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Front cover to the UK Kids Edition of HPDH:


Cool huh! I wonder what the snake trapped in the globe could mean? I have two theories already for that one:

1) Voldemort doesn't get destroyed but ends up trapped in a horcrux.


2) It could be Snape trapped inside there by Harry and they communicate through parseltongue and only if Snape's a good boy does Harry free him...

Both suck but what's yours?

Guest Madapple

The snake trapped in the orb reminds me of the description of how prophesies are preserved in the Ministry.

Maybe Sybill made another and it is about the final battle.

It's interesting to contemplate. . .

I'm interested in the treasure on the front.

Either Voldie has a hidden stash that our favorite trio has found, or they stepped into a PotC Xover.

But that cover is cool. I wonder what the US edition will look like.


That's very interesting cover... I actually prefer the American depiction of Harry to our depiction.


I like the US version better, myself, but we only get the UK version here. Uhm, not that I'd be bying this book, anyway. No, I'll just happen to visit the bookstore some time after it's come out, and pick myself a few, err, art books, yeah, and a few paperback whodunnits and maybe some scifi, things like that, yes. I may inadvertently pass by the Harry Potter table, but that's only because it's on the way to the checkout, and any picking up of such book will be a sheer accident, don'tyerknow...

*still firmly in the HP fan closet*

Uhm, not that I'd be buying this book, anyway.

Can't help but chuckle over that one, Mourningstar. Reminds me of when I bought the box set of the first five right before HBP came out (10 day reading marathon of the first 5, I nearly went blind). Anyway, I got them at Target, while buying regular stuff, figuring "if the cashier makes a comment, just say it's a gift for my niece." (who incidentally was all of 3-1/2 at the time).

Sure enough, the cashier made a comment, which was; "Oh, you'll like these, I love Harry Potter, I've read them all! You'll really like them."

It's interesting to see what the UK cover looks like; I read that the US version will have more pages (bigger typesetting). I have no theories, whatsoever, however, about the treasure. Like Madapple, I'm thinking maybe the mincing, slightly effeminate Capt. Jack Sparrow makes an appearance?


I like the US version, it looks much more pretty and Harry still looks somewhat young. But what I noticed about the US cover, is that Harry and Voldermort(I think it's ol'Voldie), are pointing their hands at the same thing and looking at the same thing. Sooo, maybe they'll be another evil that's coming to shake things up for the wizarding world XD

BTW! When looking at the UK cover, why the hell does Dobby have the sword of Gryfindor?(I can't spell, I just got back from a 5 hour class). Oooh! Okay, Soo, let's take another look at the cover! It might appear that Hermione, Ron, Dobby, and Harry are falling back into flames, YET Harry is reaching for what looks like armour with a dragon design on it. So, could that armour be Ice Armour? And what is that Ice Palace on the back of the cover?

How curious...

I need to eat something and have a nap now mellow.gif

Guest Madapple

The US cover looks interesting.

I wonder if the scene is inside the Ministry, in the room beyond the Veil.

The curtains at the forefront certainly form an unobtrusive frame, and there are all of those shadowy people in the background.

Where as the architecture in the in the background looks like some of the descriptions given of the Ministry.


Well, apparently it's an emotional book.

I didn't notice Dobby either, I thought it was Ron holding the sword.

I think Ron will die you know... one of the characters that wasn't meant to die but is?


The covers. Oh dear me.

My first reaction to the US cover was disappointment. I only saw the front half with Harry looking toward...something, and after HBP's Harry/Dumbledore cover, this one seemed like a serious let down. Then I opened my freakin' eyes and looked at the entire thing.

I’m with Mad. The setting is reminiscent of descriptions of the ministry. When I expanded the picture, my thoughts strayed from the possible location to what appears to be something hanging around Harry's neck. It might just be the shadows of his shirt, but it's shaded in a different color so that it resembles a pouch. Then again, my years with the Potter books have taught me how to read too much into anything.

I don't know what to make of the UK cover. I had a few pirate thoughts as well when I saw it. That's it! Harry's parents were pirates! There's an idea for a crossover...

The covers just make me twitch. It's like handing someone a picture of a plate of freshly baked cookies and then telling them they can't have them for, oh, another 114 days. ermm.gif But I want it now. crying.gif



I'm just relieved we had the date to look forward to...not that I want to be well into summer yet, at least there are things to REALLY look forward to. Book and Movie. Pinch me.

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