed. It would be ten times worse if he kept anything concerning Jessica from her. And Kayla would find out, no question. If nothing else, Jack would be overcome with guilt and tell her himself.

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Bad idea, methinks. Remember back in the early chapters when Kayla was going with Craig? Jack chose not to tell her about his creepy past with girls and she was royally pissed. It would be ten times worse if he kept anything concerning Jessica from her. And Kayla would find out, no question. If nothing else, Jack would be overcome with guilt and tell her himself.

Bad idea for Jack, but it might make good drama.

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Alan better seal the deal with kelly before Joe makes two relationships crumble.(i hope not,if that kiss did't ignite a spark in Sam),i am afraid Amanda might rebound,but i wish that pandora to remain close.too much emotional torment for Jack already,but if his siblings again involve with each other i think Jack wont survive the emotional bombardment in his brain :P

i think Joe(jashley) made too much hate B/W Jessica and Jack/kyla.if it had been rather normal than now involvment with her would have been easier. Now kyla does't even bear to hear Jessica's name. Not fair,every one deserves a 2nd chance.may be they are interpretting Jessica advances negatively. She did try to become their buddy but was mercilessly shot down every time. their is a limit to which some one can bear such insults and she is queen bee,her bar to bear such things must be low.

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Guest Delta4

Story is prolonging but not progressing much,much awaited pipe bomb and chineese torture etc. and i think Joe kiss will drag us away from main story more but i dont mind. just make some progress in main upcoming and awaited events.just a suggestion

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Story is prolonging but not progressing much,much awaited pipe bomb and chineese torture etc. and i think Joe kiss will drag us away from main story more but i dont mind. just make some progress in main upcoming and awaited events.just a suggestion

Keep in mind that that the groups' sophomore year took 28 chapters to tell. Patience is a virtue, my son.

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Hey everyone!

Finally got a break in packing to bring you the Reality Check:

- Can't count the number of times I saw a high school cast list and went, "Really? I got cast and this person didn't?" or "Why the hell did they go with that person and not me?" It was bullshit.

- Ms. Locke is pretty much still going through what my teacher did my Junior year (explanation in the next chapter)

- Matt is based, almost down to the name, on a friend I made the same way. Won't say his significance yet but I really did want to include him.

That's all for right now. We're getting hurricane warnings over here so my wife and I are battening down the hatches to stay safe. Shouldn't be too bad. Next chapter is coming along well and should hopefully have it out soon.

Hope you're all doing well and stay safe. You guys rock! :D

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Hey everyone!

Finally got a break in packing to bring you the Reality Check:

- Can't count the number of times I saw a high school cast list and went, "Really? I got cast and this person didn't?" or "Why the hell did they go with that person and not me?" It was bullshit.

- Ms. Locke is pretty much still going through what my teacher did my Junior year (explanation in the next chapter)

- Matt is based, almost down to the name, on a friend I made the same way. Won't say his significance yet but I really did want to include him.

That's all for right now. We're getting hurricane warnings over here so my wife and I are battening down the hatches to stay safe. Shouldn't be too bad. Next chapter is coming along well and should hopefully have it out soon.

Hope you're all doing well and stay safe. You guys rock! :D

Thanks for the update! Living in the Midwest, I don't get much in the way of hurricanes(I'd be very scared if we did), just tornados. Stay safe.

I've been writing a lot recently, but I've hit a problem. I'm not a very funny person. Like, sure, I'll crack the occasional joke, but generally, I'm not able to do it. So adding jokes in my writing is hard, because they often feel forced. Joe can do it quite well, to the point where I've had to stop reading because I was laughing so hard. I was wondering what anyone else who writes does to incorporate humor into their stories. Mine certainly aren't all serious, so sometimes I feel there's a gap.

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