NinjaGaijin Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 Hi guys, Thought I'd try to see what this part of the forum can give me. I'm currently writing a fic, in a historical (ancient world) setting. The overall plot is set, but I'm still looking for ideas for the adult scenes. The story goes something like this (a bit typical, mind)-- An army trying to take a city managed to capture the city commander's wife (she's also a fighter). Predictably she's subject to whatever an invading army in the ancient/medieval world would do to their female PoWs... but I'm looking for ideas about what they would do with her. Also, I'm planning to make a scene where her condition is used to demoralize the defending troops, but again I'm looking for ideas for the details. Anyone for brainstorming? Quote
reine Seele Posted March 18, 2007 Report Posted March 18, 2007 Well, this will probably be cliche, but I had a torture scene where the main-ish character dude was sexually humiliated by his captor, who also happened to be male. It was rough for me, because the main-ish character is like, manly male while the captor just finds the whole "gender" issue annoying. Like, you said that the commander's wife was a fighter. Okay, so sexually humiliating her should have the dual effect of belittling her as a woman, defiling her in her own eyes, causing her to be afraid of her own husband, and mocking her abilities as a fighter. Of course, this all depends if you're willing to get into the deep psychological trauma that rape causes. Is the woman strong willed/minded? Will she heal quickly or will she supress her feelings and try to hide from reality? Will her husband ever be able to touch her again, or will she shun every man that she sees? Sexually abusing her will also have a demoralizing effect on her husband's troops, especially if she was considered to be a strong pillar within their community. Like, if they looked up to her and then saw that she was beaten and raped, it would break their spirit to see such a strong leader forced into that kind of degradation. I could go on for hours about the effects of rape and all, but I don't want to bore you to tears. I hope this provides you with some options! Good luck! Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted March 19, 2007 Author Report Posted March 19, 2007 reine Seele said: Well, this will probably be cliche, but I had a torture scene where the main-ish character dude was sexually humiliated by his captor, who also happened to be male. It was rough for me, because the main-ish character is like, manly male while the captor just finds the whole "gender" issue annoying. Thanks for the reply. I thought this attempt had been ignored... By the way, I've already written the front parts of the story, although I haven't got to the torture/humiliation part. If you're interested, I can direct you to it... here: h++p:// h++p:// Videogames section, Dynasty Warriors, 'Legend of Zhen Ji' Quote Like, you said that the commander's wife was a fighter. Okay, so sexually humiliating her should have the dual effect of belittling her as a woman, defiling her in her own eyes, causing her to be afraid of her own husband, and mocking her abilities as a fighter. Of the effects, maybe one would not apply: the husband thing. See story for details. Quote Of course, this all depends if you're willing to get into the deep psychological trauma that rape causes. Is the woman strong willed/minded? Will she heal quickly or will she supress her feelings and try to hide from reality? Will her husband ever be able to touch her again, or will she shun every man that she sees? I'm thinking of going into that near the end. I'm going to tie it into the canon, where at the end (start spoilers) SPOILER :she will be found in a sorry state by another man, who will fall in love with her at first sight and take her as his wife.(end spoilers) I'd say she might be strong-willed, although the tort/hum would definitely break her. Quote Sexually abusing her will also have a demoralizing effect on her husband's troops, especially if she was considered to be a strong pillar within their community. Like, if they looked up to her and then saw that she was beaten and raped, it would break their spirit to see such a strong leader forced into that kind of degradation. I have that intention too. Our lady in trouble here might not be that strong a fighter, but her soldiers look up to her because of her dignity and charisma. The problem is how to set up a scene where the demoralizing effect can be unleashed. (Also, looking for ideas on what to do in the torture/humiliation scene.) Quote
Nanaea Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 NinjaGaijin said: The problem is how to set up a scene where the demoralizing effect can be unleashed. (Also, looking for ideas on what to do in the torture/humiliation scene.) I am by no means a good source for this sort of thing, but I might have a thought or two for you. I am reminded of scene in - was it Gladiator? (hated that movie) - where the nemesis of the protagonist had killed his family. The 'good guy' and his little band of soldiers came back to find them dead (hung) and the nemesis going on about how he had defiled them (while his soldiers laughed, of course). I'm sure he used words like whore, and how the boy had cried like a little girl, etc... Anyway, so what my point is, words can have a lot of power in a situation like this. The antagonist is going to take a great deal of pleasure (because he's evil, right?) in humiliating this woman. It's going to have to be a very public setting to maximize the effect. Things like exposing her, allowing her no way to cover up (perhaps by binding her hands behind her back, or something similar), touching her wherever and however he pleases while taking obvious delight in her discomfort, etc. Certain acts are probably going to be more humiliating than others for her. Think about her character and what she would find most unnatural - it really depends on how far you're willing to go, but the possibilities are nearly endless. Having him give her over to the common soldiers for their amusement is certainly one way to go. Or perhaps just have him threaten her with it if she doesn't do exactly what he wants her to do (a good way to keep her from trying to bite his dick off when he shoves it in her mouth, ne?). Well, I guess that's all for now. It's a tough topic, for sure. Good luck! Quote
Keith Inc. Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 She's tied to a frame before the army or on the wall of the city, spread eagle and naked. She's given one chance to shout some heroic statement, then gagged. Then they build a screen, so her people can't see her. Men line up, go behind the screen, and spend time firing the imagination of the viewers. After ten men, they take a bull behind the screen, then a stallion, then a cage of ferrets with a tub of meat paste.... Then the sword swallower and his assistant, a fire breather, a shipwright with a barrel of caulk... Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted March 20, 2007 Author Report Posted March 20, 2007 Keith said: She's tied to a frame before the army or on the wall of the city, spread eagle and naked.She's given one chance to shout some heroic statement, then gagged. Then they build a screen, so her people can't see her. Men line up, go behind the screen, and spend time firing the imagination of the viewers. After ten men, they take a bull behind the screen, then a stallion, then a cage of ferrets with a tub of meat paste.... Then the sword swallower and his assistant, a fire breather, a shipwright with a barrel of caulk... Ooookay... that's an... imaginative suggestion. How should I prevent city defenders from ruining the party by shooting arrows or throwing rocks? Quote
Keith Inc. Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 Ever see Mad Max, i think it was number two? The evil tribe tortured the captured men up on a hill, out of shooting range of the defenders, but well within hearing and seeing. The whole point, i'd think, would be trying to tempt the defenders to come out from behind their walls where the sieging army could come to grips with them. But the right tactical answer would be to remain on the walls, no matter how tortured the answer is emotionally, Depending on how...messed up your villain is, he could also have this acted out for her benefit. She watches a slave or a wife of his, or a servant of hers get treated this way, or at least watches the screen, and then gets told that in five days, it'll be repeated, but with her tied down. Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted March 20, 2007 Author Report Posted March 20, 2007 Keith said: Ever see Mad Max, i think it was number two? The evil tribe tortured the captured men up on a hill, out of shooting range of the defenders, but well within hearing and seeing.The whole point, i'd think, would be trying to tempt the defenders to come out from behind their walls where the sieging army could come to grips with them. But the right tactical answer would be to remain on the walls, no matter how tortured the answer is emotionally, Depending on how...messed up your villain is, he could also have this acted out for her benefit. She watches a slave or a wife of his, or a servant of hers get treated this way, or at least watches the screen, and then gets told that in five days, it'll be repeated, but with her tied down. FYI, the invaders are outnumbered by the defenders, but they would manage to capture the city's most charismatic leader (the lady) through strategy. The attackers had won an early skirmish although still outnumbered, but the defenders' morale had taken a blow by the capture. So I guess I should have the defenders watch helplessly. ...although, in terms of emotions, I don't know which would fit better. Imagine you're one of the defending soldiers. The enemy had captured the lady, someone you look up to and respect, whom you're willing to die for. Now they're parading her in the nude in front of the city gates and doing unspeakable actions to her. Her husband, the city governor, is a cowardly man. The governor seemed hesitant to issue orders... what would you do? Oh, and the lady's maidservant (doubling as a bodyguard) also gets captured with her. Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted March 21, 2007 Author Report Posted March 21, 2007 Keith Inc. said: That's....unusual. You don't usually take on bigger armies then your own unless you absolutely convinced you're better by a big multiplier.-------- If the leader's cowardly, he'll probably keep suggesting that there's an ambush of some sort involved, if they rush out to save her they will get trapped and leave the city wide open. The attackers are just the vanguard of a large army, but they have a strategist. Hence their victory in the early skirmish--they lured the lady out and captured her after cornering her troops with a pincer move. Okay, ambush... That might work. In fact it might be incorporated into the strategists plan. Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted March 22, 2007 Author Report Posted March 22, 2007 Update guys, I've finished Chapter 3 and storywise, the lady and her maidservant/bodyguard had just been captured. Legend of Zhen Ji part 3: h++p:// Next chapter the torture/humiliation begins! Ideas still welcome. Quote
Guest CaptainShounen Posted March 27, 2007 Report Posted March 27, 2007 Well, since we're dealing with ancient China.... I'd imagine one of the more degarding things to happen in this situation - the capture of a high-ranking and respected leader - would be degradation at the hands of common soldiers. Let's say, the enemy commander spends some time personally humiliating her in front of her entire city, as has been suggested up above, but when he gets finished, he has some soldiers "volunteer" to come up and proceed to have their way with her in sight of the city as well. Being gangraped by groups of common thugs and soldiers in sight of your entire army would be horribly humiliating, on all sides. Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted March 28, 2007 Author Report Posted March 28, 2007 CaptainShounen said: Well, since we're dealing with ancient China....I'd imagine one of the more degarding things to happen in this situation - the capture of a high-ranking and respected leader - would be degradation at the hands of common soldiers. Let's say, the enemy commander spends some time personally humiliating her in front of her entire city, as has been suggested up above, but when he gets finished, he has some soldiers "volunteer" to come up and proceed to have their way with her in sight of the city as well. Being gangraped by groups of common thugs and soldiers in sight of your entire army would be horribly humiliating, on all sides. Thanks for the idea, CaptainShounen. I think that scene would definitely be in. Before that, we have this situation at the moment: The lady and her maidservant had just been captured by enemy troops. They are now taken to the enemy camp. Since we have two potential victims, any ideas on how to play them? References for their relationship to each other can be found in chapter 2. I would like to know how people might develop that. Quote
Guest Madapple Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 I don't think anyone has mentioned this, but rape in the temple of the local Deity, especially in front of the priests was the gravest of insults to all from earth to heaven as it were. Especially if she were the priestess of the local god, Apollo or whoever, how ancient are we talking? Greece - Early, Archaic, Hellenic, Hellenistic? Rome - Founding, Republic or Empire? Egypt-which Dynasty? Depending on location, there is always scorpions, those were used effectively in torture. Poisons and other pharmacological agents could have been used to great effect as well, especially hallucenigens. Flesh stripping is documented as happening with the Assyrians, so that's a possibility after 720 BCE or so. Cutting people into little pieces was a grave insult. If a person wasn't buried with "all their parts" they could not descend into the Underworld and be reborn. Their "souls" were destined to wander the planet as "shades." (This is the origin of vampire stories. These shadow figures wandered around hunting for blood from sacrifices, which gave them a scant moment of humanity again.) This is also a fundamental insult, which grows depending on where the person is in the pecking order. Quote
Guest CaptainShounen Posted April 20, 2007 Report Posted April 20, 2007 (edited) So, while kicking around similar naughty thoughts in my head, I remembered another idea, a relatively simple one that would be easy for your dastardly Chinese generals to implement while breaking their victims: a device called "the horse." Basically, its a wooden log cut into a wedge shape lengthwise, with the pointed edge pointing up, and raised off the floor about three to five feet; See the things on the left of this image? Same basic shape. The pointed end is blunted enough so that it can't cut, but will apply very uncomfortable pressure if someone were to sit on it. The victim's hands (and maybe feet as well) are bound, and she is placed on the horse, with the pointed jabbing up into her clit. At this point, all of her weight is centered on her clit, which is resting on a very uncomfortable pointed edge. This is apparently painful, uncomfortable, and arousing all at once (in different levels for different things, depending on how pointy the pointy is ) While the victim is riding the horse like this, any motion she makes furthers the sensations and pain she gets from the edge digging into her body. So, she's pretty much helpless, and can't get off even if she was left alone, as the horse is raised high enough that her feet are off the ground and her weight is centered on the horse. Now, while she's on the horse, the captors proceed to do their usual thing to her, and any movements or struggles she makes while on the horse will be both painful and stimulating at the same time. Hope that's useful. ....hey, as long we're covering humiliation of captives in this topic, maybe I can get some ideas too? I'm working on something loosely similar to what you've got going, though more focused on humiliation and domination instead of torture. Basically, in the story I'm working on, a group of female soldiers have been captured by the invading villains, and are being marched back to the bad guys' homeland as prisoners. The main villain is quite intent on breaking his captives' morale as he drags them back. Anyone got any ideas on what he can do to break his prisoners? He's already going to do obvious tactics like making the victims march naked and in chains and so on, but do you guys and gals have any ideas as to what else he can do? Edited April 20, 2007 by CaptainShounen Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted April 21, 2007 Author Report Posted April 21, 2007 CaptainShounen said: ....hey, as long we're covering humiliation of captives in this topic, maybe I can get some ideas too? I'm working on something loosely similar to what you've got going, though more focused on humiliation and domination instead of torture.Basically, in the story I'm working on, a group of female soldiers have been captured by the invading villains, and are being marched back to the bad guys' homeland as prisoners. The main villain is quite intent on breaking his captives' morale as he drags them back. Anyone got any ideas on what he can do to break his prisoners? He's already going to do obvious tactics like making the victims march naked and in chains and so on, but do you guys and gals have any ideas as to what else he can do? CaptainShounen, Okay, so my suggestions to humiliate a captured group of female soldiers would be... - First you should decide what might be considered humiliating for them. - If they're proud enough of their fighter status, why not deprive them of that pride? Instead of a group of (captured) fighters, have the captors turn their image into something less flattering. The women could be made to look like slaves (branded, lashed, collared, shaved bald?) or prostitutes (exchange armour, helmets, weapons with immodest outfits and slutty makeup?). It depends on the women's circumstances--say, if they're already slaves (after taking up arms in a Spartacus-style uprising?) then turning them into slaves again won't have much effect, but it might degrade them if they're nobility. - I'm thinking that the bondage can be used to inflict humiliation too, if you're creative with it. Bondage may be used to force them into obscene positions, even while walking. I'm also thinking of tieing them up together in groups... in some kind of bizarre arrangements maybe, like tieing two together at their hips with some sex toy stuck between them, one end in someone's pussy, the other end stuck in the other's asshole? Or in threes, three people in a line where the middle one is forced to crawl because her face is strapped onto the bum of the one walking in front while her hips are strapped with the one walking in the back. Or another kind of obscene acrobatics. Spectators would consider it a really freaky scene. Damn... what was it that I read that made me come up with these? - If the female soldiers were to be marched through friendly territory, they could be forced to do bad and nasty things to their own people (depending on how defeated they are). Although it might be hard to imagine a group of amazons doing the usual rape and pillage stuff (but I have read such a scene in a gory fic in asstr...). Maybe they could be forced to do sacrilegious things to whatever they and their people considered holy/sacred/honoured. This destroys the female soldiers morale and also damages the support for them from their allies/people. works best when the opposing sides have different cultures or religions... it doesn't work on my current story because the opposing sides come from the same group of people. - If you feel like it, and the storyline have enough time to allow, have them impregnated by their captors and wait until their bellies have bulged before parading them anywhere. To be knocked up by the enemy might be humiliating for them. This only works if the women had been captured for some time (or, if you incorporate magic and fantasy stuff, well... anything goes). There you go. Hope these will be useful. Quote
Guest CaptainShounen Posted April 21, 2007 Report Posted April 21, 2007 I definitely like that idea of making the women look like slaves and whores; the prisoners are part of a very proud martial tradition (think Spartans, but strong women warriors as well as men) and their captors are one of their sworn enemies. Being captured by them alone is humiliation enough, but the bad guys doing things to make them look worse....hrm. I'm thinking of adapting the captives' society to make this idea work better now.... I also like the idea of using bondage to further degrade them; they're already going to be bound up, and I have a couple of ideas to help degrade them regarding chains, though...erm, not quite as extreme as you're suggesting with the face-to-ass thing I also like the idea of using important objects and icons as tools to humiliate the victims.... Unfortunately, the pregnancy idea won't work, as the bad guys are just rushing to get their prisoners back home and not sticking around. But it is a nice idea, especially if I want to do a sequel.... A little bit more background on what I'm doing: Its a fantasy setting, and the bad guys are your standard issue cliche'd evil elves, whose main pasttime is raiding and conquering other nations and using their populace as slaves. The heroines are part of one of the countries that's been at war with them for a while, so they know what will happen if they get captured, and they...well, get nabbed in a battle. The Evil Elf Bad Guy is trying to get them back to his territory before reinforcements from the heroines' country can arrive, but while he's moving them he's trying to break their will to resist, both to make things easier for him and because he's a very evil guy. One of the things he's doing, for example, is grabbing the prisoners' unit's favorite soldier - the one they all like and are friends with - and abuse her openly while they're marching in order to mess with their heads. Aside from that, there's the usual stuff going on that you'd expect: the women are getting mocked and insulted by their captors - who already look down on them for being human and not elves - and EEBG isn't going to be above the strategic use of fondling, object penetration, and outright rape to get his point across (which is where the majority of the story's sex is going to be coming from) Thanks for the ideas, Ninja! I want to see what you do in the next chapter of your fic, myself Quote
Squallfan Posted April 21, 2007 Report Posted April 21, 2007 I wrote a rape fic with Scarlet having her way with Cloud. First time I had written one, and it will probably be the last. I think it has humiliation, and he is tortured some, but it's not as extreme as some fics I've read. I think it has plenty of emotion, but not sure if it's enough emotion for you Pink Lace. If anyone hasn't read it, and you want to give it a try, here's the link. Scarlet's Toy Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted April 22, 2007 Author Report Posted April 22, 2007 Quote I definitely like that idea of making the women look like slaves and whores; the prisoners are part of a very proud martial tradition (think Spartans, but strong women warriors as well as men) and their captors are one of their sworn enemies. Being captured by them alone is humiliation enough, but the bad guys doing things to make them look worse....hrm. I'm thinking of adapting the captives' society to make this idea work better now.... I stole that idea from the works of one of my favourite authors, Night Creeper (stories at GA). That guy is the master of the 'fallen heroines' genre. Chun-Li, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, etc. ...they all got broken and turned into sluts in his stories. They're some kind of Amazons I presume? The point is, you could use their culture as a plot device to define what they consider humiliating. Quote I also like the idea of using bondage to further degrade them; they're already going to be bound up, and I have a couple of ideas to help degrade them regarding chains, though...erm, not quite as extreme as you're suggesting with the face-to-ass thing I also like the idea of using important objects and icons as tools to humiliate the victims.... Another idea for bondage (if you're not gonna use the face-to-ass thing I should use that sometime...) is to use it to force them into sexy positions. Maybe something that prevented them from using military strut and made them walk sexy. Or give them a position where their assets would jut out if they stood. Quote Unfortunately, the pregnancy idea won't work, as the bad guys are just rushing to get their prisoners back home and not sticking around. But it is a nice idea, especially if I want to do a sequel.... As I said, this one depends on the story circumstances. And also your own inclinations. Quote A little bit more background on what I'm doing: Its a fantasy setting, and the bad guys are your standard issue cliche'd evil elves, whose main pasttime is raiding and conquering other nations and using their populace as slaves. The heroines are part of one of the countries that's been at war with them for a while, so they know what will happen if they get captured, and they...well, get nabbed in a battle. The Evil Elf Bad Guy is trying to get them back to his territory before reinforcements from the heroines' country can arrive, but while he's moving them he's trying to break their will to resist, both to make things easier for him and because he's a very evil guy. One of the things he's doing, for example, is grabbing the prisoners' unit's favorite soldier - the one they all like and are friends with - and abuse her openly while they're marching in order to mess with their heads.Aside from that, there's the usual stuff going on that you'd expect: the women are getting mocked and insulted by their captors - who already look down on them for being human and not elves - and EEBG isn't going to be above the strategic use of fondling, object penetration, and outright rape to get his point across (which is where the majority of the story's sex is going to be coming from) Thanks for the ideas, Ninja! I want to see what you do in the next chapter of your fic, myself Hope that helps. As for part 4 of Legend of Zhen Ji... I've written some more, but somehow I got sidetracked into writing a scene to provide a reason why Lady Zhen should not be treated nicely by her captors. After all, she got captured by her own brother-in-law's army. I'm curious about your own story! Hope you will put it up soon. Anyway, I see that this thread has gotten more inclusive! Perhaps this can be a general resource for torture/humiliation scenes? Quote
EveKnight75 Posted April 22, 2007 Report Posted April 22, 2007 I've changed the thread title and description. If you want something longer and more specific, here it is: This thread has been expanded to now include ideas for all fics. If you need help writing a torture/humiliation scene, you can come here for advice. Please keep in mind that this thread will deal with graphic content, perhaps at the NC-17 level, and is disturbing by its very nature. Please don't read this if you are easily disturbed by this type of content, and please do not post any flames. If you choose to report this thread for any reason, please make sure that there truly is a rule violation. If you are filing a complaint merely because of the disturbing material in the thread, your report may be disregarded. Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted April 23, 2007 Author Report Posted April 23, 2007 CaptainShounen said: I also like the idea of using bondage to further degrade them; they're already going to be bound up, and I have a couple of ideas to help degrade them regarding chains, though...erm, not quite as extreme as you're suggesting with the face-to-ass thing I also like the idea of using important objects and icons as tools to humiliate the victims.... Thanks for the modifications, EveKnight. Anyway, CaptainShounen, I've got some pic ideas for you: Quote
Guest CaptainShounen Posted April 23, 2007 Report Posted April 23, 2007 NinjaGaijin said: Thanks for the modifications, EveKnight.Anyway, CaptainShounen, I've got some pic ideas for you: You know what the absolutely hilarious part is? That first image is exactly the picture that inspired me to do this fic I'm working on. XD Literally, that and the picture that is supposed to accompany is (showing those same women before they got horribly owned) are the entire inspiration for this thing. I'm trying to write out a good description of the bondage arrangement there without it being wordy and awkward. Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted April 24, 2007 Author Report Posted April 24, 2007 CaptainShounen said: You know what the absolutely hilarious part is?That first image is exactly the picture that inspired me to do this fic I'm working on. XD Literally, that and the picture that is supposed to accompany is (showing those same women before they got horribly owned) are the entire inspiration for this thing. I'm trying to write out a good description of the bondage arrangement there without it being wordy and awkward. lol... great minds think alike. A good source of bondage descriptions and vocabulary is Quote
Sin Acies Posted May 24, 2007 Report Posted May 24, 2007 Skipping over the fact that public humiliation and rape would certainly make the top of the list, she's a fighter, right? She'd probably be somewhat prepared to deal with those things. But no woman wants her face disfigured. Cuts, burns, whatever. Just so the evil captor can taunt her about the fact that her husband will never want her again. Quote
Demosthenes Posted June 10, 2007 Report Posted June 10, 2007 (edited) Ninja, I didn't bother to read past the second post here, but let me share my thoughts on that. The second post in this topic suggests that the brutal beating and rape of the commander's wife would demoralize the city's defenders. This is of course the first thing that comes to mind when that type of situation comes up. However, I don't think that's the truth of it. Wouldn't it be more creative if you took that in another direction, say by letting the antagonist army and reader believe that demoralization will result, when in actuallity, the butal rape and beating of their commander's beloved wife would enrage the defenders, and they are therefore able to strike a furious blow that criples a portion of the invading army? The commander's wife would know that her city would react to her being mistreated that way, so being a warrior herself she would use that to her own advantage. "Do your worste." "Is that all you can muster?" She could spur them on, knowing that they were only sealing their own fates. Edited June 10, 2007 by Demosthenes Quote
NinjaGaijin Posted July 25, 2007 Author Report Posted July 25, 2007 Bump. I finally get to the first torture scene, which is admittedly not that much, in part 4 of Legend of Zhen Ji: Quote
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