JayDee Posted October 28, 2010 Report Posted October 28, 2010 ...and so it came to pass I have two reviews for Tricia Treat, my latest gratuitously pornographic effort for the AFF Prompt wossname. Hypno009 - That's very kind of you; I was a little concerned the quality had maybe dipped with it being the third in as many weeks, but I am perfectly cheered with a 'very good' appraisal I am always happy to hear suggestions for stories - about half of everything I have ever written has been requests - so feel free to share your ideas, but I should warn I am very busy and not having a lot of writing time at the moment so I can't promise anything. As for being back, I never really went away...? Apollo - Thank you also for your review! I was hoping for hot, so that's good! I would have to confess to a little artistic license with the candy cock though. Every single one I've tasted has been pretty unpleasant and low quality... the fantasy usually falls short of the cheaply churned out reality where candy genitalia is concerned. A shame, really. Quote
ApolloImperium Posted October 28, 2010 Report Posted October 28, 2010 On 10/28/2010 at 7:21 PM, JayDee said: Every single one I've tasted has been pretty unpleasant and low quality... the fantasy usually falls short of the cheaply churned out reality where candy genitalia is concerned. A shame, really. Well then, that just means that you need to find a mold and pour your own Quote
JayDee Posted October 29, 2010 Author Report Posted October 29, 2010 I'm so lazy when it comes to food preparation, I'd probably just take a jar of chocolate spread to a glory hole instead, but an otherwise top notch plan! More reviews on Tricia Treat to reply too: Fairy Slayer I read your review about 11 hours ago, and have spent most of the time since imagining Ollie Williams' pillow talk. And cracking up. That's a genius concept for comedy, right there. Shoutin' sweet nothins in some gal's ear... They need to get on that at Fox, maybe with a 'Ollie Williams Karma Sutra' "LIFT THE LEG!" "SHE GON CUM!" Thank you for your review, it sounds like you're as familiar with Family Guy as I am and enjoyed the story! Aside from possibly problems of hard candy breaking off in an overenthusiastic 'throating, Softer chocolate-flavoured candy is also better for the teeth, because - in painful experiance - it's easier to chip a tooth on hardy candy pittwitch - Thank you! I am glad you also enjoyed this flashfic. Quote
JayDee Posted November 14, 2010 Author Report Posted November 14, 2010 Review on Bart the Ripper II, the story that the iron-stomached guy from toplessrobot couldn't quite face... pittwitch Thanks for your comment. I think horror film is fair, there was a load of torture-porn styled movies out for a few years there and it's sort of similar to that trend. I feel really bad for you having to skim or read the worst of the stories for the archive clean up - and I know there's a lot less pleasant than this one. Most people have a choice to avoid them. Sadly, my Simpsons story Mindy's revenge one is probably worse because of its politically incorrect portrayal of an intersexed individual. Quote
pittwitch Posted November 14, 2010 Report Posted November 14, 2010 No worries! Mostly I skim, so the horrors don't settle. I actually read when I saw your lovely name attached. I don't like the whole horror genre. I see enough in the RL not to want it in my fantasy worlds, lol. Doesn't mean I don't recognize decent writing even if the tale is a horror-fic. Quote
FairySlayer Posted November 14, 2010 Report Posted November 14, 2010 On 11/14/2010 at 10:25 AM, JayDee said: Review on Bart the Ripper II, the story that the iron-stomached guy from toplessrobot couldn't quite face... Even though I'm not into The Simpsons much anymore and it sounds pretty violent, I'm suddenly very intrigued. (Then again, one of my old Simpsons is so hardcore, now even to me, that I'm reluctant to post it.) Anyway, it's one more story added to my reading list. Quote
JayDee Posted November 14, 2010 Author Report Posted November 14, 2010 Don't bring it on yourself! It's even more violent than if Quentin Tarantino made the Care Bears movie. Quote
FairySlayer Posted November 14, 2010 Report Posted November 14, 2010 On 11/14/2010 at 3:52 PM, JayDee said: It's even more violent than if Quentin Tarantino made the Care Bears movie. You're only making it that much more tempting. The only down-side is that your story may make me want to publish mine. Quote
JayDee Posted November 14, 2010 Author Report Posted November 14, 2010 ...and after Pittwitch braved Bart the Ripper II, Fairy Slayer threw caution to the wind and tried the original steaming pile that is Bart the Ripper. Written as a request for an artist called Wolvie (he's in the reviews), for whom I also wrote some real person fics to his basic plots. Thank you for the review, Fairy Slayer! Maggie's not totally alone in the world - she has aunts, one of whom has a long term girlfriend so there's three family members to raise her. If she had been around, the story would have been very short as she's been pretty dangerous with a gun since she was a baby... I haven't seen recent Simpsons' series, where I hear there have been a lot of complaints of Lisa becoming a bit one dimensional soapbox, but I have nothing against her in the stuff I have seen. One of my favourite ever Simpsons' scenes was when she was affected by the water at Duffland and did the "I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN!" bit. Go cuddle that kitten Quote
FairySlayer Posted November 14, 2010 Report Posted November 14, 2010 I forgot about Patty and Selma, but oh noes! it'll be even worse torture for Maggie having to live with them! Well, you're right that it's not so bad. I know that one of them adopted a baby (who would probably be close to Maggie's age... maybe), but I didn't know one has a girlfriend. I haven't been keeping up. I also forgot how much more dangerous she can be, and maybe Bart will come to realize the truth about his younger sister when it's too late. Quote
JayDee Posted November 14, 2010 Author Report Posted November 14, 2010 "In 2029 Maggie Simpson will Kill Bart" Quote
JayDee Posted December 19, 2010 Author Report Posted December 19, 2010 Whoo, backlog of reviews to reply too. I've been replying to reviews on the forum since October because I decided it was the right and polite thing to do, but I do get forgetful - In my defence it has been a heck of a busy month out her in the obscenely cold world so far... So, Pegging on Evergreen Terrace, a Simpsons' story of the "delivers what the title promises" variety written for the Evergreen prompt. The alternative idea I had was having a guy fuck a tree. There would have been splinters and grievously mis-used pine cones, frankly, the internet is better off without it. Apollo: Thank you for your review. I am glad to have made you and other readers laugh with this one. I tried to fit in probably more humour than I normally manage in 1000 words as well as the smut. BronxWench: Thank you for your review. I can see it now, "DIDDLY!" "She sure did, Ned." I bet Ned's not the only early riser either! Fairy Slayer: Thank you for your review. You're right about the feelings - I think it would actually have been better with more about Bart's reaction to his spouting off on love. Milhouse - the young version gets references like that all the time, whereas the old version just seems to be bitter about not getting Lisa. Gentle and loving - well, sometime's a fiancee doesn't have the heart to mete out a proper punishment Shadow Knight: Thank you for your review. There's some great pegging stories out there, unfortunately my links seem to be dead or I'd show you a favourite or two. As I mentioned above, glad to have got some chuckles from folks on this one - was almost the main aim! You're right about Bart - hell, second time round he probably still won't twig. recaptcha's kind of like a daily horoscope, I think you can always read something into it if you want - I often do when entering the irritatingly useful anti-spam codes! pittwitch: Thank you for your review: Never the same? Well, he'll certainly walk a little gingerly for a while at least! Heh, I don't tend to think of myself as "sharing" my work, more sort of "inflicting" but that may just be me... Quondam: Thank you for your review - well, the great thing about smutty fanfic is that you can pretty much paste in any kink or sexual deviance as a kink of the character's, and the kink's fans* will love you for it. MSTers may want to flay you, but what the hey. *As opposed to fans of The Kinks, who will waver between disinterest and requests for you to turn up Lola on your earphones so they can hear it too. Quote
pittwitch Posted December 19, 2010 Report Posted December 19, 2010 L-O-L-A, Lola! Turn up the tunes! Quote
JayDee Posted December 24, 2010 Author Report Posted December 24, 2010 Not to mention So, yeah, the Yule prompt led me to do something I've never done before - A Holiday Special for my old thoroughly politically incorrect (I'm no more transphobic than I am racist but I put stuff in my stories because it works in the context) dickgirl snuff fest Mindy's Revenge, a story for which I came to wish I'd googled the title after I had the idea, as there's apparantly a christian rock CD of the same name. I'd rather be associated with good wholesome gore than that stuff. I had a little trouble coming up with something for Yule, and went with the violent route because It's been 10 stories since anybody died and, hell, last week's was so lovey dovey I figure I got a little leeway for the unpleasantness. Somewhere out there are folks who kinda liked the original Mindy's Revenge stories who might get a nostalgia kick I did not expect any reviews from the folks on the forum, being with it clearly in a very niche setting - as I mentioned once before there're tags I'd avoid if I saw 'em, and certainly expect others to feel the same about non mainstream stuff like this. It may just be me, but it seemed kind of like there's more duplication of tags now than there needs to be - like a few could have slightly expanded meanings and so give a simpler field for people to check? (I couldn't get why minor character, major character and death are all seperate tags, same with NonCon and rapefic and stuff... but this is waaaaay off topic, so moving swiftly on:) pittwitch: Thank you for your review, glad you managed to stomach it - at least it was brief and hopefully I'll manage something more mainstream next prompt Fairy Slayer: Thank you for your review. Yep, the previous parts were probably as you'd expect although maybe considerably bloodier (as one other reviewer commented in 2007 "Never thought I'd run into a second fic with brain fucking >_>"). Yeah, Homer's lonesome yuletide figure is kind of a sad one. Think of him shrugging it off and heading to Moe's if it helps Quote
JayDee Posted December 25, 2010 Author Report Posted December 25, 2010 Another review on Mindy's Revenge: The Holiday Special: BronxWench: Thank you for your review! Yes indeed, Homer's aware Mindy was attracted to him at work, as he was to her, but it's set up like in the episode with Homer rejecting her and basically thinking no more about her after she lost her job. Mindy, on the other hand, got - in the words of the old game 7th Guest "crazy, sick and mean". I tend to find Yule Log cakes to be too rich and sickly to enjoy, but it may be I have only had the cheaper supermarket sort; one of the French originals would probably be tastier. Quote
JayDee Posted December 26, 2010 Author Report Posted December 26, 2010 ...and another review for the Holiday Special, I am honestly surprised to get have got any from the prompt folks, never mind four, what with the unpleasant content. Shadow Knight: Thank you for your review. I'd love to take credit for puns but I can only think of one in ther so I guess I must modestly proclaim no pun intended... Of course it's cheesy, cheesy style horror is the most entertaining, s'why I'd rather watch Return of the Living Dead or something than say Hostel. Quote
JayDee Posted February 21, 2011 Author Report Posted February 21, 2011 (edited) Quote you sure like killing them yellow folk. i liked it tho. u come up with interesting plots prettydevilangellover - Thank you for your review of Comic Book Guy's Snuff Movie - The way I see it is they like killing each other, I just give them the environment to do it in Glad you liked it. Edited February 25, 2011 by JayDee Quote
JayDee Posted February 25, 2011 Author Report Posted February 25, 2011 Quote Phew, finally, every time I tried to review, something (me) screwed up and the review didn't go through. While I'm not a snuff film fan, I am a fan of yours, and I love the way you write every detail, describing the purple color over the ropes, how Ruth had to struggle to keep her hold on his neck (and I imagine her balance) and the eventually snuffing. Excellent attention to, pardon the pun, fleshing out the details to make this interesting even to the less than hardcore horror crowd. Well done, as always. I'm awed. Thanks for sharing, PW pittwitch Thanks for this review of Comic Book Guy's Snuff Movie - I sometimes have trouble with the recaptcha on reviews. I failed the Turing test too. I may be substandard spambot... Yeah, I figure Ruth would have been at an odd angle balance wise to jerk and hold but she enjoyed herself so it's all good in the long run! I can honestly say I've never seen a snuff film either, but that movie 8mm was fucking awesome! (...though I like a lot of Nicolas Cage movies so I probably can't talk.) I'm happily surprised you made it to the end. Now If I can just get this weeks prompt story down and finished by tomorrow night I can read this week's entries! Thanks again Quote
JayDee Posted July 15, 2011 Author Report Posted July 15, 2011 At some point I'm gonna have to do a Cartoon based prompt story that doesn't involve the Simpsons. On the plus side, they're widely culturally known and have done quite a few "future" episodes showing older versions of the cast. Marge's Debt came about because it was kinda a bet related prompt and she had a canon gambling addiction. Eh. Quote And Your Little Dog Too I could *so* see that ending coming! Bart is such the little motherfucker. This was a fun one shot. Thanks! Yes, I fear my alleged twists are usually pretty obvious, especially with an inc story code Seemed fun to write, too! Quote
vzon20011 Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 Hi Jaydee, your one of the reasons I've come to the AFF. Looking forward to more of your tales. ( Now where is my twenty dollars you promised me to say that?) Quote
JayDee Posted August 5, 2011 Author Report Posted August 5, 2011 I, uh, I spent it on a My Little Pony I'm actually the worst writer on here. At least since that guy who only wrote stories from the perspective of the characters' underwear quit ("Once again I'm tossed into the corner, a breath of fresh air away from the hairy sack...") so check out some of the other writers if you haven't already Quote
JayDee Posted August 5, 2012 Author Report Posted August 5, 2012 (edited) What the fuck is my last post about? I genuinely don't want to click back and see if it made any kind of sense in context! Review for Bart the Ripper II: Mothersnuffer Quote Cerulean Dove You know who I think Bart should go after next (unless he's already gotten to her)? Nikki McKenna from "Stealing First Base". She screwed with Bart's affections worse than Jessica Lovejoy ever did! Also, will there be like, a flashback scene of Maggie coming home to find her family brutally slaughtered? That would add more depth to the story and maybe even some psychological/mindfuck elements too I really hope you add another sequel to this especially considering its been over 4 YEARS since this story came out lol XD Cheers and happy writing! CD I don't think I ever saw that episode. I'm not one of those people who hates the simpsons these days, just never seem to get around to watching the show like I did back in the ninties. While it's always nice to hear feedback on things I've written, I really don't think I will be writing a sequel to this story. I did a much later Bart/Marge short story that I was much happier with - bondage, but no violence. Frankly this is one of the stories I sometimes feel like I shouldn't have written. Someone else did a story in the same story continuity once after asking, though I can't recall the title. Ahh well. Life goes on. Thanks for your review! Edited August 5, 2012 by JayDee Quote
Guest Cerulean Dove Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 Cerulean Dove I know this is an INCREDIBLY delayed reaction/reply/whatever to the above post, but: You're not even going to give the Bart the Ripper series a proper sendoff? That sucks. It doesn't even have to be as horrifyingly violent as its predecessors, but an ending in itself would be nice- Especially since you left Bart the Ripper II on the cliffhanger of: "Officer Laura Powers unearthed numerous leads with the aid of more competent officers than her usual colleagues, and the only thing that stopped her locating Bart single handed was that he found her first…" but as you said; life goes on Still, it would've been nice to see Maggie pop a cap in Bart's crazy freak ass... CD Quote
JayDee Posted May 29, 2013 Author Report Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) No worries. I didn't use the forum when I posted a lot of my older stories so there's no link to review replies being here, after all Happy to read a reply to a reply! Maggie's the deadliest shot in Springfield. The story would end before it began! It'd be like the twitfic of Bart the Ripper stories I dunno, I just don't see me writing more. Not only am I not writing much these days with times, I have the guilt of, by writing the story, indirectly encoraging this guy Kirby2000 [dead link] a poor soul lacking a sense of humor, to attempt to make jokes about it. Twice [dead link] . He was no toplessrobot, that's for sure. But if you really want to know how it ends, Laura "was saved by, oh, let's say Moe" to quote The Simpsons Edited March 5, 2020 by JayDee removed dead links. Quote
Guest Cerulean Dove Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 Cerulean Dove Aha, thanks! But I have to know: When you say that Laura was saved by Moe, do you mean "saved" as in "safe & sound, no-harm-done", or "saved" as in, what was left of her? (meaning alive, but completely FUBAR O_O) Yeah... I guess that the main reason I wanted to see a sequel/ending made to this was really just to see how Maggie would react (with the angst, and the PTSD, and not to mention the heaps and heaps of psyche-shattering Survivor's Guilt). I know. I am a (in Ren Hoek voice) sick, sick little monkey XD CD Quote
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