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I got a review for one of my stories telling me to rewrite the my most current chapter to include a lemon. The exact review was that without lemons, my story was dull--of course five guild awards tends to disagree, but whatever. Maybe everyone is just humouring me.

Does anyone else have this problem with readers demanding lemons/smex scenes? I personally rarely write full out lemons, mostly because I'm simply not very good at writing them and I refuse to lower the quality of my story by adding a bit of badly written smex here or there.

I can't help, as I look around fandoms, but think that a majority of people could care less about good stories. If it's an overused plot, poor grammar, and terrible OOCness, it's all excused if it's riddled with smut--or at least that is what it keeps appearing to me. I mean, yes, this is AFF and that its name indicates in its very nature to be inclusive of "adult content," but does it demand it? Must every single one of my stories include full out sex scenes to even be considered good? I mean, call my stories bad all you want, but please don't tell me it is because I'm not including lemons.



Well, in my opinion you should stick to your rules :)

Lemon does not make a good story, it can be just a cherry on the cake :D

If people read just to find lemon, I don't think it's worth satisfying their desires.

I got a review: "I don't see how this is slash..." after the first chapter :blink: . Well, the question is - do you have to see it just after the title?

It's so boring when everything happens on first 10 pages...


I agree. Again, it's your story. I don't write lots of smut either. My current story has 6 chapters up, and no smut in sight. I do something crazy and actually rely on plot and good writting :blink: I know... it's a risky move. If I get a story with 20 chapters there might be 2 sex scenes.


In my story The Dark Elf, I don't even have smex and that's barely written out as one character is watching two others go at it till about I think close to the end of the story by three to five chapters away from the end. But what I have is mainly language and a little violence before we even get to the smex.

But no one really demanded that I write a smex scene for it and most of my other stories has smex somewhere in it. Two of them has no smex scenes at all. No one complained about it.

But I don't think you should write smex scenes to placate the reviewers, you write for yourself and the reviews are just bonuses to your work.



Well, let me try this strictly from a reader's point of view, as I don't write. I would much RATHER have a quality read, than have smut in it for the sake of having smut in a story.

I would MUCH rather read a story with good plot development. Something like that will keep my attention, whereas a story written just to satisfy a need to write smut I don't generally stick with. They BORE me.


Awhile back, I wondered why an original fiction of mine had so very little reviews. A friend responded that it was because there was only one sex scene in it and that my readers on this site would expect it to be smutty..... so, basically, all of the readers on adult-fanfiction.org are sluts? I know we're all eighteen here and there's 'adult' in the title, but I like to think that both readers and writers alike have more class than that. I like smut just as much as the next person, hell, I wrote a fifty chapter anthology based on sex alone! But, there is a time and place for everything. As so many people have been telling me lately, its your fic, not the readers, they have no right to demand anything out of you, especially since you're doing this for free.

  shinigamiinochi said:
I know we're all eighteen here and there's 'adult' in the title, but I like to think that both readers and writers alike have more class than that

I've always assumed the construct of 'adult' in AFF also picked up the importance of the writing being more mature than the sites that allow tweens. Not smut wise, but the quality and depth of a story too. Now granted, I know there are some adults out there who can't write for crap either, but maturity as a concept should not be applied only to including pr0n.

I just hit chapter 19 in my story Unexpected Endeavors. The premise of the story is that one of the characters has (accidentally) agreed to bear a son for another character. In the 19th chapter the deal is consummated, but I chose to just leave off as they were getting into it and discuss the consequences after the scene. That's why this person isn't so happy. It's frustrating--I'm sure, but I'm simply not very good at writing smut (especially non-cliched smut) and thus don't want to drag my story down.

Sometimes I think I take to heart too much of what reviewers say.


Wow--so now I think I'm going to take my story down from AFF. I didn't expect many reviews from this site b/c I let my story go fallow for so long, but the three I have are all criticizing me for not putting in a lemon and, for me, that's just incredibly absurd. They are as follows:

The first one (the one that started this thread):

cant u give a good lemon because ur story is good but there is no lemon it is quite dull so plz repost the chapter no19 and give some lemon or in future chapters give lots of lemon because it make ur story very good and very enchainting

The news ones I saw this morning after I finished up here in the forums:

As Kagome was poisoned she received her first kiss from Sesshoumaru. Yet now she behaves as if the kiss in this chapter was her first kiss, as if she didn´t know the feeling of another tongue in her mouth.

And this is Adultfanfiction.net. Why do you put this story here if there are no adult themes like lemons or violence? You cut the lemon as if your story was rated T, so there´s no need to post it here.

This is no flame, so don´t get me wrong. I love your story, otherwise I would have stopped reading it at the latest by chapter two, but I did read the whole story. It is beautifully written, soulful as well as humorous. I didn´t detect many misspellings either, if any at all. A sex scene doesn´t make a story better in any way, it isn´t needed at all for a good plot, but on Adultfanfiction.net the readers expect to see at least one lemon in a story that long, I think.

Maybe it wouldn´t even have stood out that there is no lemon in this story if you hadn´t somehow suggested it in chapter 19, but you did, and even if you suggested it, it wasn´t even "suggestive" enaugh to fit to a simple "Adult" rating.

You posted this story under the "Adult+" rating and it doesn´t fit there, so you leave me (and some other readers too, as I can see) a bit disappointed. If I read a story at Adultfanfiction.net (under the rating of "Adult+) I read it because there are lemons, as they are illegal and therefore censured in the other fanfiction- archives.

If you aren´t good at lemons, at least change the rating to "Adult" (even if the PG13 rating fits better to your story) or leave any sexual situations out, but please don´t cut the lemon when it´s finally getting really hot like you did and leave your readers high and dry.

Sometimes I really hate posting my fanfiction. What's the point if all that matters if you can write pr0n or not.



That was goooood...!

I'd suggest you to put a disclaimer at the beginning (and the story description) that there is no explicit sex within. I guess it will discourage people who are looking for sex only and encourage those who are looking for some other adult content :blink:

  canterro said:

That was goooood...!

I'd suggest you to put a disclaimer at the beginning (and the story description) that there is no explicit sex within. I guess it will discourage people who are looking for sex only and encourage those who are looking for some other adult content :blink:

Why I haven't done that is because I haven't decided if it'll remain that way. I honestly am trying to become a better writer in all counts, which includes lemon scenes, but haven't gotten to that point thus far. I do want to go through and do some formatting changes though, so it wouldn't hurt to explain that.


  scottishfae said:
Why I haven't done that is because I haven't decided if it'll remain that way. I honestly am trying to become a better writer in all counts, which includes lemon scenes, but haven't gotten to that point thus far. I do want to go through and do some formatting changes though, so it wouldn't hurt to explain that.


I have such a note in my profile:


I am aware that some of you are really eager to read erotic scenes... I understand. I like them too :)

They will be here.

However, I am a supporter of a 'wide context'. Before sex happens, I like the story swinging into action, characters developing their feelings and so on...

So - patience, please :blink:"

I guess it explains everything and will hopefully save me such comments...

Good luck with your writing :D


Hmmm... I have 6 chapters up, no lemons, and 26 reviews! *does a little dance* Yeah, I'm bragging a little here, but I think I have a right seeing as how I put so much in my stories.

But yes, I undesrtand what the rest of you are saying. People on AFF seem to only be looking for sex. You are not the first to bring up this topic, and probably not the last. Adult situations include language, violence, drugs, and other things thought to not be suitable for minors. That is what the creatures of the site had in mind from what I've heard. But apparently people seem to have smex on the brain.

I have not put smut in to please a reader, and I never will. I'm going to add a lemon soon, but when I feel like it's a good place.

  canterro said:
I have such a note in my profile:


I am aware that some of you are really eager to read erotic scenes... I understand. I like them too :)

They will be here.

However, I am a supporter of a 'wide context'. Before sex happens, I like the story swinging into action, characters developing their feelings and so on...

So - patience, please :blink:"

I guess it explains everything and will hopefully save me such comments...

Good luck with your writing :D

That's a very smart idea!

  greenwizard said:
Hmmm... I have 6 chapters up, no lemons, and 26 reviews! *does a little dance* Yeah, I'm bragging a little here, but I think I have a right seeing as how I put so much in my stories.

But yes, I undesrtand what the rest of you are saying. People on AFF seem to only be looking for sex. You are not the first to bring up this topic, and probably not the last. Adult situations include language, violence, drugs, and other things thought to not be suitable for minors. That is what the creatures of the site had in mind from what I've heard. But apparently people seem to have smex on the brain.

I have not put smut in to please a reader, and I never will. I'm going to add a lemon soon, but when I feel like it's a good place.

I love your use of the words "creatures." It's so great. And congrats on the 26 reviews. It's so hard to get people to review on AFF--I usually go with hit count to judge if people are at least looking at my story. For chapter 19 I had...4 reviews on AFF but 400 hits--so, not so even; but whatever. So if you get any reviews at all, then you're a step up in the ballgame. (Yes, yes--I mixed imagery there, it was great!)

I'm really big about leaving big reviews. The last review that I posted to this thread, while aggravating, was nice because it very clearly spelled out what they thought.


I meant creators... Apparently I have no brain left anymore. If I had to guess I would say I'm sleep deprived. I was writing a check yesterday and wrote fife instead of five. I'm not on drugs I swear!

And most of my reviews are from the same few people, but I'm still proud of them. I don't always leave a review, but I do if I really like the story.

I'm using what's left of my brain power to write chapter 7 and do beta work. There isn't any smut in chapter 7 either. There might be in chapter 8, I haven't decided yet.


I have to say that, as a reader, I never expect sex in a story. In fact, I usually don't even enjoy the sex scenes...well, that's actually a total lie, but the best parts, in my opinion, are all those things that lead up to the sex -sexual tension in a story is what will keep me hooked forever. In one of my favorite stories on AFF, the characters haven't even come close to getting together (I don't even think they really like each other yet), but the author puts them in these situations that just make me want to scream, they're so tense. And, though she hasn't updated the story in awhile, I constantly go back and re-read it, overcome with jealousy at how well she writes those scenes.

If the rating on your story just says ADULT with no +'s, I don't know why your readers think it should or would have citrus in it. However, posting in the Inu fandom is really kind of a pain -as others are, too, I'm sure, but I have only experienced the wrath of the Inu fanbrats. Most of the readers there seem to always want to see those characters getting naked and figure good writing can go to hell (and then they bitch that the characters are OOC...you just can't win). I've read some stories on there that were terrible and then I've looked at the reviews and was astounding to see things like, "This is the best story I've ever read!!!" ;) You're kidding me, right? But people love it because there was sex in it (not even well written sex! No tension or anything! Just off with the clothes and into the bed. Ugh).

I say you just keep doing what you're doing. If it was my story, I might even add an author's note replying to reviewer's concerns about the lack of lemons. The politeness of the A/N would probably depend on how frustrated I was while writing it, but I would at least try to be civil :( I also suggest that you keep the story up; you never know when that one reader will come along and totally appreciate what you have written. Lack of reviews sucks, and bad reviews are even worse, but, for me, one good one can keep me motivated for months...but that may just be me :D


Cu-kid9, I totally agree with you. When character A starts looking at character B and gets all flushed and aroused... so delicious I could melt. I enjoy sexual tension and teasing far more than sex as long as it's done well. Though I will admit that I like it when said sex follows scenes like that. But over all, the story has got to be written well for me to like it.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MortiferLascivio

I don't write much smut. I currently have a twenty-five chapter (150,000 + words) story and the characters have barely gotten together in the last couple of chapters. My story (on this site) has over 200 reviews so I suppose my readers aren't complaining. I do remember one reviewer that politely asked if the story was going to get any more adult, but that's about it. I even asked my readers if they wanted a lemon, and some replied that the story didn't need it. I guess I'm just not subjected to the type of readers you are. One thing I don't like about some readers, however, is that they read the story for the sole purpose of getting a lemon. Then, after they've had their lemon, they abandon the story. But I have noticed that lemon chapters tend to get more reviews. I have no idea if that's a plus or a minus.

Guest Tuftiperkys

I'm like scottishfae, if I can avoid writing a smex scene, I will at all costs, I only put them in a story when it's truly necessary and furthers the plot. I have 28 stories posted and 13 of them have no lemon scenes as I tend to favor plot over pointless, gratuitous sex. My most popular story, judging by reviews per chapter, has 8 chapters and 93 reviews, so I must be doing something right. Not only does it have no smex, it has not even a kiss and no physical contact that could be construed as anything but friendly-oriented. I have never been asked to add or write a lemon for my stories, which I was honestly surprised with one of mine as I do think of many of the people on this site as only reading for those moments, but I managed to get to chapter 11 without writing a smex scene, and haven't written one after that and it's at 13 now, sitting comfortably at 106 reviews. I was amazed and felt uber accomplished. The other 15 of my stories have scarce amounts as almost all of them start with the main characters not knowing each other or some sort of barrier towards their eventual relationship.

And as a reader, I skim over the lemon scenes, reading the build up, the dialogue during, and the aftermath. Again, I favor plot, weird I know, but there it is. I have to agree with canterro, don't compromise your rules. First and foremost, it's your story. Write what you want, how you want. It's always nice to know people are reading and enjoying, but your enjoyment comes first. Become better at writing lemon scenes as you go but you're right, don't allow a poor, unneccessary smex scene to drag your story down.

Perhaps the reason I haven't been prodded to write smex scenes is because I have other stories to satisify that need, I don't know. For example, Draco: Slytherin Sex God (the only one of its nature and it takes me forever to update due to the need to write my least favorite scenes), bet you can't guess what that's about, only one of the six chapters has no lemon but even so, that story, surprisingly, still has a plot! Stick to your guns and don't let reviews like that get to you!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Monsterking

I Agree With tuftiperkys except that sometimes it is ok to just right an pure smut story once in an while.....

Regards Monsterking

  • 2 months later...
  greenwizard said:
Adult situations include language, violence, drugs, and other things thought to not be suitable for minors. That is what the creatures of the site had in mind from what I've heard.

Did they? Click on "Add story" in the author panel and look at the available content codes. They are kinda setting a tone, don't you think?

Oh, and I think smut can be a good, interesting element in the first chapter, but it kinda sets an expectation of more on the way.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well Smut is nice and all but basically, Character Interaction and Flow of the Story should take precedent.

I mean a while back ago I read a Mega Man Battle Network story about Hub, getting a robotic type body.

What I remember about that? Was that there was an accident and it caused a wierd Personality change in hub.

Sex scene's are so over done that they are probally not what is going to stick to the minds of the readers. Just stick to what you think you should write and not what the readers want you to write, right at that excat moment.

  • 3 weeks later...
  canterro said:
I have such a note in my profile:


I am aware that some of you are really eager to read erotic scenes... I understand. I like them too :)

They will be here.

However, I am a supporter of a 'wide context'. Before sex happens, I like the story swinging into action, characters developing their feelings and so on...

So - patience, please :) "

THAT is a GREAT idea! *runs to do something similar* <_<

  • 2 years later...

My two cents as owner of the site and being one of the very few people still around that actually talked to the original creator of the site:

Was the site originally created when FF.Net started to disallow adult situations? Yes, yet it has evolved past that. It has become a place for adults to come and share their fiction no matter what it involves. We do not put limits or constrictions on what is post, requiring that there be sex or 'adult themes' like violence, abuse, etc. The only real limit that we have is that people cannot post stories based on real people under the age of 18.

Do people come here looking for smut? Yes, I know that they do and always will as we do have a reputation for smut, but nothing says that any of our authors HAVE to put something in a fic that they do not want to put in.

I read on site. Yes, sometimes I read just looking for smut, but a number of times, I read for a well written/constructed story and if there is smut? Well that is a bonus.

As I said, just my two cents.


Some of my reviews do ask, 'what is this doing on AFF?'

The easy answer is that everything i do is on AFF.

There's a place for the most graphic stories i can produce, and room for everything else.

I've tried a few places that are specifically set up for a fetish or a fandom. And i get tired of the responses that are mostly just 'here are the changes you should make to customize this story as fap material for me.'

I write. IF you commission me, i'll write what you want to see in a way you want to see it. Other than that, i write for me, and i post it for anyone else that might be interested, and the one in a hundred interested that might give me an upcheck or a downcheck on the effort. And the one in a hundred of them who'll post a review.

And, i have noticed that anything A++ gets more hits than the other stuff. But I laugh because if they're zeroing in on that, hoping for fap material, those who aren't familiar with my tastes are in for a surprise...

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