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Specialty Restaurant

Guest Madapple

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Guest Madapple
Situated in an elegantly restored house beside Beijing's West Lake, it is China's first speciality penis restaurant.

Here, businessmen and government officials can sample the organs of yaks, donkeys, oxen and even seals. In fact, they have to, since they form part of every dish - except for those containing testicles.

When they say organ they mean organ. Braised seal penis anyone?

I think I'm going to be sick. sick.gif

A booking comes with a trained waitress and a nutritionist in attendance, to explain the menu and to boast its medicinal virtues.

Should come with a sic bag and an after dinner mint instead. sick.gif

I had to stop at the picture of dog penis garnished with plum. sick.gifsick.gifph34r.gif

Oh ye of cast iron stomch, follow the link.

Horse Penis and Testicles with Chili dip

Although Keith, now that I think of it, Jason may now be taking Susan to China. ('two words' game)

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Ah, you Canadians... (Well, except for Leonheart29) rolleyes.gif

A bull's penis has been served all over the USA, usually under different names. It's also known as the Rocky Mountain Oyster, Caffries, among others. It's the same kind of meat that you'd find on most other parts of a bull.

O.k., I admit it's a bit of an acquired taste. Then again, people are squemish about eating squid, but they'll eat calamari.

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Ah, you Canadians... (Well, except for Leonheart29) rolleyes.gif

A bull's penis has been served all over the USA, usually under different names. It's also known as the Rocky Mountain Oyster, Caffries, among others. It's the same kind of meat that you'd find on most other parts of a bull.

O.k., I admit it's a bit of an acquired taste. Then again, people are squemish about eating squid, but they'll eat calamari.

What about Sweat Meat? I thought that was a bulls balls...or was it its tongue... think.gif

And yes, I am also Canadian. Though I live a lot closer to the calamari then "Rocky Mountain Oysters" XD

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What about Sweat Meat? I thought that was a bulls balls...or was it its tongue... think.gif

Yeah, sweetmeat is another term for testicles. But it is also an archaic term for candy, an Appalachian dish consisting of pickled sheep brains and/or offal, and slang for penis. Personally, I always think 'brains' when I hear the term....

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Personal Squick Level at play here, it would seem. I'm not that bothered about the concept, but I'm not about to immediately book a flight to China, either.

I've eaten my share of the oddities of the world of cuisine (I like calamari, and every game season I wiggle a dinner invitation from my aunt, just to get a taste of the amazing things she does with an elk's liver, and I'm not even sure about some of the things I've downed in the Middle East) and I'm always willing to give it a try.

Should I be faced with prepared reproductory organs, I'd try it, out of curiosity and politeness.

As far as another point of view is concerned, a great deal of tourists coming to these parts of the world kick up a good cry, because reindeer is a fairly commonly used variety of meat here, and the thought of cooking up sweet little Rudolph is too much. (Which is odd, really, considering that more often than not, the ol' Red Nosed is depicted as a deer instead of a reindeer, but I digress...)

And honestly, the amount of foreigners willing to eat the damn national delicacy, sweet oven-baked malt porridge, is microscopical. At least with bull's balls, you only have the superficial knowledge that it's disgusting. This stuff looks the part, too. (No, I don't like taste of it, myself.) *clicky* Not for the squeamish.

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