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^ Is right.

< Understands that to err is human, to forgive divine.

V Doesn't like that sort of claptrap.

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^ Which kind of claptrap do you mean??

< Knows that there are at least two definitions of the word: lots of nonsensical noises that are pretentious and pompous; the other is a person you suspect is a magnet for VD.

V Knows more definitions for the word.

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^ wow, psychic!

<Read the history books....knows the ending.

V Read the ending, knows the history.

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^ Saw only part of that... but it was great.

< Doesn't have a lot of time to see a lot of stuff that < wants to see. That's probably due to a day job...

V Has a lot more free time than <.

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^ good point

< needs to avoid being associated with 'fun' in the public eye

V keeps an eye on the public for fun

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