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I don't know who or what Dexter is but I think you need to change channels or use the off button (on the TV) not the trigger!



Oops, didn't see that 'not the trigger' part...oh well, be back later, I have to go buy a new TV.... ;)

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Guest Rescue25

Oops, didn't see that 'not the trigger' part...oh well, be back later, I have to go buy a new TV.... ;)

:yahoo: :beer:N

(or just put more time on the keyboard??) I know demanding aren't we?? As explained before "It's all Your Fault and None of My Own".



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Guest _ Guest thought that was a commercial break and fast forwarded past Cindy's birth & naming.

O.K. it's been a few days now where is the latest chapter of something, you're not being paid these big bucks to fuddle duddle you know. That's what politicians are paid to do.

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Guest Rescue25

Kinda confused. The twins had . .380s but later thay were firing 9s. Don't understand the 380s. 9 is, in my opinion, a much more effective round in social situations. Did I loose something om the reading?


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The .380's were their handguns, 9mm were their sub machine guns. I chose the .380 because the weapon is usually a backup and much smaller than a standard 9mm plus they are very small girls so small weapons a must

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nobody has said anything about the name LEGION, I don't believe it. Magus, I am assuming you are using that name for the religious reference. for those that don't know Jesus cast out a group of demons from a man into a herd of goats or pigs (I can't remember which on) and then they ran off a cliff into the ocean. I hope I didn't ruin an upcoming chapter, if I did I am sorry. great stories I would be ok with 100 more chapters. keep them coming. :smartass:

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Guest Rescue25

Guest _ Guest thought that was a commercial break and fast forwarded past Cindy's birth & naming.

O.K. it's been a few days now where is the latest chapter of something, you're not being paid these big bucks to fuddle duddle you know. That's what politicians are paid to do.

O.K. The same might apply to you also. Just finished CH 2 of Skylar. Why no more chapters? :hiya:


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Guest Rescue25

I like tying up some loose ends. However it would appear that even more strands have popped out. At least you have moderated the roughness of the "cliffhanger".

From the comment from Hundy I would guesstimate this would have the POTENTIAL of another 100 or so chapters, if your fingers hold out. I think you have the most popular forum on this site. AND maybe the most popular series.

keep it going!



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Very nicely done as usual. Can't say too much more until everybody else has a chance to read it. By the way have you decide how manychapters this series is lasting?

Not sure, maybe fifty or so. Course my target was fifty for BITG and it went to 63

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Ok, so 19 answered some questions but it didn't really satisfy the itch. But then again, you already knew that. My name is COJimmyV and I'm a GITGaholoc. :cheers:

BTW, love the slight change of direction!

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Guest Rescue25

Magus I know your not a machine like may or alice and need to eat sleep and work but more chapters of northstar would be nice. Pretty please?

Why would he need to do all that?? Doesn't he have a harem of 6 to do those things for him? :yes:


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