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^ Oh yes, I am sure it can.

< Needs dark chocolate for the mood...

< And perhaps a small glass of sherry.

V Likes their inhibitions dropped slightly so that they are definitely in the mood.

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^ < knows the difference between a giggle and an all-out laugh.

< Occasionally uses humor as a pick-up tool. Never works though... sad.gif

< Perhaps puns on Søren Kierkegaard quotes are a bit esoteric... think.gif

V Can't see how puns can be made on Kierkegaard.

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^ underestimates me again

<has discussed masturbation habits with a therapy major who was unprepared for my forthcomingness

V will not ask me difficult questions

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^ Is right. Everyone else in my Country is as apathetic.

< Probably wouldn't be great for any countries image.

V Is probably eager to be a great image for there country.

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^ claims not to represent England.


<'s not a lumber jack

Or a fur trader

And < doesn't live in an igloo

Or eat blubber

Or own a dog sled

And < doesn't know

Jimmy, Jally or Suzie from Canada

Although <'s sure they're really really nice

< have a Prime Minister not a President

< speaks English and French not American

And < pronounces it about not "a-boot"

< can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack < believes in peackeeping not policing

Diversity not assimilation

And that the beaver is a truley proud and noble animal

A toque is a hat a chesterfield is a couch

And it is prnouced "zed" not "zee" "zed"!

Canada is the 2nd largest landmass!

The 1st nation in hockey!

And the best part of North America!

<'s name is Joe and < is Canadian!

V doubts that < is truly named Joe.

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^ Well, since I'm an American and I don't think with my ass, I believe you without even trying.

< Proving this of Americans is easy; proving it of Texans is even harder.

V Wonders why if there are intelligent Americans, why do they keep electing idiots for leaders?

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^ Is right, haven't had any really.

< Doesn't drink too much alcohol as it doesn't agree with her.

V Is probably shocked at that.

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