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Whore of the Dark Side

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I was recently enjoying a French fanfiction which I was translating into English called whore of the dark side but it seems to have disappeared any ideas where? If you read it do you have any similar suggestions as to other stories I might enjoy? Thanks xx

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I have a strong suspicion this was the story that was misplaced in the Harry Potter Archive when it belonged in the Non-English Archive. The original Author will need to repost it there.

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Pittwitch is indeed correct. We have a Non-English archive where there is a lively community of writers in a variety of languages. The author has not yet reposted it, but I did direct them to that subdomain to repost the story.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Olga69

As the Author (Olga69), i would like to excuse me haven't notice the disapearrence of the fiction. I would like to give you the new link withe the complete 5 (on 6) chapters.

Bonne Lecture

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