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Story "Guilty Filthy Soul" gone?

Guest Iffi

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I did some searching around, and found out from this Google cache of the HP-AFF page that the name of the author was 'poet'. I clicked the author's name, and led me to someone named 'Nanoblock' instead. I guess the author changed his penname? He has no stories up though.

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Iffi, Guilty Filthy Soul (GFS) is a Draco/Hermione fic, correct? With a summary that goes like this:

Guilty Filthy Soul

The Dark Lord has prevailed. The Order is shattered. Hermione is captured and given to Draco Malfoy as a slave. However, the young Gryffindor may have one or two things she's been saving for a rainy day. Anal,Fingering,H/C,HJ,M/F,M/ s,Oral,Rape,Slave

Posted : 2013-10-16 -:- Edited : 2013-11- 04 22:30:42 -:- Read Reviews

I looked up the summary online, and found a fic called THE SLAVES GAME (TSG) by DarthBatman123 that has a very similar summary:

The Dark Lord has prevailed. The Order is shattered Harry Potter's twin sister, Violet Lily Potter, is captured and given to Draco Malfoy as a slave. However, the young Gryffindor may have one or two things she's been saving for a rainy day. *WARNING: includes scenes which are not suitable for younger viewers. Please view at your own risk - you have been warned.*

Could you check the first chapter and see if it's the same as GFS, if you still remember it? If so, unless the author of GFS is DarthBatman123, and she simply decided to change her OC to Hermione instead, one of them might have plagiarized the other... Idk how many chapters GFS was had here on AFF, but TSG has around 23 chapters up.

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Now, without seeing either story, I am not going to accuse one or the other of plagiarism. As to the other author offsite, that one is a child, and certainly would NOT be welcome to publish here. For that matter, there is no way to tell when that story was published, as there are no dates.

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I thought it was suspicious that the author of GFS deleted her fic and changed her penname, so I did some more searching around to see if it's her story or not. I think GFS may be the original story though, because based on the Google web cache dated Oct. 31, TSG only had 2 chapters up, while based on some site with a copy-pasted list of AFF story summaries and details says that GFS had around 12 chapters up already on Oct. 30. Also, some Google web caches of AFF dated Nov. 25 says that GFS also had 23 chapters up at that date. As DemonGoddess061 said, there are no publish dates on TGS so we can't be totally sure, and the author of GFS has deleted her fic already so it's hard to compare.

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It's not that suspicious as to the pen name change. That's more common than you'd think. The POINT is, without both stories up, to be able to compare them side by side, you CANNOT claim plagiarism. For all any of us know, the author here may have had the story posted before, elsewhere. This again points to not saying that there is theft unless we can do more than read summaries. The offsite author is not just too young to be here, but WAY too young to be here. Having said that, PLEASE be aware that not being able to SHOW one way or another who is the original author, with certainty is a problem in this for instance..

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Given that I warned the author of Guilty Filthy Soul on October 21, 2013 for an invalid disclaimer, I can attest that it was indeed more than one chapter at that point.

However, as DG's pointed out, without a date of publication offsite, this is a moot issue. We can't determine with any validity when the offsite story was published, and we can't arbitrarily accuse anyone without hard evidence.

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Yes, I understand. (The offside author mentioned her age? I didn't it when I was looking at her profile.) I only started thinking the name change and deletion of the fic was suspicious when I found out that a similar fic existed out there and published at around the same date, but with a different main character. It's unfortunate that GFS was already deleted then, I guess. (Or you could also call it fortunate, if GFS and TSG do have the same author and said author is underage.)

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Yes! this is the one i looked for. and SLG seems to be identical (exept the Name of the female main Charakter) SLG even stopped at the same chapter and Point of the Story...

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