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What kinda sick fuck sends the shit I've written to a 15 year old?


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...Some asshole found some of my old RPF stories on a site from which I was unable to get them removed when I stopped writing RPF - presumably looking for something to jerk off too, since it is entirely a sex stories site - and sent one of them to a young fan of the person in question. Cue very upset email from child.

It's things like this that, a) Make me wonder if even though I wrote the shit back then I'm not as fucked up as the people passing it on... I mean 15... fuck. b) Make me regret even more writing RPF stuff in the first place.

Rant this may be, I'm not complaining that AFF hosts RPF or that people write it, you folks do what you want and I wish you all the best. Even back five or six years ago you'd only find the stuff if you went looking for it... now google has everythring, and all it takes is somebody emailing it to a kid fan, or, hell, tweeting to the famous person or their family directly... and they're hacked off, and the kids are frankly damaged. Even worse in this case as the person in the story died tragically a few years after I wrote it. I would genuinely argue it's a form of abuse to send something like that to a kid. It makes me so angry.

So I had a quick search to see if links to the story are anywhere else... and, yes, it's started being linked on that famous 140 character message site. More upset fan emails due shortly, I suspect.

I brought it all on my self by writing RPF years back, and I accept that, but I still feel real angry that someone would link a kid to it. I've ALWAYS had warnings, and codes, and blatant non-vague descriptions on my stories so you wouldn't mistake them for WAFF. Except for the occasional WAFF piece. Which somehow got mistaken for Gorn.

RRRAAAGGHH. Okay. Done ranting now. And those of you who are writing RPF... never forget how easy it is for someone to send it to the person or their family now. :(

Just a rant. RPF writers, truely, not having a go at you or your stories. It's my shit alone that causes me shit.

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If the entire Celebrity subdomain vanished mysteriously overnight, I would not mourn. The few times anything on this site freaked me out badly enough to make me walk away from my computer and go off to chain-smoke half a pack of cigarettes on my terrace in the middle of a blizzard has been while I was sweeping RPF fics.

Not a dig at RPF writers, but it's a form of fandom I don't seem to be able to grasp.

And JD, I'm sorry one of your fics was used in that manner. :(

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Thanks for asking, but that's just the way the site is - their policy is to only remove stories if the people in them or their representatives take legal action. Seemed okay at the time I submitted stories, but that was before I thought properly about it. As I say, my own fault.

Frankly, it wouldn't matter now if they did change their policy, because back when I uploaded celeb stories there they were all behind an "must be over 18, must follow site rules" etc screen, but sometime after I'd asked about having them removed the story pages were made indexable by google and other bots, and three or four ad farm type sites ripped the whole site and uploaded all the stories elsewhere, to get google searches for the celeb names to come to their sites and get ad revenue, or however that shit works. They don't even respond to "Please consider removing this fucked up shit from your site" emails.

I discovered this on one of the occasions I googled my email to see if my stories were getting mentioned anywhere (I also occasionally google random lines from stories to see if they've been plagiarised, like that one I ranted about a while back which someone had changed to be about Sue Storm from my Tomb Raider story).

These days if I was thinking of a real person and I had a story idea I would say to myself 1) It's the idea that matters, why not apply it to a fan story or b) and original story. I mean, you could have an original character who looked like a walking corpse with a large bulge in their pants, and it would only matter to the author that the story was orginally inspired by a picture of David Bowieor something. Look at all of the published fictional characters based on the creator liking someone's style! John Constantine - Sting, Ultimate Nick Fury - Samuel L Jackson etc etc...

BW - Thanks also... I just think that really is too young to be linked to my stories.

Edited by JayDee
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Given that you are scrupulous in including detailed warnings in everything of yours that I've ever read, I know this was not something you ever thought would happen.

The person who linked this to the 15 year old should spend 5 to 15 years playing conjugal partner to a very large and irritable cell mate and his minions, and then get to register as a sex offender upon release.

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I've always gone out of my way to give people a chance to stop reading before encountering unpleasantness. I've even always said you ought to be at least 21 to read many of my stories - At least then you can legally enjoy a stiff drink in much of the free world.

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