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Weird Fears


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I made this because I know quite a few people who are scared of some weird, weird things.

Like take myself for example. I have irrational fear of Eggplant.

How strange is that? But I can't walk past them at the supermarket, can't handle them, can't look at them, CERTAINLY can't eat them. They just freak me out in every form and manner! I've never seen anything so...un-natural-looking.

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afraid of homophobes???

the word actually means they're the ones who are scared xD

your a homophobephobe :')

I afraid of seaweed, insects and fever...

only things I've ever been scared of.

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yes, I am terrified of people who are scared of homosexuals... prejudice is a terrifying thing.

I agree, though I'm not afraid of them, I just pity the fact that they can be so blind and close-minded about such an insignificant fact about someone. It's like not liking someone 'cause they drive a blue car...

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Ever see the Fry Kids?

Little mops on McDonald's commercials with two bug eyes and two feet like Big Bird?

Scared the fucking crap out of me. Don't know why.

Other than that, i go to pieces at heights, spiders, the horizon when out to sea and the thought of sex with another man. Depending on your definition, a homophobe.

I support gay marriage, gay rights, men/women/both/neither rights, of any direction or degree, to the limit of participation with informed, aware, awake adults.

I do not begrudge their existence, their orientation or their choice.

I just have the same emotional reaction to the thought of ME participating as to the thought of picking up a tarantula.


I don't know if there's a word for a fear of how unfinished the horizon looks if there is no shore. I grew up in mountains, the horizon should have bumps. Or at least a bump. When the submarine surfaced off of Bermuda... Way, way, way off Bermuda, they had a swim call. I got to the top of the ladder, looked left. Looked right. Told all the sailors beneath me on the ladder to get off, i was going back to stand the watch.

Three mechanics couldn't push me through the hatch out of their way.

Bleah. I shudder to think about it.


I joined submarines for the express working environment of 400 feet below sea level. Thought it'd be safe for me.

No one ever mentioned the drydock. The catwalk stretching from the wing wall to the sub. The non-opaque grating that made up the deck of the catwalk, showing a clear view Allllllllllll the way down.

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Ever see the Fry Kids?

Little mops on McDonald's commercials with two bug eyes and two feet like Big Bird?

Scared the fucking crap out of me. Don't know why.

O.o! I remember those! There's some really scary stuff that people market to children...adults think they look cute and they give kids nightmares! But then there's also things you loved as a child - like certain films - that if you watch as an adult you see all sorts of things in them that never crossed your mind when you were younger :S

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Ok... let me set the scene. I'm about 6'3 and 212 lbs. I got up early to take my boyfriend into work. I went to put my shoes on.. and some sort of bug ran right by my foot. I screamed like a girl and jumped up on the couch. It took a good 10 minutes before I would get off the couch.

I hate bugs. Not just spiders.. any type of creepy crawly. They're so small but they move so fast. It just doesn't seem natural for a living thing to be that small.... I once refused to go to the bathroom for an entire evening because I saw a centipede.

I'm also afraid of heights, and the dark. My boyfriend tells me to quit being a baby about the dark thing. It's not the dark itself so much and more what might be in it. I don't like not being able to see. My boyfriend picks on me by turning the light off on me while I'm in the shower. He thinks it's funny. I think it's cruel. When he did it and closed the door and walked away he told me to grow up and get over it when he came back and I was curled up in the fetal position having a major panic attack.

I'm also a bit clostraphobic. I got stuck under my parents bed when I was a baby and I've been afraid of getting stuck in small spaces ever since.

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Scared to death of spiders. It took the FIRST 30 years of my life to not run away screaming rom the things. Heights, but it's weird how that works. Unnatural objects that are tall freak me out, like ladders. Yet I can climb trees without problems. Lightning bothers me, but not the thunder that follows...simply because it's the lightning that can hurt ya, not the noise.

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Guest skittles08

I am terrified of leprechauns. My brother made me watch "The Leprechaun" when I was like 5 and I've been afraid of them ever since. My other brother thinks its funny to stand outside my door and say "I want me gold!". I told him the next time he did that, I'd castrate him with a spork lol.

I'm also afraid of bees, spiders, clown dolls, and Freddy Krueger. I once had a dream that he chased me through my house.

I also can't get dressed in my room because I always think that my pictures and posters are watching me. Weird, I know lol.

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I've watched so many horror movies in my life that I can no longer close my eyes in the shower. I am also afraid of medical procedures and am currently hitting myself over the head because I volunteered for a blood drive next week. Mannequins also freak me out and dolls 0.0 I blame that on my mother cause she put these creepy ass dolls in my room as a child and they would stare at me all night long. Snakes are my comfort animal, I can usually make my fears go away if I think about them, especially pythons. Apparently, according to family and friends, this is weird.

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I also can't get dressed in my room because I always think that my pictures and posters are watching me. Weird, I know lol.

I get that too, especially if I've got a person on my desktop as my back ground I have to turn the screen off when I get undressed... >.>

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And here I thought I was the only one that was afraid of weird things. It's good to know I'm not alone :rolleyes:

I'm only afraid of the dark if I'm in the bathroom -for some reason, that is the absolute worst and I totally freak out. Any other time, I could care less if the lights go out. I'm terrified of heights -pretty much anything over six feet from the ground- which isn't really unusual I guess. It's more of the possibility of falling that scares me more than anything. I'm even afraid of them when I'm playing video games where you have to jump across bottomless pits -when I die, everything in me just sort of seizes up for a moment :rolleyes: I'm cool with most insects except for ticks and silverfish *shudders* Just thinking about them makes my skin crawl!

I also randomly develop phobia's that only last for a short time. Like the other day, I had a piece of something I had just eaten stuck in my back teeth (gross, I know, but it happens). Since I didn't have any toothpicks (I try to avoid putting my hands in my mouth...ick), I had to use my finger, but I knew my hands were dirty. A co-worker's solution was to use the Germ-X (it was closer than the bathroom), which I had thought of. But, after thinking about that, I immediately thought that if I put it on my hands and then put my hands in my mouth, I would end up poisoning myself. Completely irrational since it is unlikely that such a small amount would do anything, but I just couldn't do it once the thought had entered my head.

Oh, and I can't drive by trash cans (like the ones that sit on the curb at fast food places so you can toss stuff from your car) slowly with my window down because I'm afraid a squirrel will jump out of it and attack me. My roommate thinks it's hilarious :huh:

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I also can't get dressed in my room because I always think that my pictures and posters are watching me. Weird, I know lol.

OMG, I thought I was the only one! Let's see, list of my quirks:

The hollow center of bones creep me out. They give me goosebumps every time I look at them. Pretty much anything kind of organic and spongy freaks me out. Except sponges. I'm so strange. But, yeah, the inside of bones, holding or looking closely at porous coral or putting a flashlight to the spongy iris part of somebody's eye and watching the muscles contract all make me shiver. I'm shivering just talking about it.

I have an insane, irrational fear of blunt head trauma. I have never been hit or hit in the head before. I also have the irrational fear that people I know are going to break down my door and start beating me up, even though that's never actually happened in real life before. Sometimes when I hear people coming home I hide because of this.

Everyday, I imagine about 1 - 10 elaborate death scenarios about myself. If I'm driving I imagine I get into a car accident, If I'm in the shower I imagine the water handle blowing off with pressure and hitting me in the chest, rupturing my lungs and causing me to drown in my own blood, etc. It makes for good writing though. I'm kind of like Emma Thompson's character in Stranger than Fiction. When I saw that movie, I started laughing and was like, "OMG, that is SO me!"

Also, since I was a kid, I hate to wash my face because I sometimes think that Dracula is gonna come up behind me and suck my blood.

Oh yeah, hellagoddess, I LOVE your DN fanfic!!!

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OMG, I thought I was the only one! Let's see, list of my quirks:

Everyday, I imagine about 1 - 10 elaborate death scenarios about myself. If I'm driving I imagine I get into a car accident, If I'm in the shower I imagine the water handle blowing off with pressure and hitting me in the chest, rupturing my lungs and causing me to drown in my own blood, etc. It makes for good writing though. I'm kind of like Emma Thompson's character in Stranger than Fiction. When I saw that movie, I started laughing and was like, "OMG, that is SO me!"

Also, since I was a kid, I hate to wash my face because I sometimes think that Dracula is gonna come up behind me and suck my blood.

Oh yeah, hellagoddess, I LOVE your DN fanfic!!!

Haha I have the same death scene thing - whenever I drive I always think I'm going to crash!

AND THANKS SO MUCH for liking my newest story! <_< I can't believe how many people are enjoying it! There's even a cosplay group attempting to make it into a MOVIE or something! Quite amazing really :rofl:

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OMG, if there is you have to post it on youtube!

Haha! I most possibly will - as that will be the easiest way for everyone to see it. They're still in the midst of finding appropriate places to film (they're actually filming Raito's work scenes in an uncle's gallery - so that will be nice! They've sent me pictures and it looks pretty much spot on!)

I'm looking foward to the finished product!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm afraid of...

*Aliens (but only if they look like Signs aliens or those white things with big heads... If they look like us, I'm cool.)

*Heights (though not necessarily of falling, I've fallen down the stairs at work multiple times without fear.)

*Large places alone (not as in empty necessarily but with anyone I don't know.)

*Earwigs (afraid they will actually crawl in my ears when I'm sleeping while camping.)

*Rejection (not "no" from a guy but downright never-talk-to-you-again rejection.)

That's all I can think of at the moment but I'm sure there is more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My strangest fear is of cluster and honeycomb patterns. I can't even begin to describe how physically sick looking at them makes me feel. I absolutely dread getting stung by bees on Animal Crossing because of the repulsive dots that appear on the swollen eye.

I feel sick just talking about it @_@

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I'm also frightened of grids. I went on holiday to Greece when I was about eleven years old, and down the main road there were so many open grids or ones that looked as though they'd collapse if they were stepped on. When I came home I found myself avoiding them when I was out and about, purely because I imagined them giving way beneath my feet.

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This perhaps might be the strangest fear: Plugged-up-until-they're-overflowing toilets. Yeah, you heard correct, OVERFLOWING TOILETS. I don't know why. I just, freak out at that. And I have no idea were it came from.

I also hate climbing(like steep mountain sides or something to that effect), mostly if I have to the work, plus that nagging feeling I'll plunge to my death.

And finally, walking under an overpass used by trains. I used to live in a town where one of the main roads had a overpass used by trains. That street was a part of my walking route to school. It was a bit unnerving whenever there was a train going by, and I had to walk under there. I mean, what if the instant I walked under there, it should collapse due to weakening metal? Or an earthquake? Or BOTH?

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Well, I'm not too sure about my current fears, but when I was little I was absolutely TERRIFIED to hear Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, and other classical piece I can't quite remember right now (call it repression). Other than that, I once saw a Freddy Krueger's movie when I was like 7 or 8 years old, and had the worst of nightmares the whole following month. The strange thing is, even though I was pretty scared of Freddy when I saw the movie, He wasn't in my nightmares. I just dreamed of something so utterly bizzarre that it freaked me out. Anybody knows how to interpret dreams around here? :)

I'm only afraid of the dark if I'm in the bathroom -for some reason, that is the absolute worst and I totally freak out.

Well, what happens to me is the total opposite. Sometimes I like to bathe at night with the lights turned off. I think the lack of light and being unable to see enhances my other senses, so the warmth of the water, along with the aroma of the soap and shampoo make a bath in the dark a really pleasurable experience (at least for me).

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Well, what happens to me is the total opposite. Sometimes I like to bathe at night with the lights turned off. I think the lack of light and being unable to see enhances my other senses, so the warmth of the water, along with the aroma of the soap and shampoo make a bath in the dark a really pleasurable experience (at least for me).

This is completely off-topic but I just wanted to say that I know exactly what you mean. There is something amazingly soothing and sensual about bathing in the dark or even dim light. I like candlelight bathing too. It's all truly wonderful. :)

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