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George Glass' Review Responses -- Original Fiction


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Yahegai, you are an animal! An extremely literate animal. :)

Here are my responses to your many reviews: 


Re: "Satisfaction"


Okay what you did with this story was prodigiously phenomenal, I\'m very happy that Lisa, Wendy and Julian all got what they wanted and needed. The ending was as sweet as sugar and everything nice

Thank you! Originally, chapter 1 was going to be the whole story (this is also true of "The Interview"), but then I realized there was a lot more I wanted to do.

Re: "Side Effects (COMPLETE)"


I\'m glad that Melanie and Gregory got what they deserve for being such abusive fucks to Heather. Serves those two bitches right

Especially Greg, who wasn't even under the influence like Melanie was.

Re: "The Playground"


The happy, loving and exciting open marriage that Leanne and Nick has got going was pleasantly enjoyable


Re: "The AngelPlay Winter Catalog"


What a diverse and delighting winter catalog!

Glad you liked it.

Re: "Keene's Really Good Week"


Keene really did have a really good week. Hot sex, more hot sex and even more hot sex. This was another magnificent piece of writing


Re: "Keene's College Weekend"


What an incredible sequel to an incredible story. Keene is such a lucky guy to be surrounded by such beautiful and loving women

Isn't he, though? :)

FYI, I've been kicking around ideas for a third and final story in this series, but nothing has really gelled yet.

Re: "Daddy's Rules"


I agree that any person regardless of their gender who treats their family even remotely like Ianu deserves to be castrated, might as well throw someone like that into a tub of acid while we\'re at it

Yeah, Ianu is a completely bad apple.

Re: "The Single Mothers' Support Group"


I like the sex talk in this fic

Thanks! It was a fun change of pace to write an all-dialogue story like this.

Re: "Snow"


What a sweet short story

Thank you!

Re: "Darla"


If this had happened in real life those bullies should be arrested and taken to a gulag in Soviet Siberia on top of being boiled in oil. But since this is complete fiction you should definitely be slathered with warm massage oil by busty Norwegian girls, then get a nice long sex session with as many of those busty Norwegian girls as you want

Why, thank you. :)

Re: "Twins: An Incest Poem"


This was a short but charming poem

Thanks! I'm only rarely inspired to do poetry, so I appreciate your appreciation. :)

Re: "Darla's Dad"


Darla\'s dad is an asshole

Oh, indeed. 

Re: "Darla's Dad"


I have read \"Darla’s New Beginning\" by risa187 and I have to say that it was an extremely remarkable sequel to \"Darla\'s Dad\". risa187 did an awesome job and you did a great thing by giving her permision to post it

As an author of both fan fiction and original fiction, I was quite flattered that someone wanted to write a fanfic of my original fics. And I agree that she did a great job.

Re: "The Small Hours"


This was a cute and sexy story. Great work

Thanks! I'm usually very concerned with plot and setup, but this time I was like, "Dang it, this time I'm going to write a PWP story."


Re: "Wish List"


It was really kind of her dad to give her what she wanted. Another magnificent story

Thank you! The trickiest part of writing this story was not making it too similar to the "Wild Side" stories.

Re: "Some Days, You Get the Bear"


This is a hot short story

Thanks! I wrote this one for a story contest that had a 500-word limit, and I did not have an easy time making it that short, so I appreciate the compliment.


Re: "Backward Glance: A Multi-temporal Romance"


I\'m a real sucker for happy endings. You did a great job with this one just like with your other stories

Thanks! I'm very happy with how this one turned out.


Now, I see that you’ve left another batch of reviews, which I’ll respond to soon.

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Here are my responses to the latest reviews from that reading-and-reviewing machine known as @Yahegai:

Re: "Learning a Daughter's Duty"


Another spectacular sex filled story

Thanks! I had a lot of fun with that one.

Re: "Caitlyn's Punishment"


This is a really good rape and bestiality story. Kudos to you

Thank you!

Re: "Company Policy"


I would straight up kill to work in a company like that, John is one lucky son of a bitch

This was another one of those stories where I thought about what is normal, rational, and predictable and then did the opposite. :)

Re: "F**k Perfect"


I loved what you did with Arkady the hot burly russian. The ending was quite wholesome and heartwarming. Overall this story was humorous but arousing at the same time

Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for.

Re: "A Beach Like No Other"


The ending was incredibly sweet and beautiful I wish I could read it for the first time again, oh wait! I can. This was an excellent story filled with a lot of sexy, hot and cute moments that could and would make anyone hornily happy. Thank you

Thanks! This story was inspired by the artwork of Glassfish, who likes to portray cute young boys getting it on with busty adult women. I thought it would be fun to write about an entire world of that.

Re: "A Beach Like No Other"


I feel like that when Tony, Annie and Charisse leave the paradise like beach they\'ll start a big and very happy family with each other. 

Hmmm, I like that thought.


This thought makes me feel really fuzzy and warm because it would make Annie\'s kind statement \"And the boy lived happily ever after.\" even more beautiful. So once again thank you for writing such a charming and sexy story

Thank you! 

Re: "A Beach Like No Other"


Also the hot pirate movie was the final nail to the coffin for me when it comes to rating this beautiful story, the rating is twenty out of ten

Thanks! I tried to think of what kind of movie they would make in a world like this, and Captain Cassie and the Boy Pirates was the result.

Re: "Father's Love"


Very arousing and hot

Thanks. When I wrote this story, I didn't expect many people to like it, given the whole in utero sex angle. But it turned out to be a lot more popular than I expected--especially on Inkbunny, where it is far and away the most popular story I've ever posted there. 

Re: "A Little Goes a Long Way"


This was a hilariously story


Re: "Unbidden"


Neat story, hot as well

Thank you. This one was particularly fun for me to write because I could use a lot of the rape-fantasy scenarios that I had come up with previously but that I didn't think could carry a whole story on their own.

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So, that reading-and-reviewing beast they call @Yahegaihas left me TWENTY-FOUR new reviews. So here we go:

Re: “A Very Special Thank You”


This is a very romantic story. Great job!

Thanks! This story was my friend EhSteve's idea; I wrote it for him when he won a story raffle I held a few years ago.

Re: “Some Girl”


Very sensually arousing. Another greatly magnificent work

Thanks. I wrote this one for a Valentine's Day contest; then my fondness for the characters let me to write the two sequels.

Re: “Activation Day”


You\'re really good at making sci fi stuff. The twist at the 4th chapter caught me off guard. Tara\'s and Matt\'s relationship was really sweet and arousing. So this was another magnificent read. Thanks

Thanks! Glad you liked the twist.

Re: “Fireworks”


This was a wonderfully awesome sequel. I love the twist at chapter 3 because it made the story even hotter and lewder

That was my favorite part--showing that the two sets of cousins are more alike than either of them thought.

Re: “Comfort and Joy”


What a splendid sequel. The ending was really wholesome, hot and heartwarming all at the same time. This was a really nice send off to this trilogy. Thank you for making it

You are most welcome.

Re: “Excuses”


This is a very excitingly hot incestuous story, just like with many of your other splendid works


Re: “Impulse”


A very arousingly hot story. The rape play was excellent

Thanks! "Excuses" and "Impulse" are two rare cases of stories that I wrote most of in a single day. They just took hold of me and made me write them. 


Re: “Mommy's Home”


Extremely arousing story with extremely hot sex. Another magnificent job

Thank you!

Re: “Auntie's Home”


This is a nobly dazzling story. The sex just kept getting more and more hot as the story progressed. And the ending was wholesomely great

Thanks. I had a lot of fun with that one.

Re: “May's Family”




Re: “Guidelines”


An excellently made rape story

Thank you. That story was originally just going to be the guidelines themselves; I only thought of writing the interview chapter later.

Re: “Quiet”


This is a very interesting and warm story

Thank you.

Re: “Just Doin’ What We Do (A Halloween Story)”


What an extremely arousing story filled with hot werewolf sex


Re: “Rough Night”


Another great rape story!

Thank you!

Re: “Dear Hazel”


Cute letter


Re: “A Perfect Mismatch”


Interestingly hot story

Glad you enjoyed.

Re: “Pony Dearest”


Another great cruel rape story

That one was inspired by some artwork I'd seen on Inkbunny of futa horse-moms using their little fillies.

Re: “Country Summer”


This is an amazingly beautiful story. The dialogue was great and the sex was lewdly hot. And the ending was the sweet cherry flavoured cream on top of this tastily sweet pumpkin pie. So all and all another magnificent story

Thanks. This story started out as open-ended; it wasn't until around chapter 8 when I decided that I needed to start thinking about the ending. So I'm glad you liked it.

Re: “Fun in the Oven”


Hot story. The unexpected twist of Asha of being able to feel her cubs having sex in her womb was great! It really was fun in the oven

After writing "Father's Love," I wanted to do another sex-in-the-womb story but to make it different from that one. This was what I came up with.

Re: “Curfew”


Another great rape story but with bestiality this time

I never feel like I'm writing enough bestiality stories. :)

Re: “Dil-Drones”


I see what you did there with the title of this wonderful story. I never thought that a bunch of drones with sexy dildos would make me horny but I\'m glad that it did

I'll say one thing for the dil-drones: They actually DO give a flying fuck. :)

Re: “Dil-Drones”


\”Self-righteous politicians demanded a public apology and other forms of restitution from Amazing, all while using the incident as an argument against pornography\”
This. Like seriously why can\'t those fucking self righteous politicians just let us have our dil-drones


Re: “The Happiest Place”


This is still great. And I adore and still love the parody part of Lilo and Stitch

Thanks! That was one of my favorite bits, too.

Re: “Imaginary Tokyo”


This was a fun story to read. I\'m so happy that the main character got with Erna and didn\'t get blue balled

Glad you enjoyed! I felt like the ending had to finally break with the anime tropes. 

Edited by GeorgeGlass
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What if @Yahegai really IS a reading machine, and the name is a long abbreviation that ends with "artificial intelligence"? We may never know, but here are my responses to their latest reviews. 

Re: "Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl"


This was an incredibly hot story. The happy ending was really beautiful. Great job!

Thank you! I'm proud of that ending.

Re: "A Little Family Trip"


This is an exceptional sequel to an exceptional story. The pregnancy bit at the end was really wholesome. Thank you

Glad you enjoyed!

Re: "Little Rose"


It\'s still as amazing as the first time I read it

Thanks very much.

Re: "The Order of Things"


Hot story


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11 hours ago, GeorgeGlass said:

What if @Yahegai really IS a reading machine, and the name is a long abbreviation that ends with "artificial intelligence"?

[In a very dramatic and over the top voice]

How did you figure it out that I was an artificial intelligence? Curse you GeorgeGlass you will rue the day you found about my secret! 

The city where I was created which is the of Yneusa Amurza Homolsk on Ezanov Galomar will have your head for this. Mark my words you insanely talented writer for I YAHEGAI (Yneusa Amurza Homolsk on Ezanov Galomar Artificial Intelligence) will be the one to bring your head to the city where I was created!

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I, for one, welcome our new cybernetic overlords, which is why I'm responding to this latest spate of reviews from @Yahegai.


Re: "Can't Resist Her"



\"The size of that change became even more obvious the next morning, when I woke up naked in my bed, with my naked daughter’s head pillowed on my ass.\"

What a very lucky MILF! And a very lucky daughter!


For sure. 

Re: "How Alexander Fucked the Earth"


Oh my god the twist of Alexander the horse cock haver actually being a motherfucking horse was hilariously good

Thanks! Writing this story was basically a process of starting with that ending and working my way backwards. :)


Re: "Weekend at Waltney World"


Your stories are like expensive fine wine. Like the really expensive ones where you have to trade an arm and a leg just to get a single large bottle

Why, thank you. :)

Re: "Monsters"


I guess you could say the humans were the real monsters in this story

Oh, absolutely.

Re: "The Wrong Locker Room"


Started as a rapey gangbang then turned into a consensual gangbang. I\'d say you did a great job with this one! Jst like with the rest of your masterfully written stories!

Thank you! I'm not normally big on m/m stuff, but I'll happily make an exception for furry characters.

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Re: “For the Price of One”

From ANON - on April 09, 2023


Never stop being yourself GeorgeGlass regardless of what others say because by being yourself is what makes your erotically hot and fascinating stories so good

Thank you! For sure, I will never stop being myself, because I don’t know how to be anyone else. :)

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53 minutes ago, GeorgeGlass said:

Never stop being yourself GeorgeGlass regardless of what others say because by being yourself is what makes your erotically hot and fascinating stories so good

I was the one that wrote this, my account must have been automatically logged off from the site when I exited my browser

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  • 2 months later...

Re: “Master Plan”

From holahola1234 on June 22, 2023


Great start and what a fitting story title!

Thanks! It took me literally years to think of that title; for ages, I was simply calling it “Untitled Shotadom Story.” 


I am a big sucker for shotadom stories, especially when it is about a woman wanting a shota master. 

The conventional wisdom is that it’s the sub who is really in control. So I thought, why not be explicit about that?


Can't wait to see more chapters!

Well, you shouldn’t have to wait long—I sent chapter 1 off to beta about 10 minutes ago.


p.s. Your old story " A Beach Like No Other" has been one of my favorites. 

Thank you! I’m fond of that story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: “Master Plan”

From SentinelX on July 04, 2023


An excellent start. Mr Glass continues to delight the reader with well-crafted, quality adult stories,

Thank you!


my favourites being "Show Dog" "Stallion" and the Helluva Boss fanfic.

I actually have two Helluva Boss fics now, so if you enjoyed “Heaven Help You,” you might also like to check out “Upon Reflection.”

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Re: “I’m Not Who I Used to Be”

And @Yahegaiis first on the scene!

From Yahegai on July 12, 2023


Very interesting story premise with an interestingly great protagonist. The sex in chapter 1 was quite enticing. So bravo! You did a magnificent job!

Thank you! I’m glad you like the protagonist; because the entire story is told from her first-person POV, it’s especially important that she be engaging. And I hope you’ll like the sex scenes in the upcoming chapters just as much.

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Re: “I’m Not Who I Used to Be”

From Big_Stuff on July 12, 2023



Hey great story, loved it.


Thanks! It’s actually not over yet; there are 3 more chapters coming.


I've been reading your stories for a while and was wondering if I could contact you and give some ideas?

I’ve already got more ideas than I know what to do with. But if you want to DM me here on the forum, feel free. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Mommy's and Auntie's Home

Mommy's Home and Auntie's Home are certainly among the best stories I've read on this site, but that's not enough for me. I saw that you answered someone that you weren't planning a sequel at the beginning of 2022, is that still the case? I think you could go a lot further in this story, for example it would be cool to see the children being born, what they're going to become and how they'll live with the fact that their mother is also their father's mother, for example? I think there's a way to do some nice things.

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23 hours ago, Guest Mommy's and Auntie's Home said:

Mommy's Home and Auntie's Home are certainly among the best stories I've read on this site, but that's not enough for me. I saw that you answered someone that you weren't planning a sequel at the beginning of 2022, is that still the case? I think you could go a lot further in this story, for example it would be cool to see the children being born, what they're going to become and how they'll live with the fact that their mother is also their father's mother, for example? I think there's a way to do some nice things.

Interesting thought. A “next generation” approach might be a good way to change things up. I’ll put that in the idea file.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: “The Power Arcane: An Erotic Anthology” (final story)

From LadyFreelove2 on October 08, 2023


This is really good! Great battle and even better orgy!

Thanks! Both the battle and the orgy required extensive outlining because there were so many characters involved, so I really appreciate the comment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: “Master Plan”

From KitsuneStar on October 24, 2023


Great story, your way of conveying lust and lustful moments never ceases to amaze me. Even though I'm not that much into humilliation or forceful interactions I can really feel the lust being transmitted through your story telling. Amazing work, I only hope that one day I can convey these scenarios as well as you do. Thanks for the story, greatly enjoyed it.

Thank you! As I’ve done in a few other stories, I’m trying to capitalize on what I’ve so often heard about dom/sub relationships: that by and large, it’s really the sub who is in control. Nicole chooses to be subject to humiliation and force because it turns her on. 

In any case, thanks for the comment, and I hope you’ll enjoy the final chapters.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: “Master Plan”

From DreamWorlds on December 27, 2023


This reminds me of my favorite story of yours Flesh. I wonder what would happen if they met and who is more messed up in the head

Oh, I’d say Grant from “Flesh” is FAR more messed up. Although Max is a precociously horny kid like Grant, and while he loves domming his mom, he also truly loves her. Grant, on the other hand, is a straight-up psychopath who may or may not be capable of love and who certainly doesn’t feel it for his mom or sisters. They are just playthings to him.

If you’re looking for a boy in one of my stories who’s closer to Grant’s level of antisocial behavior, Jack from “Anything That Moves” certainly qualifies. He may not have Grant’s superhuman abilities, but he’s capable of doing whatever he needs to do to get off.

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Re: “Cowboys and Indians”From LadyFreelove2 on December 28, 2023



I love these siblings stories you write. They are my favorite. The way you write them is so realistic, so descriptive of actual events as they often unfold in real life.


I had a feeling this story would draw your attention. I can’t speak from personal experience about its realism, but I’m trying to make this story feel as organic as I can without compromising the erotic action. 


I would very much like to see a sequel about the laer adventures of Tina and Ricky!

You don’t have to wait for a sequel; I expect to post the second half of this story some time in the next couple of weeks.

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From @InvidiaRed on December 26, 2023



Its historically accurate, our forebearers were nothing if not inventive when it came to inheritance.

Sending your children to a cloister was a favorite, but if they had limited prospects but weren't inclined to a secluded life this would work too.


Since this was medieval fantasy and not historical fiction, I wasn’t even trying for historical accuracy; the concept of “detachment" was just something I made up to help explain why Gareth ended up at the stables. 


Personally I think the dad might be envious lol.

Maybe, but if so, his envy is misplaced. I have a friend who is very well hung, and from what I know, it has done his sex life far more harm than good. Gareth’s “deformity” was inspired by that. 

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  • 1 month later...

Re: “Cowboys and Indians”

From LadyFreelove2 on February 17, 2024


OMG! Part two is hot, beautiful and perfect! The mutual, uncontrollabe lust and love between the siblings is the most natural, most satisfying, most incredible sex possible! I would love for there to be a third part where they fulfill their promise to each other to have a baby together!

I’m so glad you liked it! I don’t have plans for another chapter, but it’s always possible that I’ll write a sequel at some point.

Edited by GeorgeGlass
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