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^ Won't clean My house

< Is sad

< Is lazy, but is more stingy with money than He is lazy so refuses to hire a maid

< Has a thing for maids though

v has read My story and knows what I mean by that

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^ Thinks I punish just anyone

^ Is right

< Getting the shiny black leather gloves and whip ready

< Doesn't have fetish per se, but does think there are lots of fun things to do with it.

v Will try to stop Me from punishing Nanaea

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^ If you really want to talk revenge, get the book Get Even! and its series from Paladin Press.

< Once contributed to the Get Even! series.

V has never heard of this, but will frantically google it.

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Guest Enchanted Faery

^ Is wrong, always laughs at < mistakes

< Is wondering if < should finish the 3rd part in her fic

v wants < to finish part 3 of "Your Best kept secret'

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^ Sorry, I'm NOT a Harry Potter fan. (I know that sounds like blasphemy around here, but...) I really don't care whether you update it or not.

< Won't post a fic until it's completely done.

V Wants to round up a posse, and give < a tar and feathering for what I said to ^.

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Guest Enchanted Faery

^ Is right, < Will bring the feathers, but only because Quamp isn't a HP fan! lol

< Will make sure the feathers are bright pink

v will bring the tar

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^ Not surprised that ^ thought it sucked.

< Hasn't seen any of the X movies, nor cares to see them. I've seen the previews, and they sucked.

V Thinks < is an idiot for not seeing the X films.

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