kagome26isawsome Posted June 3, 2014 Report Posted June 3, 2014 (edited) http://www.jrn.com/tmj4/news/Waukesha-police-investigate-after-12-year-old-stabbed-261384231.html The link is to a news site.The site the girls want to be apart of is called creepypasta wiki and its horror stories by a character named 'slenderman' They did it so they can go to the characters house i hopes of letting them into the site and prove that he is real. This Happened in my state and seeing as this a writing site, i figure i would share. I got more links if anyone else is interested in more. To me, these girls might have some issues if they are reading stories of death, and murder. And for them who are not even teenagers yet, they really shouldn't be reading these in the first place. I am not blaming the parents here, but maybe they should have been monitored more...just saying Edited June 3, 2014 by kagome2526 Quote
BronxWench Posted June 3, 2014 Report Posted June 3, 2014 You know what? As a parent, I really have to say that 12-year olds need to be monitored when it comes to the Internet, and I do think the parents were remiss. No 12 year old is mature enough to be allowed free rein on the Internet, and it's the job of those of us who are parents to KNOW where our kids are surfing. It's not the job of the Internet to police our kids. We are the legal guardians, the adults, and we need to assume responsibility. kagome26isawsome and Miss_Emily 2 Quote
kagome26isawsome Posted June 3, 2014 Author Report Posted June 3, 2014 (edited) I understand BW! But people are commenting on it that the parents should be in jail also. Which I think is a little harsh. In my opinion,The girls should go to jail and parents should pay the parents of the other girl (who is alive btw) for her medical bills and donate some money to a just cause. **Update** http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Creepypasta_Wiki the site has addressed the issues and even set up a fund for the girl that got stabbed 19 times Edited June 3, 2014 by kagome2526 Quote
BronxWench Posted June 3, 2014 Report Posted June 3, 2014 Honestly, as the legal guardians of the girls that did the stabbings, their parents ARE responsible under the law. The fact that we rarely push to punish the parents doesn't make it unreasonable to think that they might bear some of the blame. We're fast enough to blame parents if a kid finds a gun and shoots a cousin. How is this different? When will we realize that kids need watching, and it starts AT HOME? It's well past time that we started to expect people to be responsible. You bring a child into this world, and you are responsible for raising that child, feeding them, educating them, and teaching them how to be a productive member of society. You don't buy them a laptop at ten and say, "Have fun." You make sure they know what's right and what's wrong. It's no one else's responsibility. Yes, the other girl is alive, but can you imagine how this will color her life? Not only now, when she's injured, in the hospital, and no doubt scared half to death, but years from now. Who's going to be there when she suffers PTSD, or has nightmares? Who puts her life back together for her and makes it all okay again? No one can give her back what she lost thanks to these two little monsters. WillowDarkling 1 Quote
DemonGoddess Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 The parents DEFINITELY should take a share in the blame, AND the punishment. Perhaps if we start punishing the parents WITH the children, instead of relying on the electronic babysitters, other parents will actually become involved and KNOW wtf their kids are doing. WillowDarkling and BronxWench 2 Quote
LockedBox Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 I really don't think that this is the time to sling blame around. We no little to nothing about these people, and it's highly probable that these two girls have serious mental issues that go beyond their chosen reading material. We don't know what part the parents played in this, what part the internet played in this, and what exactly was going through those girls heads. Perhaps we never will, but I don't think pointing fingers and declaring guilt will do anybody any good. Especially not now when a girl is in hospital and three families have had the rug ripped from underneath them. Quote
BronxWench Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 If they have serious mental issues, then by all the gods, they should NOT have been reading creepypasta. That scares adults, ffs. It only reinforces what I said, that parents have an obligation to make sure they know where their children are surfing on the Internet. And a large part of what's wrong with the Internet generation is that there is NO concept of consequences. No one expects them to take responsibility for their actions. No one wants to say, "You screwed up, and you are going to receive a punishment." I knew that if I screwed up, I was going to get spanked, lose privileges, and be generally miserable until I'd been deemed sufficiently punished. Guess what? I grew up to be a fairly good person, who gets involved with the community, obeys the law, works hard, pays taxes, and doesn't litter. I've raised two children. I have one who's 19 and one who's 16, and I monitored their Internet usage. They earned privileges based on both age and how well they obeyed the restrictions I'd imposed on where they could surf. Neither one of them has ever shown any inclination to lure classmates into the woods and stab them to prove to a fictional character that they were "worthy." And if they ever had entertained such gruesome notions, I'd have known about it long before it got past the "what if we..." stage. I understood that kids don't spring into the world with a font of altruism waiting to be unleashed. They're largely amoral, selfish, impatient, and not at all empathetic. It's up to parents to instill some sort of values in their children. I'm not playing with theory here. I've lived it, and I'm speaking from experience. It's not rocket science, people. It's called parenting. It's what OUR parents did, and it works. WillowDarkling and kagome26isawsome 2 Quote
DemonGoddess Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 I agree with Bronx 100%. Parents need to take responsibility for the raising of their children in to functional human beings. Not the teachers in school, not the babysitter, or someone else. That job is the parent's job. Children all too often these days, are brought up with an extreme sense of entitlement. You know what? I grew up learning how to EARN things. Not having shit handed to me to shut me up. Given the kind of behavior I see with much younger than me type people in the work place, that's just ONE of the areas where I feel parents are not stepping up to the plate. You don't get your way because you exist. You shouldn't be given things just because you are there. Privileges are earned. That's why they're privileges. kagome26isawsome, BronxWench and WillowDarkling 3 Quote
magusfang Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 Ahh, it would have to be Wisconsin, and people wonder why I ran away just as soon as I could Those people up there are scary crazy...must be the 9 month winters Quote
LockedBox Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 Look, all I'm trying to say is that taking up torch and pitchfork now isn't going to make anything better. I don't mean to be rude, but right now we know nothing of the situation beyond a few highly biased pieces of media, and even they tell little of what was really going on. I just don't want to sling mud around until we have a greater bank of verifiable facts to draw from. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 These 12 year old girls are being charged as adults They, themselves, stated that this was something they did for "Slenderman" Slenderman is an internet meme The last is honestly the most important, insofar as what both Bronx and I are saying. Those children would not have been so likely to find the meme, and others like it, if their net usage was monitored. Sites of that nature are blocked from the school computers, so that means they would have been doing the reading of it all at HOME. That places the negligence, which led to this crime, squarely on the parents. Quote
BronxWench Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 We're going to have to agree to disagree, then. I suspect that you will, in time, understand exactly why I've taken the position I have. I'm old enough to have seen a great deal, and I've learned how little I know, but I do know that the answer is not to excuse the ADULTS who were responsible for teaching these children how to be reasonably decent human beings. Quote
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