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^ This is on the springs SIDE of the WINTER break we already had...

< Would rather call it 'ohmigodican'tstandthemanymorei'maboutto Break'

V has an even better name for it.

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< seen my wife's class' essays and figure ^ is right

< has helped grade book reviews of books i've read and wife hasn't

V hs always supected that one teacher of theirs subcontracted the grading.

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^ is correct, < wonders about <,^,>,V...everything.

< helped with the grading, not subcontracted. An important diff. Just pointed out where it was clear that they reviewed themovie, not thebook, mostly.

V reviewed the book, always.

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Guest echtrae

^ is correct about generalizations

< is sure there are a couple of people who actually think, but is fairly confident that they are not in any position of power there

v has their fingerprints on a government file

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^ needs a waver

< has a waiver

V can't decide if it counts

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