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A Harry/Draco Fic I've Been Looking for FOREVER

Guest Gnat

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OK, I've been trying to find this story for a long, long time. I don't know if it's still around anymore, but if it is, it alludes me. I don't remember the name or the author but I do remember some facts about it, which are...

- Harry/Draco pairing, with Harry as the seme/dominant/top and Draco as the uke/submissive/bottom.

- Dark!Harry. Harry was very Slytherin-ish in this story, if I remember correctly. I think he was going against Dumbledore but wasn't siding with Voldemort, either (I'm not sure).

- Friendly Malfoys. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the Malfoys came to pick Harry up in the first or second chapter and were very chummy with him, treating him like their future son-in-law. Harry leaves the Dursleys and goes to live with the Malfoys.

- Rather feminine Draco. OK, not sure on this, but I do remember Draco being in love with Harry but in complete denial about it.

- Lots of chapters, like more than 15.

- Harry plans to marry/mate/whatever Draco and makes this very clear. Lucius & Narcissa are okay with this, though Draco's in denial (?)

- Mentions of MPreg. Like, Harry tells Draco that he (Draco) will bear his (Harry's) child.

- Powerful & elegant Harry (?)

- NOTE: I don't remember Harry being mean, per se, but his personality was much more "Slytherin." He genuinely cared for Draco, if I remember correctly.

- The last scene I remember reading before my computer crashed & I lost everything was one where the Malfoys and Harry's are at a robe's shop getting Harry some new robes.

That's all I really remember. Help finding this story would really be appreciated - I want to finish it!

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