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I can't log in

Guest Kolgrim

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Guest Iggy Lovechild

I also cannot login. My pen name is Iggy Lovechild and my e-mail is adria_fallen@yahoo.com. I was trying to login and change my e-mail since I'm not using the yahoo account anymore. It's been awhile since I added any stories, but who knows for the future, you know?

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Guest WillowRose

I also cannot log in and when I try to look up my work, it's saying that I'm not an author. My penname is WillowRose and my e-mail is MsWillowRose@aol.com. Thank you for any help you can give me. I have stories on here that are eight years old and I'd hate to think that they're gone. :help:

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You have to do three things to be able to activate.

First, you need to clear your cache and cookies. This is very important, as the cookies have been changed. If the cache and cookies are not cleared, you can't get to the next step.

Secondly, you need to reset your password, as your password is less than 8 characters long.

Thirdly, you need to activate.

Be sure to carefully read the instructions you've been linked to for the first and last steps. For the cache and cookie clearing, each browser is different, and has different requirements to be able to successfully do this. For the activation, if you don't follow the directions exactly, this step will fail.

Finally, if the email address you've registered with in the archive is no longer active, before even doing any of the above, I'll have to change it for you. I have people email me at technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org with the email address they want to have me replace the old inactive email address with.

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Guest janette

I can't log in either. I am janette...sangsueATgmail.com. I did a password reset two times, thinking my password wasn't good anymore since it had five letters and the rules seem to have changed. But I still can't log in! Please help!!

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Assuming you did receive a new password, the first thing you want to do is to clear your cache and reset your cookies. The old cookies are no longer good, and until you clear them, the new cookies will not be able to be saved.

The next thing is to carefully follow each step to validate your account and log in.

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Guest Slink91

So, I haven't logged in for a couple of months and I'm trying to update a story. now my accounts telling me that I can't log in? My pen name is WolfLuver91 email is unknown_her0@yahoo.com

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We're in the process of rolling out new code for the archive.

First, clear your cache and cookies as shown here.

Next, make sure your password is at least 8 letters long. If not, reset it. Make sure you are using the email account we have on record for you.

Then follow these steps to validate your account again.

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Guest Slink91

I tried all of that, when I go to log in its telling me that I have no account and when I try to fix it it tells me I either haven't registerd or have too many accounts

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Hmm. It appears you have more than one account, and those will need to be merged before you can validate. I'll add your name to the queue. It may be up to 48 hours until you hear back from our tech admin that you've been merged.

Thank you for being patient!

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Guest silverwing135

I have two accounts as well, one as dra6on135 and another as silverwing135 and both under the email silverwing_135@hotmail.com. I can't log in until they are merged, I understand, so any help is welcome.

Thank you

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