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^ < Definitely does NOT want to see George W. Bush in action.

< Thinks anyone who wants to see monkey boy in action should have their head examined.

V Wants to sue < for putting the thought of George W. Bush having sex into V's mind.

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^ Is right am a sucker for useless knowledge.

< Doesn't disagree with science but science disagrees with <

< Just found out my mothers side of the family had a lot of scientists but I inherited the artsy side instead

< Uncle is a scientist.

V Doesn't like artsy

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^ Well, that one's pretty obvious...

< Doesn't really have a love/hate relationship with anything right now.

V Relationship is not "I hate you and I love you" all the time.

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^ Likes sudden realisations.

< Hates epiphany's as they hurt they turned to hurt me.

V Thinks < is weird and should seek asylum help.

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^ Would give ^ some new batteries... if it weren't pouring down rain here and there.

< The creek near <'s home actually has water in it for the first time in months.

< Wonders if this rain will continue enough to actually bring all the local lakes back to their normal levels (some of them were as much as 6 meters down!)

V Has never been near a creek bed that was completely dry for more than six months.

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^ Is correct. All my nights are quiet actually... and I'm always at home.

< Is tired for staying up late watching a programme about John Lennon.

< Never thought I'd get sucked in on such a programme.

< Doesn't know what to think of that Beatle now.

V Likes John Lennon?

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