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I've been having a grand time using Live Journal to sling plot bunnies and other sillyness back and forth between my online buddies. One thing that made me nervous was that there was no way to keep minors out without keeping almost everyone else out. Sometimes we get a bit naughty. devil.gif

That is until now...They buried the announcement halfway down a News post that talked about holidays and silly gifts you can buy other members. It's easy to miss. But it is there. Two options, one for 14-17 year olds and one for 18+. Awesome.

Just thought I'd give a heads up. I know a lot of folks use LJ around here too.


I think everyone has it.



I like LJ. I'm on about my third journal by now... In the old days an adult content filter consisted of "Make it friendslocked for fucks sake!" so a more technical route seems good.


It's free. I have a free plus account. My personal LJ is set to "Adult Concepts" and my Community page is set to "Explicit Content." I'm pretty sure it's an across the board thing.

I suppose, if you have a profile and didn't include your age, you may find yourself locked out of things until you add your birthdate. So if you suddenly find LJ pages you frequent unavailable, you should check that.

There's also a "safe content" search feature that defaults to the medium setting until you change it.


I've amended my search not to filter anything. It's only good sense. For someone like me.


I really think the content filter is a good idea but all children has to do now is up their ages to an age where they are off that filter.

I think they should have just came out and said Parents, take responsiblity for what your children does online by watching them or keep the computer in the living room and out of their bedrooms so you can watch where they are going and who they are talking to. We are not your babysitters or responsible for what your child may see while browsing the internet.

But they did it this way to keep the parents who are lazy motherfuckers off of their backs and don't think that poor sweet Sue or Bob would ever come onto a website like that. When it is their responsiblity to watch what their children does online.

The lazy motherfucking parents are proving to be not responsible for raising responsible children cause they pass the responsiblity off on websites and other people to guard their children, when they should fucking do it themselves and be the fucking parent those kids need to have.


  Solaris said:
The lazy motherfucking parents are proving to be not responsible for raising responsible children cause they pass the responsiblity off on websites and other people to guard their children, when they should fucking do it themselves and be the fucking parent those kids need to have.


Now tell us how you REALLY feel Beth biggrin.gif

But I do agree with you 110%. Now.....

Stupid question of the day...What the heck is LJ? Is this like "Myspace" or something?

Yes, I am one of those that remembers the internet back in the early to mid 80's.

Except for occasionally browsing around most of those "myspace" and "face book" stuff I never could 'get'.

rolleyes.gif Yes, I am an old curmudgeon and proud of it.


Much as it annoys me, it relieves me to think that I'll be able to continue posting my stories at lj with minimal paranoia.

And as I told a friend of mine recently, content filtering is better than content blocking, all things considered. Waaayyy better than lj deleting journals with "offensive content".

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