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Okay so i love reviews and all that , like i really do but i have some things that just erk my nerves from the reviews I get on the way I do my chapters. I know you see it as a tease when i put my next chapter with a small preview summary and then a COMING SOON. I do that because I want people to get a sneak peak. Its no way rude at all of me to do that. And I've done that on other sites for my stories and I see nothing bad about it.

Now ALSO regarding the fact about me saying this in the shout box and then having another reviewer say im rude for what i said? no hun, I am not rude reviews should be for reviewing the novel not to say other things, but again your allowed you own voice so I can't say anything about it. But frankly saying something and then RE SAYING what the previous reviewer said makes it seem like im the bad guy when im not. And i didn't say anything wrong about Rukia at all, all i was upset was the chat speak (which i have a huge distaste for) and how they were upset on how i was doing MY story pages.

but yes, again sorry if someone thought it was upsetting on me doing that with my next chapters, but i've always done that with my stories. Sorry but thats just how i do them.

done venting.

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If the only thing in the chapter is the tease, it's actually a violation of the Content Guidelines portion of the Terms of Service. We don't allow teaser chapters here at AFF, which may be what's setting off your reviewers.

I'd strongly suggest you make sure that you have no teaser chapters. We sweep the archive weekly, and we do issue warnings and follow up on them quite diligently. That would be the "This is a moderated archive" part of DG's news releases. :)

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