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^ Wellp pardner, Ah'm a Texan, so Ah have no ahdea of what yer a-talkin' about.

< Would probably say "Them's fightin' words!" if < knew what ^ was talking about.

V Doesn't understand any of this either.

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Guest echtrae

^ is correct with statement, at least upon occasion, particularly when reading the news

< is saddened by the state (or lack thereof) of education in the US

v doesn't care about the news in any country

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^ is incorrect and unaware that despite the US's poor education system, its university graduates are on average more intelligent than in countries with better public education systems.

< only cares about news < gets from the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert

V thinks < gets all the important news

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Guest echtrae

^ suffers from an attention deficiency disorder when watching CNN

< doesn't watch the news, too much propaganda in the US

v believes everything the mainstream media spouts as truth

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^ thinks liars are controlled somehow with buttons you can push and pull

<Is considering this novel idea and is wondering if bullshit comes with a shit-eating grin to distinguish it from someone who is merely misinformed.

V more bullshit detecting advice forthcoming

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Guest Enchanted Faery

^ Thinks I have more fun than ^

< Don't like going out much coz < is always the one babysitting friends

< Usualy doesn't have fun when < goes out

< Prefers to sit at home

v thinks that < needs to get out more often

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^ Sorry, I have to leave soon. I'll be out of town this weekend. :\

< Can name the following provinces off the top of his head: Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia (sp?,) Ontario, Alberta, Newfoundland, British Columbia, Quebec, Manitoba, Labrador and Saskatchewan (sp?)

< Can only name two of the Territories: Northwest and Yukon.

V Thinks I did a web search for the names of the provinces. (I didn't!)

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^ Knows < knows <'s States.

< Could do probably 98% on naming the capitals as well.

< Knows Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands will eventually be #51 and #52, but wonders why anyone would mess with such a nice number like 50.

V Can name more than 5 African countries.

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Egypt, the Congo(just talking about that today) Nigeria, South Africa, Ethiopia, Algeria, the Canaries...Morroco? nah, those are islands...(and Where, pray tell, is Timbuktu?)

^ has drawn out of me things I didn't know I knew

< Surprised.

V can perhaps name 5 provinces in India

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^ Has too much faith in <'s geography skills.

< Would prolly be hard pressed to name all 50 states, let alone their capitals.

< Is outdone by <'s kids who can not only sing the names and capitals of all 50 states, but also all the presidents from George Washington to Bill Clinton (and even tack on 'Dubya') thanks to the Animaniacs.

V Thinks watching cartoons is the best way to learn things.

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Guest Enchanted Faery

^ Is right! < Will watch cartoons not matter what

< usually watches anime, but likes "Teen Titans" and "The Avitar"

v does not watch Teen Titans or The Avitar

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^ Knows his fertilizer.

< Will have to Google Avatar so < can watch it without bugging Trae & son every five minutes.

< Is dying for a slice of the cake < baked for <'s son's birthday but will have to wait for at least four more hours.

V Wants a piece too.

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