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Where'd it go?

Guest ShinaRyun

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Guest ShinaRyun

Like Blackbeard in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean, I find myself in a bewilderment. Less than a week ago, I posted the first chapter of a story on AFF, and now, while innocently searching to see if I'd gotten a review or a few more views, I find it gone. Vanished. Left without notice.

Since my inbox is free of the official notices of removal due to TOS infringement or reports of abuse, I must assume that this is a glitch of some kind. If necessary (most likely) I will simply resubmit the story as it was, having only one chapter and without any reviews to lose, but this does make me curious about whether I'll have to repeat this annoying process in the future.

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*Facepalm* Story title was [Prototype] Reborn, author name was ShinaRyun...and really? No notice at all if it was just misplaced? I suppose that makes more sense than a glitch...

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Prototype is a game, and stories based on it would be fanfiction. So yes, it was deleted for being misplaced. it belongs in the GAMES subdomain. It's a bit different when misplaced within a subdomain. Those are easy enough for me to move. From subdomain to subdomain, not so much.

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I direct you to the Content Guidelines and request that you re-read them. Specifically, this section refers to your issue:

You understand that all User Submissions must be uploaded to the appropriate Sub-Domain and Category. Failure to do so will result in an immediate deletion of the story.
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Guest Guest

*headesk* Got it...understood and feeling deservedly boneheaded for missing this. My thanks for correcting me and reminding me how to submit within the well-organized rules of this great site.

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No reason to feel bone-headed. :)

We try to be clear and up front about what will get deleted and why/when it would occur. There are only a few reasons that there would be no notification: being misplaced, posted while underage, trolls, plagiarists, and flamers are the ones I can think of right off.

Unlike some sites, we're actively moderated. So even though we're cleaning up after the crew that was here before us that didn't do much, current submissions are handled with alacrity. :D

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